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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Convolutional Neural Networks by DeepLearning.AI

42,418 ratings

About the Course

In the fourth course of the Deep Learning Specialization, you will understand how computer vision has evolved and become familiar with its exciting applications such as autonomous driving, face recognition, reading radiology images, and more. By the end, you will be able to build a convolutional neural network, including recent variations such as residual networks; apply convolutional networks to visual detection and recognition tasks; and use neural style transfer to generate art and apply these algorithms to a variety of image, video, and other 2D or 3D data. The Deep Learning Specialization is our foundational program that will help you understand the capabilities, challenges, and consequences of deep learning and prepare you to participate in the development of leading-edge AI technology. It provides a pathway for you to gain the knowledge and skills to apply machine learning to your work, level up your technical career, and take the definitive step in the world of AI....

Top reviews


Jan 13, 2019

Great course for kickoff into the world of CNN's. Gives a nice overview of existing architectures and certain applications of CNN's as well as giving some solid background in how they work internally.


Apr 7, 2021

Very good introduction to programming convolutional neural networks. Although the models and functions needed are complicated ,this course takes you by the hand and introduces to all these wild ideas

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126 - 150 of 5,625 Reviews for Convolutional Neural Networks

By Meng Y K


Dec 31, 2020

The lectures taught by Mr Andrew are very clear and understandable, which really helps a beginner like me a lot in starting the journey to learning CNN. Besides that, the labs also provide more explanation on top of the lectures while providing the chance for students to gain practical knowledge in actually implementing the CNN. Overall, the pace of the learning is manageable, not too hard for beginners but also deep enough to really understand the workings behind CNN.

By Ashwini J


Jan 1, 2020

Thanks to Andrew Ng and team for putting together great content around Convolutional Neural Network. This is a fairly complex course, I needed to go beyond content provided in this course, specifically around understanding dimensions resulting from a convolution operation applied on an input image. This could be because it is hard to imagine a 4-d object. Otherwise, good content put together, assignments are good and useful starting point for projects in actual practice

By Shyam C N


May 17, 2020

This course was one of the better ones in the specialization. I enjoyed it very much. The assignments are a bit more practical, and require some thought while debugging. Although some TensorFlow experience from Course 2 is expected and useful, this course requires some additional reading of the TF and Keras manuals. My only suggestion to the development team would be that they improve the NST assignment's introduction of TF methods like assign() and InteractiveSession.

By Selina N


Mar 20, 2020

It's an exciting course. I find very interesting to learn object detection, facial expression and face recognition. The concept of neural style transfer is easy to understand and funny to generate image to absorb the style from another image. The explanation is useful. One improvement is some assignments only import the trained models with extra source code. It would be better for students to build by themselves to go through the whole model development step by step.

By Mike G


Mar 20, 2021

Some of the concepts in this course were at times hard to grasp. I'm still fuzzy around filtering and pooling concepts so will need to revisit. Andrew's lighthearted nature and good humor though; added levity to this otherwise fairly complex subject. My takeaway is that I have much more to learn about the subject. This class however has been a fantastic launchpad to an entirely new domain for me. I already bought some literature to dive deeper.

Thank you guys :)

By Abir E


Mar 7, 2021

Just wonderful! and especially unique! : we could never find such a deep and detailed course on computer vision and its applications.Terrific! (just for fun: before I always say : I need to go deeper (I have a gap to fill in computer vision), but now that's it: I went deeper than any "Inception..."(those who are going to take the course will understand the joke I just used (suspense: it concerns "Leonardo DiCaprio" ...), go take the course, without hesitation!

By Rahul K


Mar 7, 2018

Very intricately explained course! Prof. Andrew has gone the extra mile here, making sure that the basics of CNNs have been imbibed thoroughly. Kudos to the programming assignments - They're undoubtedly the toughest of all the former courses. Use the discussion forums to help get subtle hints. I now feel that I can read CNN-related papers and even work on CNN applications. Plus, you learn how to implement Neural Style Transfer (DeepDream) here!

By Chan-Se-Yeun


May 1, 2018

CNN is a tough topic to fully demonstrate. From my perspective, the lecturer simply offer an intuitive introduction and pick up some notable variant like ResNet, and illustrate the main ideas through delicately chosen case studies. That's somewhat "clever", I think. Maybe that's not appropriate, but I mean that it's friendly to a fresh learner but far from detailed and enlightening for an advanced learner. Anyway, I get to dive deeper into this field myself.

By Ocean


Mar 31, 2018

As in every class taught by him, Professor Andrew Ng makes Deep Learning concepts and applications accessible. His clear explanations during the videos lead from learning the foundations to implementing modern-architecture Convolutional Neural Networks. He provides additional information about whether certain techniques are currently utilized in research and production which bring an important relevancy to the material. Thank you for offering this course.



Jun 15, 2020

Great intro to CNNs, how they work, how to use them and the types of problems they are good at solving. I'm glad Prof Andrew Ng touched on more advanced topics such as image detection, localisation and face verification/detection and how CNNs can be applied to such use-cases. The programming problems were challenging but not overwhelming, as long as one is willing to spend some time to understand the concepts presented and explained in the lectures.

By Олег Д


Dec 19, 2017

Great course! Gives a great boost in understanding of deep learning usage while solving computer vision tasks. Different ConvNet architectures, their application, state of the art algorithms are explained in detail. Sometimes there were issues while solving programming assingments, specially at the last week, but I truly appreciate work that gives everyone the ability to learn about this things very effectively. So 5 for this course.



Jul 3, 2019

The course gives the basic understanding of convolutional neural network in a lucid manner.Every concept is very nicely explained. I was having some confusion with yolo algorithm which got cleared.Also Neural Style transfer and Face verification using Siamese network were the two which I haven't heard before were very interesting. The assignments are awesome where how yolo and neural style transfer works made my concepts clear to a lot of extent.

By Anshul M


May 19, 2020

Great introduction into some of the recent and cutting edge work in the field of computer vision. The course's mathematical focus is good to understand the mechanics behind the use cases at the same time I liked the intuition about the steps in the process were shared from time to time for better context. Would have loved to get hands dirty on training models or tuning hyper-parameters - but understand it would need additional resources GPU etc.

By Amit B


Mar 19, 2020

Excellent Course. It has given me an immense insight into CNN and its practical applications. I have become that much more knowledgeable thanks to this course and its contents. Sincerely appreciate the concerted efforts of the team to lucidly explain the nuances of various concepts and at the same time provide ample opportunities to the trainees on hone their skills on practical aspects of implementing the algorithms. Kudos of all stake-holders.

By Matthew J C


Mar 28, 2018

Another fantastic course from Dr. Ng. In addition to object classification/recognition (which class does the object belong to?) this course should get you started with object detection (where in the picture is/are this object/s?). This course does not cover single or multiple instance semantic segmentation. Take this course (much of the coding is from scratch) & then go look at examples from your favorite API (Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc).

By Muhammad F R


Apr 7, 2024

I very comprehensive course to learn Convolutional Neural Networks. Andrew Ng is a great teacher. I love his style. His ability to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise manner truly sets him apart. With his guidance, I gained a deep understanding of CNNs, and I'm excited to apply this knowledge in my future endeavors. Highly recommend this course to anyone looking to delve into the world of deep learning with confidence and clarity.

By Hermes R S A


Apr 18, 2018

There is a dedication, from the professor and the team, to teach you the most recent developments, without skipping important introductory level concepts. Having a grasp on the Imagenet winning architectures was really rewarding. The only down side was the YOLO algorithm assignment, because the notebook was a little confusing and disorganized, but you ca get the key ideas from it. All in all, it was my favorite course on this specialization.

By Joshy J


Nov 6, 2019

This is the best course for those who are serious about Deep Learning and computer vision. Some of the features of the course are Well Arranged, Simple, give a deep understanding of the mechanism, etc. We will learn Image processing, Image detection, Object detection, Face recognition and face detection through this course. Weekly assignments in the course give hand-o experience with the popular deep learning frameworks and neural networks.

By Shuai X


Dec 18, 2017

Prior courses are almost all covered in the Stanford Machine Learning Course, which is free. If you don't want to waste time going through what the Stanford Machine Learning Course can offer, then this is the point to start to subscribe. Though it estimates 4 weeks of learning is needed, you can probably finish this course in a week. Assignments on CovNets and ResNets written in Tensorflow and Keras are mostly very good and very useful.

By Ashutosh P


Jun 19, 2018

This is a really comprehensive course by professor Andrew Ng. He dove down to even the smallest details, you'll realize this when you listen to the lectures carefully. Make notes of each lecture as it's a long course and there are lots of terminologies in which you could easily lose yourself, stranded somewhere in between lectures having no clue what he's talking about. All-in-all, it's easily one of the best courses I've done on CNNs.

By Azer D


Jun 28, 2018

Course was so helpful to understand concepts of conv nets. Also i like that Prof. Ng prepared the course with related successful papers of conv net world.One thing that i'm not happy is Coursera's Jupyter Notebook hub which I usually have problem with user authentication. Because of that I saved notebooks to my local machine, worked locally, and after completing it pasted my answers to notebook. I hope problems will be fixed soon.

By Jon M


Jun 22, 2021

Fun and yet challenging. More challenging than some of the earlier courses because there's more advanced concepts. Without the pre-written code some of the assignments could have taken a novice ages to figure out, but the assignments are written with the goal of only really focusing our attention on the new stuff that was discussed in the lectures rather than forcing students to figure out the details from scratch. Loved it!



Nov 22, 2017

Extremely well done. Great balance between hand holding/help from the forums and effort in learning. I certainly appreciate the fact that after the course, you are ready to run in the real world working on AI endeavors. They also use all the most recent and up-to-date tools en development environments like Python notebooks, Keras and Tensorflow which makes you immediately proficient working in AI projects. Kudos to the team !

By Konstantinos P


Dec 12, 2023

The course was quite compact and had a robust content. It was well presented with explainatory videos, clever quizes and taugh assignments. Overall the course offers deep knowledge in the field of convolutional neural nets and analyzes the basic principles of object detection, image recognition and verification. I would one hundred percent recommend it to anyone eager to learn the fundamentals of convolutional neural networks.

By Souvik S B


Nov 20, 2017

This is an excellent course and so far gives best understanding of convoluitonal Network and how it works. But the grading issues needs to be resolved. One thing I specially like about andrew NG courses is how it explains the basics and how algorithms are written from scratch for better understanding. Would be good if we could do the same for YOLO and Facenet.However the assignments are well designed for good understanding.