Aug 14, 2023
Course was very knowledgeable and worth taking. I feel like the training wouldn't be complete if I didn't know about security and how important it is not just for me but for everyone using technology!
Apr 26, 2018
Great course that is full of useful information and presented in an easy to understand way. It's an awesome beginner course that will add to your knowledge and further your knowledge of IT security.
•May 26, 2023
Thank you!with these skills acquired I will be great IT person
By Venkata p
•Feb 14, 2022
Excelent course for people who wants to learn on IT Security.
By Alan D
•Apr 29, 2021
Good introduction to a complex and sophisticated subject area.
By Kelley W
•Nov 25, 2020
This was in depth and I have learned much more than I expected
By Roshan H
•Nov 25, 2020
Awesome !!!! A great great class that will be reviewed heavily
By Juan D
•Jun 2, 2020
The best course to learn everything I wanted to learn about IT
By Phannawadee P
•May 30, 2020
This course is amazing !! and I've learned more and know more.
By Scott M B
•Jul 31, 2019
This was my favorite course of the I.T. support certification.
By Jason E
•Feb 27, 2018
This was an incredible course. The challenges were really fun.
By Christopher G
•Jul 13, 2023
Great course -- love how easily displayed the information was
By Jared H
•Feb 2, 2023
Heavy load of information. Buckle up. Very necessary though
By Rachel I
•Jan 14, 2022
Such a great and worthwhile experience, so happy and grateful
By Stephen B
•Jun 19, 2021
This course was ver detail oriented! I learned a lot from it!
•Nov 26, 2020
Very good and highly recommended course. My employer loves it
By Paul B
•Oct 12, 2020
Excellent grounding for people on the aspects of IT security.
By Nurlan A
•Sep 17, 2020
Great course and provide more tech fundamentals in IT defense
By Gurpreet S
•Jul 30, 2020
Excellent content, well executed. I learned so much, thank ou
By Ashfaq S
•Apr 13, 2020
Excellent and very important topic to wrap up the course....
By George J
•Jan 12, 2020
Awesome experience, thanks so much for putting this together!
By JKLim
•Jan 5, 2020
This course is really awesome to underscyber security overall
By Christopher B
•Sep 12, 2019
Great course! Provides some great insight into cybersecurity.
By Martin Z
•Sep 6, 2019
very useful and have a lot of new idea for the defense system
By Jose L J
•Apr 6, 2019
It's almost the best course of the certification. I love it!!
By Christopher B
•Feb 7, 2019
Hardest one yet! Take your time on the final project, though!
By Belew W
•Dec 4, 2018
A course that everyone in the digital world needs to know it.