Jul 26, 2019
I really think this is a good way to get people that hasn't had interaction with GCP before on track, but it also is of really good use for regular users to discover more capabilities of the platform
Feb 5, 2020
This course gives good non-in-depth overview of GCP. You'll learn about most of options and tools GCP offers. Also I really liked that all labs are automated and don't suffer from peer-review issues.
By Devangini P D
•May 3, 2020
thanks google. its excellent course designed by the team. very informative course.
By Yu C
•May 3, 2020
Be happy to get overall introduction for GOogle cloud, the online lab is excellent
By Jakub G
•Dec 30, 2019
Very clearly explains the most important topics relevant to Google Cloud Platform.
By Amit A G
•Nov 10, 2019
The course is very good It gives hands on experience on google cloud fundamentals.
By Alexander B
•Sep 22, 2019
A bit basic for anyone who has used GCP before - but a nice rundown of the basics.
•Sep 17, 2019
Excellent course with very important hands on experience provided through labs !!!
By Vatsal S
•Mar 21, 2019
It was awsome and taught me lot about what is GCP and when and how it can be used.
By Uday G
•Nov 11, 2018
Good Course. Got a decent understanding of basic functionalities available in GCP.
By Rafael L
•Jun 26, 2018
Muy buen curso. Enseña desde lo básico y va aumentando en complejidad. Recomendado
By Yakup K
•Feb 12, 2017
This course is a really definitive and practical beginning to GCP tehcnologies.
By Luis E E E V
•Nov 8, 2024
Se pueden mejorar los ejercicios para tener una idea más clara de lo que hacemos.
•Nov 15, 2023
curso muy completo, solo que algunos laboratorios necesitan un poco mas de tiempo
By Cesar M
•Apr 12, 2021
Excelente las explicaciones y curso muy completo en cuanto a los recursos de GCP.
By Vivekanand C
•Apr 3, 2021
More exercise of short duration should be included in the beginning of the course
By Matt R
•Oct 29, 2020
Good overall structure. Labs could use some updating based on new cloud console.
By Udit J
•Aug 9, 2020
Excellent course,Excellent trainers and Labs provides awesome hands-on experience
By Rishabh B
•Jul 23, 2020
A good course which helps to get familiarized with the various offerings GCP has.
By Murugavel
•Jun 9, 2020
Really nice to learn the basic and LAB session is very much useful and practical.
•May 28, 2020
This is fantastic course. this course is very useful for modern job in IT sector.
By Aymen B
•May 22, 2020
Excellent course with practical labs on Cloud Engine, App Engine, BigQuery, etc.!
By rohit s
•May 16, 2020
It was a great , easy to understand and practical course with sufficient hands-on
By soham g
•May 6, 2020
Very informative and precise to grab it. I find the practicals are very helpfull.
By Dineshbabu P
•Apr 22, 2020
It was really good and easy to understand by exercising it in the lab on the flow
By herwin
•Dec 21, 2019
Amazing course ..I keep learning the rest..thank to coursera and offcourse google
By Kumarasamy P
•Oct 25, 2019
This course helps to have complete basic understanding of GCP Core Ingrastructure