Feb 17, 2023
teaches me the principle of data analysis, & it's up to me how to apply it. rather than 'copy & paste' what the previous person has done, I can make it my own based on what i want to achieve.
Jun 25, 2021
Awesome class. Found out why I'm always analytical about things in my personal life and the critical thinking that this provides. I love it and hopefully this will help me land my dream job at Google!
By Sanchay A
•Sep 24, 2023
I was pleasantly surprised by the structure and presentation of the course contents. The course contents were engaging throughout and the case studies while short, raised important questions.
•Sep 21, 2023
It was a mind-blowing experience to be introduced to some of the real business scenarios. I learnt a lot from practicing and trying to answer some of the questions which were very challenging
By Sai K
•Sep 14, 2023
it was great experince that i was able to complete the course it made think how the companies really need the data anaylsts for analyzing the problems in varoius sectors of the modren society
By Sujith B
•Aug 23, 2023
By Edwin A
•Jul 11, 2023
At first, I was not sure whether or not I'll complete the course but as soon as I started, I learned that the tutors and learning materials intermarried perfectly and were easy to understand.
By Shubham S
•Jun 15, 2023
It was an overall great experience for me to complete this course. It's a fantabulous course. It has quizzes, questions, videos, and assignments. I liked the ways to representation of course.
By Colin M
•Mar 3, 2023
Good first step. Most beneficial part was providing a common language for both the data analysis process and the data lifecycle. Definitely geared towards those with very little experience.
By Maurício S D d S
•Feb 27, 2023
Well, as a person like me, when i start from zero about data analysis, with a desire to grow and acquire knowledge, this is the best way i fond to start. Thank you google. Data is everywhere.
By Saskia S
•Feb 25, 2023
Great introduction to data analytics, including what data is and exactly what a data analyst does. A gentle introduction to all key concepts in an engaging, conversation and practical format.
By Mahnoor K
•Jan 9, 2023
Thank you for teaching me how can analyst work and how can think analyst what tools are use analyst you gave me a direction how to improve my self in future and way of thinking thank you...:)
By Todd E
•Dec 29, 2022
Even if this doesn't help me find a job, this course has proven to be a lifesaver for me.. and has opened my mind to an awesome world of possibilities I wasn't sure I was capable of learning.
By Kylyn S
•Nov 29, 2022
Lots of information! Loved how the instructors were very supportive and explained the information clear and cut to the point. Love the overall vibe and look forward looking into more courses.
By Irish I
•Nov 26, 2022
I used to view learning data analysis as a daunting task. But this course made it easy for me to understand and relate to. I look forward to learning more in my journey to be a data analyst.
By Syed M A H
•Nov 23, 2022
I am very happy to have this course of basics about Data Analysis. Thanks IRM for giving me this wonderful opportunity to get it through Google .Thanks Google to design such a great course.
By Yazeedhbb
•Nov 4, 2022
It is very helpful to build our basic foundation of data. Yep, do not forget the teaching acquisition which is interesting to follow and makes me wonder what next materials will be delivered.
By Paul K
•Oct 26, 2022
A good basic overview of how Data Analysys. The course had a good mix of readings, videos and some excellent quizzes which challenged your knowledge and gave you a sample of how to use SQL.
By Babirye J
•Oct 24, 2022
It was very interesting an experience! The course is very perfect for an introduction to Google data analytics. The tutor is amazing and explains everything in details. Big up coursera👏👏👏
By Christian N ( Y
•Oct 3, 2022
I am super happy and excited about taking this course. i have learned alot about data for someone with no STEM background in data. Hoping to learn more as I advance into the analytics course
By Zaheen B M
•Sep 28, 2022
It is a very simple yet effective course which helps any novice to easy into the hard parts. A person with absolutely no prior knowledge can start this course without feeling nervous at all.
By Tanuja A
•Sep 22, 2022
Absolutely doable ror someone with an interest in data, spreadsheets and getting their feet wet with the programimg needed to analyze data. This is a beginning step, and not overwhelming .
By Jimoh R O
•Sep 10, 2022
I never knew that it was going to be easy for me to learn within a short period of time. Thank you all that made it possible. all the tutors are the best. Looking forward to the next course.
By Essam A
•Aug 23, 2022
This is just an amazing course, I started step by step although I have some knowledge about Data Analysis. at the end of the course, I learned a lot.
And I would say "Please avoid shortcuts"!!
By Akshata N
•Aug 13, 2022
It is very amazing course. It gives a basic information about data which we used in daily life. Also it gives a basics of excel Spredsheets or google sheets and progamming language like SQL.
By Carl S
•Jul 8, 2022
The course challenge could've been a next page setup instead of just scrolling down, some of the answers from a question can be seen on the next question. Besides that, I have learned a lot.
By Justina R
•Jun 18, 2022
I appreciate that if you fail a quiz, you can try again with some of the questions presented differently, ie, the do-over test is not exactly the same.
Teaching me to think outside of the box.