Apr 19, 2020
the course was really helpful in understanding the basics of networking and the practical knowledge that was provided through the videos and the assignments is good. thank you for such a good course
Jul 9, 2021
I found the bits and Bytes of Computer Networking course very much interesting and challenging. I need lots of time to fully learn this interesting field which is full of innovations and experiments.
By Jerome L
•Dec 6, 2022
you learn the base network , router and troble shooting and undersatnd how the system is changing
ipv4 to ipv 6 inttime as ip person i knoitw you need to be school all time to be the game of field of
By Shelby W
•Nov 5, 2022
Very slam packed full of valuable IT nuggets! Would have liked more hands on activities but it was very interesting to learn all of it. It challenged me quite a bit and hopefully I can remember it all!
By Hunter C
•May 29, 2022
I've taken a handfull of networking courses over the years, but I've not encountered one that went as in-depth as this! If you want to learn networking, you can't get much more comprehensive than this!
By David A K
•Sep 1, 2020
Fantastic course. Even as someone with some networking knowledge, a lot to learn. Felt easy to understand while also pushing me to understand how to explain it to those with less technical knowledge. =
By Alex L
•Apr 12, 2020
Will need to review again, but I absolutely loved how thorough the course is. I do wish there was a more interactive course to see the progress of learning within the big picture every step of the way.
By Rachel C
•Aug 15, 2019
Incredibly valuable course and an IT professional to really understand how networks work. I've heard many of the terms before, but didn't quite understand how everything fit together until this course.
By NehaSingh R
•May 13, 2020
It was a great experience. The trainer has explained the topic really well, and the professional that was sharing their experience was making it more interesting and motivating to learn more.
Thank you
By Vikram b
•Apr 19, 2020
the course was really helpful in understanding the basics of networking and the practical knowledge that was provided through the videos and the assignments is good. thank you for such a good course
By Kelly A
•Feb 4, 2023
Thank you for putting this course together so very well. I'm enjoying this experience.
I've had to learn to take better notes. :) I love the fact that I can stay home in a quiet room and learn.
By John C S
•May 10, 2022
I'm glad that I enrolled to this google course to gain more knowledge about IT industry and Im keep going to learn more about Technical Support Thank you for this opportunity to studying this course
By Kavindu P
•Aug 13, 2020
one of the best courses I've ever followed. this helps me to upgrade my knowledge regarding computer networking. I really loved to take my career in the networking field. Everything was super clear.
By 18IT089 S S
•May 27, 2020
This course helped me learn a lot of basic things that weren't covered in my academics. It is a perfect course to learn the basics of networking the TCP/IP model and the devices we use for networking
By Suhas S V
•May 26, 2020
Top-Notch! Great instructor and amazing course structure. I highly recommend this course who wants to pursue a career in computer networking who has little to no knowledge of computer communications.
By thomas r
•Apr 9, 2020
As someone who has more than an average understanding of computer and networks, I learned A LOT i didn't know, and a lot that i will find helpful at home, as well as when searching for my new career!
By Julio C M J
•Apr 2, 2022
I learned so much from this course. It is very informative and well structured. I would definitly recommend this course to anyone who wants's to know about DNS, IPv4 and IPv6, Cloud, and Networking.
By Cris L
•Nov 13, 2020
This course was definitely more difficult than the first one in this series, but it still broke down computer networking in an accessible way. I learned a lot in this course, and I had fun doing it.
By Ashkan P
•Jul 30, 2019
This course covered a lot, and somehow made it all very fun.
Studying this has been my favourite time of the day for the past 6-7 weeks, and has helped me be more knowledgeable and confident at work.
By Yolanda C
•Apr 23, 2022
This is great information. I think I will go back and watch the video's as I struggled in Digging in DNS. The information is very interesting and the questions are just as interesting. thank you
By Fritz A
•Oct 29, 2021
What a great team! This course is like my best Birthday present. I learnt so much stuff in IT in a short period of time. This is Amazing. I feel really proud to be part of all this. Good job Google
By Victor B
•Oct 13, 2020
Very nice even if one of the tests was buggy (select appropriated network solutions to client only works in Chrome). Also there is a mistake about TCP flags, the right answer is not in the list : (
By aditya
•Jul 31, 2020
One of the best courses which i have come across. Assignments are easy if and only if you understand the concepts very well. The teaching methodology is fabulous . I learned a lot from this course.
By Mukund K
•Jun 17, 2020
This course is so good that in 6 weeks you gain the most of the the knowlegde of networking and troubleshooting.The professer that is assigned for this course is superb.I liked his way of teaching.
By Adam M M
•Apr 16, 2018
I learned a lot more than I thought I would. Some of it I knew, like a few of the terms but didn't know how it connected with the entire web of Networking. Now I have a must better understanding.
By Jaime A R
•Oct 16, 2022
I like this course better because during the quiz it lets you know what you did wrong vs telling you to recap on a earlier video. also learning about broad band and fiber optic was pretty fun. :)
By Paisonnosa A N
•Aug 24, 2021
This course was well constructed for a self-motivated learner that wants to learn the details of computer networking. I truly enjoyed the learning experience and challenge of how it is presented.