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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to International Criminal Law by Case Western Reserve University

3,867 ratings

About the Course

-- About the Course -- From the Nuremberg trial to the case against Saddam Hussein, from the prosecution of Al-Qaeda terrorists to the trial of Somali pirates – no area of law is as important to world peace and security as international criminal law. Taught by one of the world’s leading experts in the field, this course will educate students about the fundamentals of international criminal law and policy. We will explore the contours of international crimes such as genocide, war crimes, terrorism, and piracy. We will examine unique modes of international criminal liability and specialized defenses. And we will delve into the challenges of obtaining custody of the accused and maintaining control of the courtroom. -- Course Syllabus -- This course comprises eight units (or "modules"). Each will include an assigned reading, typically an article or book chapter, as well as a simulation designed to bring the readings to life. I will also offer video lectures on each of the topics, accompanied by slides. In addition, there will be online role-play exercises and debates, enabling the students to share their own insights. The order of class sessions will be: (1) History: From Nuremberg to The Hague (2) International Crimes Part 1: War Crimes, Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, and Torture (3) International Crimes Part 2: Terrorism and Piracy (4) Special modes of liability: command responsibility, co-perpetration, and incitement (5) Special defenses: insanity, obedience to orders, duress, and head of state immunity (6) Gaining custody of the accused: extradition, luring, abduction, and targeted killing (7) Pre-Trial Issues: plea bargaining, self-representation, and exclusion of torture evidence (8) Maintaining control of the courtroom -- Recommended Background -- You don’t have to be a lawyer and there are no prerequisites for this course. However, the course will be conducted at the level expected of advanced undergraduate students. Therefore, for all participants, reading and writing comfortably in English at the undergraduate college level is desirable. -- Suggested Readings -- Students should read the assigned online materials for each unit in advance of the class session. In addition, students are invited to subscribe to “War Crimes Prosecution Watch,” a free bi-weekly e-newsletter that summarizes the latest developments in the field of international criminal law. -- Course Format -- This course is made up of eight content units. Each unit is based on an online reading assignment, a video lecture of about one hour in length, and one or more role play exercises to stimulate on-line discussion. The course also offers in-video enrichment quizzes (ungraded) for each unit, a ten question multiple choice midterm diagnostics exam (ungraded), and a ten question True/False Final Exam. -- FAQ-- How will this course be graded? This course is graded on completion. In order to complete the course each student must: (1) finish each module (or “lesson”); (2) write at least one essay response of 200 words or more for at least one simulation throughout the course; and (3) get a score of 6 out of 10 or better on the Final Exam. What resources will I need for this course? For this course, all you need is an Internet connection, and the time to read and discuss the exciting materials available online. What is the coolest thing about this course? The topics we will be discussing are ripped from the headlines. The topics are often controversial and thought-provoking, and always exciting....

Top reviews


Sep 22, 2020

learned so much from this course, absolutely loved it, and the way the professor taught the lessons showed his experience and his knowledge even for fist timers it would be a great course to opt for.


Oct 25, 2020

Extremely well-organized. Really glad to see how all previous examples and history records were referenced to every topic. Neatly explained topics. Every aspect was discussed and explained in detail.

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51 - 75 of 982 Reviews for Introduction to International Criminal Law

By Cyntia L

Mar 13, 2025

The course was exceptional. Prof Michael Scharf was outstanding! His knowledge is supreme; he has provided very clear explanations with various examples for better understanding. The evolution of the classes and modules were in accordance with the topics. I have a Political Science background and decided to take this course as an introduction to Intl Law. Thank you very much. I really enjoyed it!

By Guillermo P

Oct 28, 2017

This program/course was excellent and inspiring. It gave me the background and knowledge structure to pursue further studies and read Professor Sharf books. Beyond my expectations! I have no words to express my gratitude to him and all the people and organizations to provide the world community with this unique opportunity to become more educated. Thank you, thank you.

Dr. Guillermo Pimentel

By Victoria S

May 29, 2020

This is a complete course with everything you need to know about introduction to international criminal law. The teaches is the best teacher!!! Great classes and super interesting, he manages to gives the whole class in a way where you just want to keep taking the class and don't get bored at any time. The best course, I definitely recommend it, you'll learn a lot. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

By Jeanette K

Sep 24, 2020

This course was a real eye opener as it meticulously fleshes out arguments and trains participating students to take up defenses and analyze international criminal law blunders through its simulations and materials. The professor is undoubtedly well versed on the topic and makes sure to keep discussions interesting! Hoping to find other value-adding courses like these in the future

By Савчукова А Е

Jan 12, 2018

I`m absolutely in love with this course. It helped me to understand the main aspects of International Criminal Law which will surely be helpful in my future career as a lawyer. I suppose I found that brunch of law i`m interested in the most. The lector is very good and the whole system with video and reading materials accompanied by online-simulations and discussions is very helpful.

By Hafiz M A

Jun 6, 2018

It was a wonderful experience learning ICL in which I was very much interested. I have gained much of the useful knowledge based on some assignments and quiz related experiences. I am very grateful to the Instructer, Case Western Reserve Unviersity and Coursera organizing this marvelous event and I am looking froward for some more fruitful courses in the coming days. Thanks all

By Mudit S

Oct 4, 2020

Mr. Michael P. Scharf is the best professor ever. The way he taught us everything regarding international criminal law stays in the memory of a learner or a student forever. This was just the perfect course to learn about the international judiciary because it makes the most complex procedure so easy to learn.

I'll miss Michael Sir's lecture so much, now the course has ended.

By Mr. S H

Jul 26, 2020

Professor Michael Scharf is a fascinating and wise teacher who really knows about how to make the lecture interesting for students. The course is well-designed and thoroughly innovative. The questionnaires are based on historic events and hypothetical circumstances that really prepares students for encountering future crimes against humanity, genocide, and war crimes. Thanks

By Dr. N F (

Jan 31, 2018

Maybe the best course I had ever. Not only because to its material/topic, but mostly because of the way Professor Michael Scharf communicated with me as a student.

I feel very lucky to get this course and definitely I recommend it to all. Especially to lawyers, judges and D.A.'s around the world.

Thank you CWRU for this course.

Thank you Professor Scharf.

Until the next course..

By Foysal S R

Aug 6, 2020

Michael Scharf's teaching style is impeccable, as a Law student, I got to learn really a lot about international criminal law, which was previously a very confusing subject for me. I really think that after completing this course, it'll take a long way in my future career. This course is a must-do for Law students who are interested in criminology and international crimes.


Jul 13, 2020

This course is absolutely amazing. It helped me a lot in enhancing knowledge on Prespective Of International Criminal Law also provided a lot to understand the Scope of criminal at Different level as currently I m doing my masters in comparative And critical criminal law subjects.It helped immensely throughout the course study

Thank you Michael Scharf.! and coursera.🙏


Aug 19, 2020

I liked this course very much, especially after the completion of third week videos , every element and and every video feels like and movie sequence and I enjoyed a lot....Thank you for providing such a great online course........I recommend every one who is reading the review to enroll the course without any doubt........THANK YOU, ONCE AGAIN.........................

By Vidya S

Sep 24, 2020

This courses provided a wide perspective towards international crimes and the way international crimes are prosecuted. There's so many cases and topics that help you understand the history of issues normally invisible to the public. Perhaps visible but people maybe blinded. I learned a lot from this course. It felt like I was doing a degree course. Felt myself mature.

By Kaylee C

May 12, 2020

This course is genuinely interesting and well done. As a non law student, but as a person very interested in the subject, I found the material well explained and presented in a way I could easily follow. The professor is clearly passionate about this subject and that brings out a larger impact of this material. Thank you for sharing this great class!

By Sara H

Mar 27, 2021

A 100% recommended course not only for those who like international criminal law, but also for anyone who has an interest in international law or any crime at the international level. I would repeat it a thousand times and I can attest that it is one of the best and most complete courses on an instroduction to international law that I have taken.

By Vivian E - v D

Nov 1, 2020

Terrific course!! I learned so much about International Law and its proceedings, things which I (and everyone who lives on Earth) should be aware of. Professor Scharf does an excellent job at creating simple and easy to follow videos, with great examples to accompany them, and which truly enlighten you to how International Law works.

By Najah M M A D

Jun 16, 2020

I really really thank you with all my heart..

I've got a lot of advantageous and expanded my lawful international law knowledge with new information which me and other Arabs lawyers cannot find it in their Arabic references.

The paralegal and the legal student research in the Master degree in Syria... Najah Muhammad Maher Al-Dakkak!


Jun 15, 2020

I thank the representatives of the virtual course Introduction to International Criminal Law hoping that the course contributes to my expectations thanks to all the excellent exhibitors; I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this beautiful opportunity to participate in this virtual course. see you soon

By Meropi D

May 14, 2017

I think that the lectures were absolutely perfect and I liked the reading material. Very good idea to include the introduction to international criminal law notes, especially for those who are not familiar with the subject at all. I enjoyed the fact that at the final quiz, the questions were based on a hypothetical case-study.


Dec 3, 2018

I really enjoy this course teachers are greate this course improved my knowledge of international law rules where they apply and why lcc is important for safer world more than that it will teach you justices doesn't mean only court room it has it own spirits and it comes to live when you give it a body by lcc courts

By monica m

Jul 25, 2024

The International Criminal Law course taught by Professor Michael P. Scharf has equipped me with essential skills in legal analysis, research, problem-solving, writing, advocacy, collaboration, communication, understanding of international law, strategy, and resilience, preparing me for a career in international law.

By Anahita

Jul 29, 2024

The course is excellent. The professor made each and every session extremely engaging interesting, and informative. The online simulations were greatly satisfactory as well. It's a great course to take if you are new to international law as it explores the topic from the beginning to the end. Highly recommend.

By Dennis O

Nov 23, 2020

Michael Scharf's teaching methods are some of the very best I have seen. His inclusion of videos from relevant movies and speeches along with his pop culture references to explain some of the challenging concepts of international criminal law is to be applauded. I love this course and will come back to it.

By Jean-Marie V W

Aug 14, 2021

Very instructive and well structured course. Enthusiastic instructor. Comprehensive reading material and well chosen cases. Maybe Prof. Scharf speaks a little to fast for non-English natives but this is balanced by very good transcripts and the readings. I wish we had more courses of this kind and level.

By Afolasade B

Jun 1, 2020

This is a really interesting/intriguing course. An eye-opener to international law. It provides a step by step explanation on the process of International law and how to deal with international war criminals.

The Professor made the ride easy, I hope to meet him one day! I totally recommend this course.