May 29, 2020
Great course. I had a general interest in diplomacy and wanted a little taste of what it was, this course has provided me just that. It has amazing resources to help enhance our knowledge of diplomacy
May 2, 2020
Absolutely incredible course in diplomacy that gives you a perfect glimpse of understanding how diplomacy works in practice and what achievements you need to posses in order to become a good diplomat.
By Konstantinos K
•Oct 19, 2021
The course was mainly introductory in nature and the lectures did not cover any advanced theory or the politics of diplomacy in general. There was a lack of case studies with regard to the real world practice of diplomacy but the insightful readings from renowned scholars, like Hans Morgenthau, and diplomats like Robert Lensing reimbursed for that. Overall, tne course provided a simple and short introduction to the practice of diplomacy, accesible for all those interested, regardless of academic background or profession.
By Jemima D
•Feb 9, 2021
I found the course extremely informative and I enjoyed learning more about the meaning of Diplomacy. I was disappointed, however with the lack of women's input in the videos or academic articles. This lead to people writing 'he' when addressing a diplomat (implying that all diplomats are men) in the responses, which is offensive and blatantly untrue. The course would benefit by providing reading materials that refer to diplomats in a gender-inclusive manner, as well as being influenced and written by women.
By Francis M M
•Jul 6, 2020
I believe it is too easy to pass. There were some "peers" who I reviewed who have no right to pass this course as their answers show that they have no idea what they are talking about. I wish the course was crafted better in the sense that I really have to earn the certificate. I am an actual diplomat so to me this was a bit disappointing.
If interested, I can help craft a better course than this. I'm happy to get a Certificate but I don't think I really learned or earned anything.
By Paulina H
•May 29, 2020
The course is a good introduction and has spike in me further interest in the topics explored here. I will be taking its sister course on diplomacy and the UN. I would give it 4 stars but there was no attempt at gender balancing the speakers. I got tired of the opinions of white, British/Anglo-American males. Only 2 female speakers out of 12! Unacceptable. The readings were rather good, especially that by Harry Rudin.
By Leonardo R
•Feb 24, 2021
Very good material and lectures but its more like a first approach. Reflections on qualities diplomats must have...I seemed a bit flat. I feel it could have gone more in depth, and explored what are the more practical aspects like how many regions and languages they nowadays need to master and also new trends in Diplomacy, like diplomats no mot analysing and shaping policies but more like running programmes.
By Weill S
•Jun 7, 2017
Interesting reading materials and relevant interventions of professionals. I also appreciated the fact that we had to grade and be graded by other students in a "diplomatic" way. Nonetheless, the programme was a little too general to be really demanding and challenging I think, and I would have appreciated more actual reading materials and/or references from the presetn time in the videos.
By Gustavo Q T C
•Apr 4, 2021
There is a good discussion over this course about diplomacy, it's characteristics and outcomes, but as all activities are evaluated by peers, and are based on personal opinions or perspectives, this course doesn't add much to someone interested in this subject. It's a way to discuss diplomacy in the contemporary world, but not to learn something new about it.
By Luca N
•Nov 30, 2020
Interesting course, that offers the possibility to broaden the general knowledge of what is diplomacy. It offers a few topics of discussion and gives tips to think a bit more in depth about the topic. It do not see it as a career-changing course, as it does not really provide new skills, but it surely offers food for thoughts.
By Patricia R
•May 7, 2021
The first 4 weeks of the course were great and very interesting. Unfortunately I couldn’t access the materials for week 5. The article for the UN said ‘page not found’ and the reading said you needed log in details. I was also unable to read my peer feedback for my final assignment.
By Michael O
•Aug 13, 2020
The course is ok. The tasks are very easy and basic, the videos are informative enough. The first few readings seem pretty unrelated, but they get better and towards the end become more interesting and informative. You can complete the whole thing in a couple of days no problem.
By Mazigh B
•Jun 24, 2016
Interesting online course as introduction with brief concepts and definitions on diplomacy, its role, influence and interaction in the modern world. Recommend others to attend this online course to gain required intro knowledge on diplomacy.
By Karen N S
•Sep 16, 2020
Good course that provides the basics of what diplomacy is. I suppose I was expecting something more advanced which obviously would be an advanced degree course. Nervetheless, a good start to understanding diplomacy.
By Johan d W
•Aug 9, 2016
I would love to see this interesting lightweight introduction grow into a solid university level course with more reading, weekly added content, tests, academic discussions and a proactive moderator at the forum.
By Duke O
•Jul 15, 2017
Very limited points and questions are being explored. However it makes use of very knowledgable people, and allows for different points of perspectives in order to formulate your own idea of what diplomacy is.
By Mirna R
•Jun 12, 2020
It is a basic course for those who want a general idea on diplomacy, the information wasn't up to date, and there wasn't a lot of feedback in the debate area. It had low participation, at least in my cycle.
By Nathan D
•May 6, 2020
Quite an interesting course. Some of the readings I couldn't access, and videos lacked depth in terms of subject, Overall was enjoyable and recommend for those interesting in international affairs.
By Sabina S L
•May 15, 2020
Fruitful materials for reference, yet the structure of whole course relies on bite-size interviews of scholars, which might seem lack of systematic teaching throughout the whole subject.
By Yasmine O
•Feb 9, 2021
This MOOC touches only lightly on Diplomacy. While its title states that it'll be addressing "the modern world", many requested readings are actually from the 20th century.
By Nathalie Z
•Mar 3, 2021
The course was very instructive. I appreciated the readings and videos very much. The course could benefit from more videos further explaining the various readings.
By ibrahim A T
•Nov 19, 2016
It is alright but several people take advantage of the lax review criteria to submit one letter reviews. Better grading system would be good. Material is all fine.
By Eva B
•Dec 30, 2017
great introduction to the world of diplomacy, the videos are a bit repetitive unfortunately. But still worth my time as I started knowing nothing formal at all.
By Torawane N
•Jul 4, 2021
Its overall is good course you have to one of them diplomacy in action how they happened how they negotiate n solve the problem in videos
By Zhe L
•Mar 21, 2017
Yeah, this course is REALLY different from other MOOCs. I wonder if I can learn anything from a course that contains such little content.
By Shakthi V D S
•Apr 20, 2017
More timely and relevant text material would have greatly helped in broadening our understanding. Basic and easy for beginners to grasp.
By Ranita M
•Oct 18, 2020
Good to know how many academics and professions think about diplomacy but very few concrete concepts and examples given by lecturers