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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Child Nutrition and Cooking by Stanford University

10,307 ratings

About the Course

Eating patterns that begin in childhood affect health and well-being across the lifespan. The culture of eating has changed significantly in recent
decades, especially in parts of the world where processed foods dominate our dietary intake. This course examines contemporary child
nutrition and the impact of the individual decisions made by each family. The health risks associated with obesity in childhood are also
discussed. Participants will learn what constitutes a healthy diet for children and adults and how to prepare simple, delicious foods aimed at
inspiring a lifelong celebration of easy home-cooked meals. This course will help prepare participants to be the leading health...

Top reviews


Sep 17, 2017

very useful and practical course.. it boosts my positive energy to cook more and more in healthy way for my baby coz much love=much healthy.. It inspired me, it's very simple , easy and very healthy..


May 26, 2023

Finished it in 3 days. I particularly enjoyed the recipes. I highly recommend this course for busy moms who still want to make the effort to prepare simple and quick home-cooked meals for their kids.

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626 - 650 of 3,047 Reviews for Child Nutrition and Cooking

By Marcelo R K


Apr 12, 2016

Excelente curso!!!! muy interesante para brindar una mejor alimentación no solamente a nuestros hijos sino a toda nuestra familia!!!!! Gracias !!!!

By Liliana T R


Dec 20, 2022

Excelente curso base para quem tem interesse no tema. Video aulas bastante claras e pertinentes. Recomendo a todos os pais e interessados no tema.

By Cláudia P


Jun 4, 2022

O curso está muito bem estruturado e aborda todas as temáticas importantes para os pais que procuram dar aos filhos a melhor alimentação possivel.

By Berenice L V T


Aug 30, 2021

It is an excellent course, which allows you to learn beyond nutrition, it takes you to a healthy lifestyle that could be carried in the long term.

By sayani m


Sep 27, 2020

The course is truly good. I learnt so much from this and hopefully will be able to use these lessons for my baby's growth and development. Thanks!

By Syeda F


Aug 31, 2016

I loved this course and I am waiting to enroll in any upcoming nutrition courses. She is the best instructor I ever experienced. Thank you so much

By Theresa R


Feb 18, 2016

She is very easy to understand and listen to. I love that some recipe ideas were given and that I could go back into this at my own pace and time.

By Andreea E T


Oct 21, 2015

It's a very interesting course! I found out a lot of things that I didn't know and I started applying the tips Maye gave! This makes a difference!

By Lila A


Mar 24, 2022

Dr Maya Adams is brilliamt as a teacher, I learned a lot in this course thanks to her magnificent way of teaching. I highly recomend this course.

By Jacqueline B


Jun 4, 2020

Highly informative and useful information. I look forward to applying my knowledge in a meaningful way. Thank you to Coursera and Dr. Maya Adams!

By Peter J D


May 22, 2020

Love the directness and accessibility of this course. Very helpful to establish an impactful approach to preparing food for our children. Thanks!

By Karen C


Aug 3, 2019

Is simple but scientific.

I am really glad I have done this one because it is a plus on my life and on my career. thanks to maya and all the team

By Diana S


Jul 5, 2018

A nice course, with theoretical knowledge on nutrition and practical approachable recipes. Comprehensive, interesting, informational and "light".

By paola


May 5, 2016

I loved it. Easy to understand I liked that way of cooking practical , made for every day and to improve the health and nutrition of my family

By Aline S D S


Jan 4, 2025

Curso excelente, trás informações atualizadas e bem contextualizadas. Linguagem de fácil entendimento e metologia de ensino rápida e moderna.

By Everton T


Apr 24, 2021

O curso é muito completo do ponto de vista prático e com ele pude perceber que com pequenos atos do dia a dia podemos, mudar a família e o mundo

By Olga


Nov 10, 2019

It was my first course at Coursera. I listened to Your lectures with great interest, they're very informative and filled with warmth. Thank you!

By Julia G


Jun 21, 2016

practical recipes and tips, with a wise and expertise teacher! loved to see how she actually inserts nice meals and options for her little ones.

By Tariin D


Dec 7, 2015

Fantastic cooking course! Maya really gets to the heart of what's wrong with our current habits when it comes to food choices. What a benefit!

By Kristen C


Nov 6, 2015

Wonderful course! Easy, straightforward ideas to improve your life and some science mixed in to explain the "why" of it all. Very inspirational.

By María B P L


Apr 12, 2022

Es un curso muy completo en cuanto a los temas que se explican. Las explicaciones son muy claras. Las ideas para cocinar me parecen excelentes.

By Vibhuti M


Aug 29, 2020

I am an Occupational therapist and this course will definitely help me in guiding and counseling the parents of my patients. Thankyou coursera.

By María J Z


Jul 9, 2018

Excelente curso, amo a mi hija y a los niños y voy a seguir las recomendaciones recibidas y a transmitirlas a mis amigos. Que Dios los bendiga.

By Екатерина Ф


Jun 8, 2018

I don't have children, but I enjoyed this course nevertheless! Learned a lot of new stuff about nutrition. And the teacher is just so charming!

By Zeynep Åž


Oct 9, 2016

All familes sholud have this vourse, as it increases the concious on the importance of home made food and the time spent together with the kids