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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Disaster Preparedness by University of Pittsburgh

1,590 ratings

About the Course

Have you ever viewed a news report depicting the aftermath of a devastating natural disaster? The damage to human life and property are both staggering and heartbreaking. All parts of the world face the possibility of floods, hurricanes, tornados, fires, landslides, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural phenomena. Are you prepared if disaster would strike you? This course will help you prepare! The course is appropriate for any learner who is proactive about developing the core competencies of disaster readiness and survival planning. It is especially useful if you are seeking techniques that can ensure your personal protection, as well as the safety of your family, property, and belongings, during a natural disaster. In addition, it offers essential preparation for a variety of emergency situations and inconveniences, even if you do not live in major tornado, flood, hurricane, tsunami, or earthquake zone. For instance, could you and your loved ones manage without access to potable water, electricity, fuel, and banking facilities? If you are unsure of your ability to respond in any of these possible scenarios, this course is for you! Throughout the course, you will be introduced to the Disaster Cycle, specifically the Mitigation and Recovery phases, and will create an extensive personal preparedness plan for survival in the absence of common amenities, such as food and water, shelter, and communication. You will also acquire practical, easy-to-apply strategies for maintaining a healthy attitude during disaster which can allow you to remain calm, avoid panic, and draw upon inner and outer resources in dire circumstances. Although death may be an inevitable outcome of extreme circumstances, a balanced outlook can provide comfort for all parties involved. Finally, issues of how institutions and governments can aid in disaster are also discussed. If you are interested in this topic you may be interested in other online programs at the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing. Learn more about those programs by visiting our website:

Top reviews


Jan 31, 2017

Really great course that's paced well. I believe this is a course everyone should and CAN take! These things are important to know especially if you live in an area where disasters are prone.


Jul 6, 2020

Excellent course, logically put together and well presented. It raises multiple issues, some of which we were aware of but had not addressed and others which we had not even considered.

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51 - 75 of 482 Reviews for Disaster Preparedness



Apr 17, 2021

Very informative. It kind of rekindled my days in the forest surviving with just what is available. Though some of the techniques are more advance than what is available in my country it's almost similar. I hope to again enroll in another class to further equip me, add more knowledge and know-how imperative to any survival situation or in the event of a disaster

By Harikara B S


Jul 1, 2020

Excellent Course Objectives of survival requirements and details to know about how to face disasters.

We Normally Prepare all these kinds of plans however preparing for self and family is a good one with lot of informations are learned through this course.

Thanks to Professor Mr.Micheal Beach for conducting such very informative session.

By Syed F


Jul 13, 2020

This is a great course. Everyone should no what to do in a disaster. When I starred this course I got that I know very little about things to do in a disaster. This is a course tells you to prepare things in a scenario of survival necessity. I highly enjoyed this course and hope to learn more about disaster preparedness in the future.

By Paulin A A A G


Oct 1, 2020

I learned a lot from this course and opened my eyes to the importance of preparing ahead and having the right attitude towards disaster mitigation, response and rehabilitation. The course is an eye-opener for the necessity of the whole of society approach when it comes to disaster. Prof. Beach did an excellent job!

By Fatu T


May 11, 2021

The course helped me to understand the psychological readiness and preparedness during a disaster. I was thought how to manage my time well, to always be alert especially leaving in a prone disaster area. I was thought survival skills. This will help me in my upcoming job i will be appointed for. Thanks

By joel c


Apr 21, 2021

The course is very helpful not only for us in the field of public safety but for all individual since calamities, disaster or emergencies may occur in unexpected time, area or location. please keep similar corses like this that would educate the public as a whole

thank you and more power .....

By Frank Y


Jan 4, 2021

Very impressive course, provides real methodology for survival in challenging times. Defines diaster and the preparedness in dealing with most circumstances.

The Home Plan Preparedness Exercise is an excellent way to actually be ready for most sudden and unexpected disaster scenarios.

By Raul J S


Nov 3, 2020

It is very much interesting and useful not only during disasters but also in our daily life, I appreciate the last topic which is wilderness survival. I realize how important is the knowledge being taught in this topic.

Thank you very much coursera, More power to you! God bless!

By Benjamin P


Jun 16, 2020

The training was really helpful and very informative. All the concept was well summarized and delivered properly. I can appreciate how my instructors take time to deliver their lessons to us learners in a more simpler way. In that sense, it made us understand things easily.

By Marilou E B


Jul 3, 2020

Developing a disaster preparedness plan requires you to pre-plan how you'll respond, regroup,and communicate in the event of disaster, and keeps everyone in your household aware of the steps they need to take. Your plan should be written down and should need to include.



Apr 8, 2021

This online course is awesome,you have a lot of learnings from this ,and really help a lot in our day to day activity especially in times of disaster.Its worth it,and its really practical.Thank you for sharing and imparting all of your knowledge to us as a student.

By angelina c


Feb 11, 2021

Very helpful and practical course. It helped me ( and other family members) make our family disaster preparedness plan. I feel that being aware makes one more prepared psychologically for any type of disaster or difficult times. Highly recommended course.

By D S


Jun 7, 2023

Really interesting course delivered by knowledgeable, experienced staff. The breadth of learning ranging from individual to international perspectives gave a great insight into this area of study and also gave a great starting point for future learning.

By Reny A


Jul 10, 2020

A must have course! Everybody should do disaster preparedness to protect his own family / community in other to help each other and knowing what to do to survive and recover. Thank you so much Mr. Michael Beach, the course is really applicable. Love it!



Apr 20, 2021

It widened my horizon on Disaster Preparedness. It enabled me to organize the inherent passion for family safety which made me designed safeety features and procedures and physically and mentally trained my family as a preparation for disastrous event

By Muhammad U B R


May 18, 2022

Its an excellent course and Michael Beach has run the complete course in a very interesting manner. Mix of Videos, Reading Guides, Quiz and Assignment made it more beneficial. Recommended for EHS Professional and DIsaster Preparedness teams.

By Muhammad A


Mar 24, 2020

I have learned many things relating to how we need to be prepared when it comes to an emergency situations whether it could be natural or man made disaster. Disaster Preparedness by the University of Pittsburgh is a great platform to learn.

By Sean P


Aug 24, 2023

A very comprehensive basic primer on personal preparedness for disasters, and provides a good understanding of how disaster management at a larger scale works, and is very effective at showing why there is a need for personal preparedness.

By Melissa A


Jul 12, 2020

Great course! I learned a lot and gathered very useful information. This will come handy in case we encounter a disaster. This is something we don't want to happen but it is also better to be prepared at all times. Thank you, Prof Breach!

By Kris M


Mar 7, 2020

Very well written and lead by the professor. Expanded my knowledge and built on what I already knew from previous similar courses. Would definitely recommend for someone who is either just starting or wants to increase their understanding

By Emmanuel A Y


May 14, 2020

I am currently studying Bsc. Fire and Disaster Management in Ghana, the knowledge gained here is very broad and has widened my scope and perspective on disaster preparedness. This will go a long way in enriching my experience and resume.

By Elayaraja S


Jul 27, 2020

Very interesting course. Learned how to safeguard our self from disaster and learned new things such as Jump kit & disaster preparedness. The way of teaching & carrying the course till the end is highly interesting & appreciable.

By Theresa W


Oct 11, 2017

Very timely. I am grateful for the opportunity to get some good information on preparedness with out the hype of the WTSHTF ideology. Preparedness should be a common goal for any emergency, or at least the most predictable ones.

By Muhammad I H


May 18, 2020

I think it should add "basic" to the title. So it become Basic of Disaster Preparedness. But the course is really useful since it Disaster is come without any notification before. So we have to ready and stay alert at all time.

By Almaz K


Feb 29, 2016

The course helped me a lot to gain fundamental understanding of emergency preparedness plan, right attitude and awareness of how to act in a disaster. I would recommend this course!


Almaz Kassymkulov

Astana, Kazakhstan