Dec 31, 2020
The course had some ups and downs, but it was a good challenge and I did it! I learned so much and I never knew I could do this kind of course. I have gained so much knowledge now from when I started.
Jan 26, 2018
A lot of information, but i feel like i fully understand core networking concepts. A lot of this info has helped me comprehend what will be required for me when I take my Network + certification exam.
By Anastasia M
•Aug 4, 2020
Great course! So much information on such a complicated subject. Never found this theme interesting, but the way it was all taught here changed my attitude. It was really exciting to explore all these details. I still have a feeling that I need to revise this material, but now I can confidently say that I understand in general what's going on there with bits and bytes in the network. The tutor is really appealing, thank you!
By Cathy E
•Oct 19, 2020
The teachers were great. It was nice to see all the different peoples who've succeeded in the Google IT field. The course teachers were very encouraging. The course was explained very clearly and in detail. I was encouraged to keep trying to better my understanding by writing notes, reviewing the videos, and I wanted to get 100% on all the tests! I wanted to succeed! I want more of learning Google IT.
Cathy Ellsworth
By Guilherme C M
•Sep 17, 2020
Curso muito bom. Altamente explicativo, com grande quantidade de informações técnicas de qualidade que me encorajam a acreditar numa empresa de tecnologia. Vejo o grande esforço em cada pequeno movimento desta grande engranegem que é a tecnologia.
A cada etapa concluída, vi ficar mais claro o funcionamento de redes de comutadores, consegui compreender de verdade o uso de protocolos, portas, meios físicos... Muito toooop! :)
•Mar 28, 2021
If you are a learner do not get distracted with all the negative comments. This course is helpful and you should keep going on learning things that might interest you . Simply watching videos will not help you, it is important to write down notes and maintain it. You should also revise your notes to score better percentage. I personally enjoyed learning this course and even the instructor was great . Keep learning kiddos !
By Jana B
•Oct 25, 2020
The course was good. It was just a lot of technical information pounded out. I don't have a technical background and was feeling a little overwhelmed. I did go back and review more than I thought I would have to in order to follow some concepts. The technical part is getting easier though to follow. The teaching is clear but I wish there were more visual examples. I am a visual learner with technical things it turns out.
By Ahmed I
•May 11, 2020
The journey was amazing. The topics are very useful, vey well categorized. Instructor was superb. But in "The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking" course was really hard and so deep theory included. I learned so many interesting topics. There are OSI Model, All layers deep info, Subnetting, deep knowledge of IPv4 & IPv6, DNS, Cloud Computing, Wireless Networking and so on. At the end of day that was awesome experience.
By Chris H
•Oct 22, 2020
Much more comprehensive and detailed than I expected for an IT support introduction. This is an amazing level of detail and has helped me gain further knowledge in an area where I considered myself to be fairly proficient.
The Week 3 11 minute overview of data being moved over networks is the best demonstration of that process I've seen. It's made a very complicated and involved process easy for anyone to understand.
By Timothy C
•Feb 27, 2020
This is an excellent course for preparation on computer networking. This course has been very beneficial to me especially after obtaining my Network+ certification. The theoretical knowledge from my preparation for the exam helped me to have a much better understanding regarding the connections between the networking concepts and also covered some new material that I have not gone over during my preparation as well.
By Caleb A
•Jun 4, 2018
This course was definitely a step up from the previous course. I was a little worried as I went through Course 1 that the rest of the courses wouldn't go into enough technical detail, but I have been presently surprised. Overall, this course did an excellent job of conveying the information and reinforcing the topics through the use of quizzes and activities. I am really looking forward to the rest of the courses!
By Brandon M
•Sep 3, 2020
Coursera really does a great job of breaking things down for the student to understand. The advantage of having a pre-recorded video instructor is that I can pause, rewind, and take my time watching the videos, so that I make sure to really soak in all the information. It's been 20 years since I was last in school and I have been enjoying these courses and learning exactly how computers and networking all work.
By Jesse H
•Mar 11, 2020
This course has taken me from 1976 when I started working on networks within my missile system intranet to the establishment of our network of missile systems throughout Western Germany. I can relate what is going on now to how we started then and fully understand. As I progressed through the course, the instruction was literally a history lesson for me. I just didn't know what we were doing was called. Now I do.
By David R
•Dec 10, 2020
Although I have been supporting users in a school setting for the last 30 years, I found I was able to see concepts in a new light with this course. I remember attending a conference in 1995 when they were saying the IP address space was about to run out. Twenty-five years later we are still about to run out... But at least I am ready for IPV6 now - and can start preparing my technicians to start the transition.
By Donna A
•Oct 27, 2020
Excellent course, I really learned a lot in this course. I took a college course and didn't really get how it all worked together. The way this course was designed, I was able to understand it and feel comfortable being able to use it which is the reason why I took this course in the first place. I'm really glad I went ahead and took this course. I'm so much better off and I'm looking forward to continuing.
By Lal B
•May 13, 2021
First of all I would like to give huge thanks to entire team for making this kinds of amazing course. At the beginning I thought it's really easy and letter on I found really challenging and fun to learn. Each and every sections were effective, clear, and highly informative. I really appreciate the hard work you have done to make this course this much amazing, Huge thank you and proud to be the small of it.
By Brian T
•Mar 28, 2020
It's a lot of technical work. Some of the concepts do require additional learning material to understand fully how they play into the networking atmosphere as a whole. However, there was plenty of additional information available on the internet and the concepts provided in the course itself are not so hard that just a simple review from an additional resource made everything come together in certain weeks.
By Christine M T
•Dec 30, 2020
What is there not to love? I have really enjoyed the challenge of learning about computer networking. Your never too old to learn! Google has really tried to make the concepts of Computer networking easy to grasp at. I appreciate all the skills that were employed as well as the extra videos on people working in the field. Thanks Google. I am so looking forward to learning more! Bring it on!
By George B
•Aug 14, 2020
This is a great Great Course to learn about the Internet Engine. There is tremendous knowledge passed on about security both from a enterprise network as well as local host situation. Deploying the best solutions for Internet security is of paramount importance because there are so many bad actors. Educating one self is one of the best way to understand and assess the vulnerabilities of your systems.
By Sajan K
•May 17, 2020
This course was amazing learned so much that I require one day to digest all that before I move on to next. I really loved the quiz and interactive question. This implementation of the quiz was super interactive something like what college tries to do active learning program but fails even in offline mode. Thank you, Coursera for providing such an amazing course to me. You are really helping me grow.
By Noel W J
•Jun 26, 2019
The Course was absolutely great. I have learned so much about Networking, Troubleshooting the Network, Cloud Computing, DNS, IPv4 and IPv6 to name a few. I have done some work in computers but not to this extent and the course has educated me to another level. It's now up to me to go further and explore more if I want to advance my career in computing. I can't wait to see what's next in this program.
By Eric H
•Oct 3, 2018
The main presenter was very good at presenting all the information in a quick manner that still allowed for learning.
There are a few things I wish would have been changed but technically nothing that had to have changed to understand networking
I do wish they would have talked about the breaking apart of the telephone companies since they talked about them but that would be more fun then necessary
By Michael O
•Jun 17, 2020
He was simply amazing, I meant the course instructor: Mr Victor. Definitely, one needs to go through the videos again for better appreciation, but we could still use a little more explanations on Traceroute, how Non-routable addresses can use a single public IP, Dns zones(sub domains), and subnetting. Also, I was hoping to learn cat6cabling (like construct it myself) in the physical layer lesson.
By umair s
•May 10, 2020
This might be one of the best and most comprehensive course on Introduction to Networking. The Instructor's teaching style and methodology is great. After completing this course I went for a CCNA course and this course served as a foundation to understanding those complex concepts.
I would highly recommend this course to all the beginners looking for a path in IT and who don't know where to start.
By Steven C
•Dec 28, 2020
There is a lot of information and you may have to look at a video again or take some extra time to research something on your own time but it's extremely interesting how much goes into even some of the most simplest things that we do on any device that we use that connects to the internet and needs to communicate with other nodes. It's incredible how deep this all is. Be prepared to get amazed.
By Alfred A
•Nov 12, 2019
I'm hoping this was the hardest part, The funny thing is I have never had to analyze a packet for troubleshooting, so this was extra hard, especially the write the path to another computer. I would think most people will quit here. Don't because you can make it in IT the most jobs I see available.
These courses are a great starter for CompTIA Certs. I hope Coursera and CompTIA connect together.
By Jose C R
•Jul 20, 2020
This course was really challenging and as it's been repeated throughout this and the last course, you need to invest yourself. You need to go out of your way to research and make sure you're confident about the material. I had a hard time remembering a lot of the specifics for certain protocols or technologies but definitely seeing It here and throughout self-research was definitely worth it.