Jul 21, 2017
Really useful insights had been provided by this course. No price can be put on this valuable resource. It's beyond anything valuable. Thank you very much for making this course. God Bless Everyone :)
May 15, 2020
learned a lot of new skills and tricks and hacks...very much valuable and worth it ..learned the new ways of learning...which i think a priceless knowledge...thanks a lot Barbara mam and Terry sir..
By Anne L
•Oct 13, 2019
It is so refreshing to get all these explanations, given with so much dedication and kindness.These are things we should learn from the start, at school, instead of being given wrong clues about how to enjoy learning. Actually, this courses proves it is possible (and shows how to make it). Thank you.
By David M
•Jul 8, 2019
I found this course incredible. It was organized in a way that practiced what it taught - a mixture of logical lessons, stories, and examples. I'm beginning medical school soon and am so grateful to the creators of this course for giving me a foundation of tools before I begin the journey. Thank you!
By Logan K
•Feb 16, 2019
This class has been fantastic in teaching me the different ways the brain works to learn/absorb and remember new areas of interest. It was my first class I signed up for on Coursera and I'm so glad I took it. I've gotten so much from it, thank you guys!! It has been wonderful learning about learning.
By sai p
•Aug 18, 2018
This is a very good course. It shows valuable insights on how our brain works and how to utilize to its full potential. This course also provides lot of valuable techniques which can be applied irrespective of domain. I think every student must go through this course and apply the methods prescribed.
By Debrah T
•Jan 31, 2018
I enjoyed the course very much. The lecture videos and reading materials were very easy to understand. This course will change your entire perspective on learning and make it a rather enjoyable process.I recommend it to everyone out there keen on effective learning, regardless of the field of study
By Eric K L
•Dec 27, 2015
Awesome! I took this course together with my 3 children, Ethan Lee (13), Claryn Lee (10) and Jolynn Lee (8) and we believed it was and will prove to be beneficial for all! Thanks so much Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski and the Learning How To Learn Team!! God Bless, from Eric Lee, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
By Johan S
•Aug 24, 2015
I really liked the course. It was accessible, and the pedagogy was great. Whether or not I will use the techniques I don't know, but I definitely feel I have gotten a theoretical insight into the neurological processes surrounding learning and the practical ways to enhance these processes. Thank you!
By Tara C
•Sep 4, 2022
This class was a delight to learn cos Dr. Oakley was very methodical and joyful in teaching. Highly recommended! :) I now have a better appreciation for learning and looking forward to apply all in my daily life. Thank you Coursera and Dr Barbara Oakley for this wonderful course! Much appreciated :D
By Jovin J
•Aug 29, 2022
Dammn. This should be something taught to every single human let alone student on this planet. Learning is something all of us do, every day whether we like it or not and having these amazing insights into the mechanisms and tools required to modify and upgrade our learning process is A SUPERPOWER!
By Harshit K
•Apr 12, 2021
Yeah, It was good, some of the concepts explained in this course were very common but we often forget the common things so this course helped me to remember and apply the things that were common in my life. The Instructor had a beautiful smile that was very refreshing. Overall an outstanding course.
By ayaan
•Jul 6, 2020
This course really helped me learn better. From diffused modes to how to avoid procrastination, they also love to bring humor into what they are talking about. For example, they talk about zombie modes and your octopus modes. So for whoever wants to learn learning better, this is the course for you.
•Jun 22, 2020
I find the course to be beneficial and can be applied immediately to my learning. I particularly like the memory techniques and the ways to overcome procrastination. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to understand more about the learning process and the neurological background to it.
By Ulugbek D
•Dec 27, 2019
It's a great course to learn how to learn, literally. Certain techniques I used to use were also mentioned during the course. Most importantly, I learned a lot more and new ways on improving my learning skill. I would like to revisit course materials when I "hit" the wall during my learning process.
By Екатерина А М
•Aug 24, 2019
Благодарю за реально практичный курс! Рекомендую всем независимо от возрасты. Простые и эффективные технологии помогут вам и в жизни, и в карьере! Организаторы - супер профессионалы! И была приятна удивлена, что Барбара О. (автор курса) еще и прекрасно владеет русским языком, что большая редкость!
By Ilham
•Jun 2, 2019
Life lessons that should be taught in schools. The basic skills that everyone needs. I (med student) am grateful to all the people who made this possible. Thank you. Special thanks to Dr. Barbara Oakley, Dr. Terrence Sejnowski and people behind the scene who made this course possible and accessible.
By Mitchell B
•Jun 6, 2018
Great course with powerful information. This was assigned for my summer math class and was not given a good time window to complete, so I had to cram it in(funny because that is very contradictory to the material. I will keep refreshing myself on the notes I took and attempt to teach others with it.
By Yu D H
•Apr 29, 2018
Magnificent. It helped me really understand why certain techniques had worked for me over the years, and which techniques I should learn and hone to improve my learning. I found Dr. Oakley's story especially motivational, and have been inspired to try and learn more than I thought myself capable of.
By David C
•Dec 28, 2017
El curso brinda las bases para el entendimiento del proceso de aprendizaje y adquisición de información, también técnicas excelentes para facilitar el aprendizaje de nuevos conocimientos y vencer hábitos perjudiciales para el rendimiento académico como la procrastinación o "dejar todo para después".
By Aivaras Š
•Jan 14, 2017
Thank you really much for this awesome course! I only wish that I had seen it earlier, 6 years ago, when I began my university studies. This year I am finishing my Masters degree in Computer science. I strongly believe that this gained knowledge will help me for my whole remaining lifetime learning.
By Luis F X A d O
•Nov 14, 2016
Parabéns aos envolvidos pelo curso. As aulas são didáticas, com tempos razoáveis e os materiais complementares são excelentes. As técnicas apresentadas serão bastante úteis durante meu processo de aprendizagem e certamente vou rever os vídeos e fazer testes para manter esse conhecimento sedimentado.
By Mohamed S B C
•Jun 29, 2016
I started this course not knowing what I'll be getting, not knowing if it will succeed in improving the way I learn and my life overall. Now, that uncertainty cleared out and I know for sure that this course did it for me. Now I'm learning new things everyday and actually getting values out of them.
By Anand K
•Jan 25, 2016
First off, the course brought to me many new ideas about learning. Secondly, the exercises reinforced many of those ideas. As a result, I now have a much better shot at being an effective learner. Having said that, our results will only be good if we "deliberately" apply what this course teaches us!
By Jamilia W
•Oct 19, 2022
I found the course helped relieve some anxiety about ging back to school this fall. I learned a lot about myself and will continue to apply the knowledge I gained about how my brain works, how I learn and how to best improve the way I learn and think. I enjoyed the course my than I thought I would.
By Raphael S V
•Feb 9, 2022
I hope to keep on getting back to this course over and over just to remind myself how learning works, and how I'm able to make my own learning manual associated on my abilities. Thank you for lending us this material, it now opens more opportunities for me on how to approach things about learning.
By Emmanuel Y
•Jan 24, 2022
I used to study much for school but was not getting the exact output of what I put in. Learning this course has helped me to understand and know the mistakes . I believe going forward my results would not be the same because I have started putting into practice all that I have learnt in this course