Jul 12, 2020
I really enjoyed this course, it would be awesome to see al least one training example using GPU (maybe in Google Colab since not everyone owns one) so we could train the deepest networks from scratch
Apr 7, 2021
Very good introduction to programming convolutional neural networks. Although the models and functions needed are complicated ,this course takes you by the hand and introduces to all these wild ideas
By Цхондия Г А
•Jan 1, 2018
By 孔昕
•Dec 14, 2017
By blaze s
•Dec 13, 2017
By skyfacon
•Dec 6, 2017
By Pragadheeswaran S V
•Nov 27, 2017
By 刘其波
•Nov 26, 2017
By Hugsy W
•Nov 5, 2017
By 华卓隽
•May 13, 2019
By Kaustubh D
•Oct 7, 2018
By 仇艺蒙
•Mar 24, 2018
By Sweta c
•Aug 23, 2020
By Ming G
•Aug 26, 2019
By Pham X V
•Nov 6, 2018
By Miguel Á G G
•Jul 30, 2019
By Gilles A
•Aug 1, 2018
By shuhaohe
•May 23, 2018
By Yujie C
•Feb 6, 2018
By Rich B
•Nov 28, 2017
By Александр В
•Nov 16, 2017
By Ryan M
•Nov 16, 2017
Given the very high quality of Professor Andrew Ng's lectures, I wanted to give this five stars, and I have given his previous classes five stars for that reason. You truly do learn a lot from what he teaches!
Sadly I have to downrate this particular class due to huge technical problems with submitting Jupyter notebook based assignments. In particular, week 4's face recognition assignment was marred by several issues. For one thing, the grader would often crash and report technical issues instead of grading the assignment. For another thing, the grader would also take 30 to 60 minutes to run, which is far longer than it takes to actually run the Jupyter notebook itself! Finally, and quite seriously, in order to get 30/30 on the face recognition assignment of week 4, I had to submit an INCORRECT answer due to a bug in the grader itself. At least for me these are primarily week 4 issues.
This class is still a terrific value and a valuable course for anyone wishing to study deep learning, and I am planning to make good use of these lessons. But I do believe that especially for the face recognition assignment it would have behooved the developers to test the assignment thoroughly before making it available to students and also to correct the substantial quality problems (i.e. failing a correct answer and accepting a wrong answer along with grader crashes) involving the grader. I hope these programming assignment quality problems do not appear again in the fifth course on recurrent networks because I am very much looking forward to that particular course given some of the projects I work on!
I was torn on whether to give this three stars only or four stars but decided that given the overall learning value I am still giving it four stars. But again I do hope the developers are reading these reviews and also the discussion forums regarding the major quality issues involving the face recognition programming assignment. The other assignments were very good and did not pose such ridiculous issues (my experience only.)
By D. R
•Oct 1, 2019
Overall the courses in the specialization are great and provide great introduction to these topics, as well as practical experience. Many topics are explained clearly, with valuable field practitioners insight, and you are given quizzes and code-exercises that help deepen the understanding of how to implement the concepts in the videos. I would recommend to take them after the initial Andrew Ng ML course by Stanford, unless you have prior background in this topic.
There are a few shortbacks:
1 - the video editing is poor and sloppy. Its not too bad, but it’s sometimes can be a bit annoying.
2 - most of the exercises are too easy, and are almost copy-paste. I need to go over them and create variations of them in-order to strengthen my practical skills. Some exercises are quite challenging though (especially in course 4 and 5), and I need to go over them just to really nail them down, as things scale up quickly. Course 3 has no exercises as its more theoretical. Some exercises have bugs - so make sure to look at the discussion board for tips (the final exercise has a huge bug that was super annoying).
3 - there are no summary readings - you have to (re)watch the videos in order to check something, which is annoying. This is partially solved because the exercises themselves usually hold a lot of (textual) summary, with equations.
4 - the 3rd course was a bit less interesting in my opinion, but I did learn some stuff from it. So in the end it’s worth it.
5 - Slide graphics and Andrew handwriting could be improved.
6 - the online Coursera Jupyter notebook environment was a bit slow, and sometimes get stuck.
Again overall - highly recommended
By Philippe R
•Mar 20, 2018
Overall, the course is a great resource. The reasons why 4 stars and not 5:
Course material sometimes not as rigorous as one would expect: formulas for the same thing changing from one slide to the next (with the second slide not being correct), missing or erroneous indices like summation indices,... This is a bit unfortunate, as the course material is the one thing one would expect to be 100% accurate.
Quiz questions sometimes ambiguous when not outright confusing, making you wonder what the quiz author is really after. In some instances (luckily not too many), getting the right answer is as much about second-guessing what the quiz author intent is as it is about checking you have understood the course contents correctly. Sometimes you guess right, sometimes you don't! On average, there is one quiz question per quiz where this is the case, so, you end up submitting twice: the first time with the answer to the question that you think the quiz author meant, and the second time with the answer that the quiz author expects, given what he really meant.
Mentor support: this remark is not specific to this particular course, it is more of a general issue with Coursera courses. The Mentor system where mentors are supposed to help you out, while a great idea, just does not work as well as most learners can expect. There are situations where you can clearly see that mentors "pick" the forum questions they feel they can answer, but leave some others unanswered, either because the question does not interest them, or because they simply don't know.
By Yury L
•Nov 9, 2017
Basically, last course in that specialization have not started yet. So, let me share feedback about current situation and my feelings about specialization here. Right now 4 courses released and they are all quite different if you will compare amount of practical exercises. This exercises are most important, but some of "weeks' doesn't have programming assignments at all. There is no homework here, and such weeks are quite boring. Python notebooks executed on very weak virtual machines and estimated execution time mentioned in notebooks seems VERY optimistic. You cannot debug tasks properly, and you couldn't play with models. And from other side you are not providing convenient way to just download task and run on my own server. Yes, you can say that a lot libraries required to run assignment's. But c'mon if you aimed on future machine learning engineers, please give them a chance to setup software that they will use every day. Another problem in very big amount of misprints in formulas in notebooks, which makes tasks more difficult in unnecessary places. Quiz questions also a very general, most of them doesn't require any thinking, just good memory.
Still, I think this is a one of the best specializations. But as for course complexity level you should be closer to J. Hinton level.
By Andrew C
•Dec 26, 2017
The ideas contained in this course are exceptional, and the delivery is also generally pretty good. I believe that because this is the beta delivery, there are a number of issues in the videos that are mostly minor annoyances (edits that lead to repeated portions of video, "first tries" being left in, and so on). Furthermore, I found the lab portions to be overly scaffolded. After this course and others, I have definitely learned many fundamentals of the topic, but there are steps in the implementation that I'm fully convinced I couldn't do on my own. Things like loading data, chopping up previously learned networks, and reformatting image data to be fed into a networks (to name a few) would stymie my efforts to train even a basic network. I understand that this was done in service of getting to the actual content, but the assignment that contained the IoU implementation and Yolo left me no more able to code Yolo than when I started. I feel that less of the code should be provided but copious hints offered. Alternatively, very little code given, but more leniency in the fora for students to share code ideas that they come up with.
Despite these misgivings, I eagerly await the RNN course!
By Laurence G
•Aug 28, 2019
Very good overview of convolutional neural networks. I especially liked the first weeks videos that explained the core concepts. It was interesting to then take these core concepts and show how they have been improved upon by adding batch norms, pooling layers and residual connections. Definitely the course to check out if you want to know the evolution of neural nets applied to image net. The YOLO algorithm is also covered for those interested in object recognition with bounding boxes, with the use case being self driving cars. Neural style transfer was interesting, though it's basically unusable on coursera due to lack of compute - get your own gpu for this I think.
A lot of the videos had cutting issues so Andrew would appear to repeat himself - often with slightly different phrasing - annoying. I felt the assignments had less control as the coursera platform is not really designed for the workload required for neural networks. Lost connection to the jupyter notebooks a lot! Uses tensorflow which apparently isn't quite as good these days for research, though apparently is good in production environments?