Nov 25, 2023
one of the best experience of financial for non financial managers this course is help full for me on my future guide line for me thank you coursera for refer the best plat form of finance .
May 7, 2022
I'm terrible at math but this course explained the concepts to the point where I was able to get through the materials successfully. Practice will lead to technical proficiency.
By Khalid M A
•May 6, 2020
Video Quality
By Debbie R
•Nov 29, 2022
First few weeks excellent for getting your head around balance sheets and income statements. Lecturer is good at presenting these topics. The latter part of the course is useful if you wish to delve deeper into investment decisions. I found this section somewhat complicated for my needs. It would have been helpful to share the formulas and definitions to help with the quizzes too. I would recommend you write these down as you work through the course. Luckily I did.
By Mohammed O A
•Mar 16, 2021
It was a useful course for finance beginners, although you can notice the dip in quality towards the end. Just feels like they did all of these in a single session and the professor and the crew were just burnt out and it shows. The Quizzes could use some clarity, some answers seem way too similar that you just have to resort to brute forcing them.
•Sep 13, 2022
Overall Course is good. Quality of video, when the spreadsheets were shown were really bad. The data was not visible at all. In addition the study material & explanation in entire week 6 was not to the mark. In fact i had to understand the content (CAP M, WACC) from other sources to clear the graded examinations.
By Kimberly H
•Feb 28, 2021
I felt that some of the videos were provided after the quizzes were taken. Some of the forms used were way more advanced than the ones used to demonstrate. This program is not for those that have no background in business though my instructor chose to use it as such.
By Ali A
•May 10, 2022
It's good as content and explanation, but poor visual presentation, for example, many times showing a long sheet without highlighting where instructor is looking at.
•Jul 18, 2022
It would be good to have quizz correction in Video to understand our errors
And have the quizz more regularly, not at the end of each modules
By Eriana R
•Apr 5, 2022
Content was very good but the video editin of Weeks 6-8 left a lot to be desired and made learning the content a lot more challenging.
By Poornima R
•May 12, 2023
we need explanation for answers for quizzes. some of the calculations seem incorrect
By LeAndrea J
•Mar 24, 2021
Videos are informative.
By Michael F
•Mar 21, 2021
For a course for non-financial people it becomes quite complicated towards the last 3 weeks. The first 3 weeks are great and I found it very useful. After that the lecturer goes quite quickly through certain models and calculations, with the main issue being he interchanges multiple terms continuously without properly explaining what each term is. I found myself constantly stopping the video, rewinding, scrolling down to the transcript to try and understand the flow of the lecture, which at times appeared all over the place.
Many of the calculations in the quizzes are not accurate. I found no matter how many times I did the calculations that I was often a few decimal places off what the answers were and often picked the answer closest to my calculation. Often this resulted in the correct answer, but to provide us with numbers without decimal places and then to give the answers with decimals (clearly using decimal places to work the answers out), meant that the answers we calculate were often quite distant from the correct one.
By Kristof V d B
•Jan 5, 2024
Interesting subject, and especially the ratios are handy. However, the quality of supporting material of the course is very poor. First of all, it is an old course (2010 figures). Secondly, quality of the video (even at the highest display quality) is low: you can not read the figures the professor is showing on the screen. Next, the professor is regularly referring (espacially in week 6, 7 and 8) to exercises he is doing on his Excel, but the screen is not shared and we only see him self, not the screen share. On a last note, also the content - especially weeks 7 and 8 - is not explained very well in my opinion (but probably because the poor visual assistance of screen sharing). I have followed other Coursera courses where this was not an issue at all, so believe it is really only limited to this course.
By Caitlin G
•Jul 29, 2023
The professor is a very engaging speaker, however the course is not optimized for online learning. Materials are often referenced to but you either are never given access to them, or are given to you after the fact. Likewise as the course goes on he will do equations without sharing them on the screen, making it hard to follow along and fully understand how to use information found in financial statements to equation at hand. I hope they update this course at some point because as I mentioned he is a very engaging lecturer, I think the course is hampered by it being created in the earlier days of self-directed online learning.
By Mohammed A M
•Jun 28, 2021
financial Sheets are not clear in the lectures videos
By Moamen
•Jun 18, 2024
Need to be more simplified