Apr 6, 2018
Good course, very well structured and with interesting assignments. Some (especially first) lessons are more of a general culture but most are very helpful and allow to learn a lot of things.
Nov 17, 2020
Very useful course. It enlightens my ways to data visualization. I knew some concepts, but in a disorganized way and not knowing how. This course fills these gaps. It is tremendously helpful.
By Mohamed B
•Jul 29, 2017
By Xinwei L
•May 2, 2016
so cool
By Gonzalo R
•Oct 5, 2018
•Apr 24, 2023
•Feb 27, 2021
By 221810310038 M S S
•Feb 2, 2021
•Jan 29, 2021
By Hamreet s
•Mar 29, 2019
By Mojahid I
•Aug 29, 2016
By Anitha A
•Jun 15, 2020
By Py C
•Apr 1, 2022
It's a good coursem thank you!! Two little suggestions, (1) for the homework, if we could get more feedback from teacher, or if there are some more specific target for the assignment, that would be easier to design a automatic robat to let us have an initial comments if we meet the criteria of the assignment. If so, that would be great. (2) I don't understand very much on the network graph and the purpose of that. So I need to search other paper to learn that. If there could be more example or teach us how to read the graph but not how to choose the tool, that will be great! Thank you very much!!
By Qinjian Z
•Mar 26, 2020
The course is very helpful for me to learn the concepts and theories behind the data visualization, combining with 2 interesting and relevant assignments to enchance the learning experience.
One thing I found difficult was the instructions in Assignment 2 for non-programmer to perform data visualization, the software might not be available due to the reform of the website, I wish the professor could update the information.
By Cem A
•Nov 21, 2016
I think the course is nice in general but I have one comment. I think there is too much information in the course videos and sometimes it is really hard to follow the video if you want to take notes. It would have been much better if the instructor gave some time between the slides for the watchers to digest. He doesn't have to stop but he could slowly go through a set of examples, even 30-60 secs would help.
By Rob W
•Aug 6, 2019
Good course overal.
There is quite a mix of high level and very low level detail - e.g how humans percieve data in visuals (interesting and useful) but not down in the detail - other sections on of planar and non-planar graphs and buliding out matrix with signficant detail.
The quizzes and assignments are well balanced between the detail and the high level area.
By Douglas M M
•Jul 21, 2019
The course helps us students understand the basics of Data Visualization. It provides additional materials if you want to study more, but I feel it was necessary to provide examples or tutorials to get started with some of the tools necessary to complete the assignments. Less tech savvy students may have problems with this part.
By Klas S
•Feb 22, 2018
It's an intro course, so no qualms about that aside from that I missed having some intro d3.js assignments (that could be fully automated).
The peer review system is unfortunately the weakest point of this. I got decent enough grades mind you, but it's sensitive to fluctuations in enrollment in a way that makes me weary.
By Vipul K
•Oct 13, 2020
It's a great stepping stone into the world of Data Visualization. A couple of things that I would have liked differently is - more elaborate assignments (seemed quite easy) and more business focus on Data Visualization then going into technical/scientific aspects (human perception was a great insight though)
By Kerux-David L N
•Apr 18, 2017
It is worth the cost and effort, but ... four weeks did not provide enough time for the instructor to really demonstrate techniques for achieving the kind of results that are shown. The cost is low compared to other delivery mechanisms, but high compared to other, longer, more detailed, Coursera courses.
By Muhammad A I
•Mar 22, 2018
The theory and the content was amazing and well thought. I just wish some walkthroughs were provided for easily getting started with visualization software... I as a non-developer found it extremely difficult to hack my way around new tools and software within the tight deadlines (and I wasn't alone!)
By Marie C
•Feb 2, 2020
When saying that we do not need to be able to program, I feel we should get additionnal ressources, especially for assignment two.. as it was very hard to parse the data provided due to the large number. Maybe it would then be beneficial to provide smaller set of data for the network graph.
By Diana C G R
•Jul 23, 2016
I like the course because it helps you make visualizations of different types of data by using very simple tools based on rich algorithms. I understand the fundamental concepts to discover patterns and relevant information from the data, applying some design rules in the software.
By Liru H (
•May 20, 2018
give us big picture of visualizations and share lots of practical skills. also cover some mechanisms of why visualization through introducing human visual perception system. However, the tool in this course is mainly the tableu which is a business software that is not free.
By Vik V
•Jul 18, 2019
Good high level course that covers many of the basics. Not a lot of practical (though the course does state that up front). 4 out of 5 only because it felt like the last lecture felt like it was trying to shoehorn in a ton of new concepts without really fleshing them out.
By Alexander S
•Sep 13, 2019
You get broad overview about Data Visualization.
Therefor the depth of the course isn't to high.
Please provide additional information upfront, which tools are recommended to pass this course.
Some peer reviewers do not grade according to the guidelines.
By Dmitry S
•Dec 10, 2016
Interesting course, but too much theoretical data without providing sufficient practical tasks to remember it better.
In other courses they used to have mini quizzes embedded into videos. They are usually very helpful, but here we got none of them.