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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Child Nutrition and Cooking by Stanford University

10,305 ratings

About the Course

Eating patterns that begin in childhood affect health and well-being across the lifespan. The culture of eating has changed significantly in recent decades, especially in parts of the world where processed foods dominate our dietary intake. This course examines contemporary child nutrition and the impact of the individual decisions made by each family. The health risks associated with obesity in childhood are also discussed. Participants will learn what constitutes a healthy diet for children and adults and how to prepare simple, delicious foods aimed at inspiring a lifelong celebration of easy home-cooked meals. This course will help prepare participants to be the leading health providers, teachers and parents of the present and future.The text and other material in this course may include the opinion of the specific instructor and are not statements of advice, endorsement, opinion, or information of Stanford University....

Top reviews


Sep 17, 2017

very useful and practical course.. it boosts my positive energy to cook more and more in healthy way for my baby coz much love=much healthy.. It inspired me, it's very simple , easy and very healthy..


May 26, 2023

Finished it in 3 days. I particularly enjoyed the recipes. I highly recommend this course for busy moms who still want to make the effort to prepare simple and quick home-cooked meals for their kids.

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26 - 50 of 3,046 Reviews for Child Nutrition and Cooking

By Diana D

Sep 14, 2015

This course indicated to me how important and irreplaceable is healthy eating during children's growth and development. Also, cooking for your child is a beautiful way to spend time together, express love and stimulate your child to develop good habits. During this course I've learned how to easily make several healthy meals and how to deal with everyday problems and healthy eating. Also, I got familiar with some crucial facts like reading nutrition facts labels and the huge impact of processed food on our health and environment. Thank you very much!

By Kristine M A N

May 26, 2023

Finished it in 3 days. I particularly enjoyed the recipes. I highly recommend this course for busy moms who still want to make the effort to prepare simple and quick home-cooked meals for their kids.

By Lulu M

Mar 8, 2021

Dr. Adam is a very engaging and pleasant presenter and I learned a lot. Only comment is the Nutrition Label video in Week 5 is outdated as the new label now includes information about added sugars.

By Deleted A

Jul 3, 2019

I loved the teacher and how the course is made.

By Bhawna

Nov 24, 2020

Awesome experience of learning with Superb teacher.

By Edna M d S

Jun 29, 2019

Excellent course, Congratulations!

By Lukianova E

May 3, 2019

Очень понравился данный курс.

By Gabi D

Nov 25, 2020

It was an interesting journey. I gained some more knowledge and also strengthened what I already knew!

By Davide D V

Jan 4, 2018

The course is good, but it is incredibly basic.

Perhaps for the average American it may be excellent content, but for anybody even minimally knowledgeable in nutrition everything is already well known (even the deceptive way grocery stores lay out their floorplans and shelve their products). I completed the whole course in a couple of hours (watching the videos at 2x which already felt "too slow" and required me to skip ahead not to fall asleep). I don't think I learnt anything from it which I did not know already from my mandatory nutrition class which I took in high school. But I grew up decades ago in a different country, so things may be different now and/or for people who grew up in the USA. Our family already cooks most of its meals home, we always eat together every dinner (and when schedule allows breakfast and lunch too), and we drink only water -- so I can relate with the teacher stressing these aspects, but again, this is like saying water is wet for me.

From Stanford, I was expecting something more sophisticated. For example regarding the 9 essential aminoacids: what are the recommended daily quantities for kids, which food contains them in which quantities, is it possible to have a balanced diet for a kid which is vegetarian or even vegan? If yes, how? If not why (in detail)? Not just a in passing mention of the timeworn beans-and-corn.

So in conclusion, my low rating is probably more of the result of my unmet expectations (previous paragraph) than an actual lack of the course itself (first paragraph). Probably a title such as "Home Cooking for Healthy Children" (or anything similar avoiding the word "nutrition", which implies a more scientific content), would have set my expectations right (and I would not have wasted my time on it).

By Ana P

Sep 8, 2016

Was expecting a deeper unsdersting and knowledge of child nutrition and its impact in the health of little ones... too general.

By Ekaterina S

Mar 23, 2016

The course is very basic, videos contain a lot of repetitions and quiz questions are too easy (in addition, I believe that there are too much negative questions). I believe that this course should be called an Introduction to the basics of Nutrition and it's only for complete newbies. There are no insights in specifics of child nutrition besides general concepts of balanced diet and some tips how to make your kids be more enthusiastic in eating vegetables.

By Robert S

Sep 1, 2015

Worst course ever. I stopped partway through. Too many links to outside stuff. Tests/quizes were not based on what was presented in the lessons. Test design is horrible, too many negative questions. Glances over the good true information about nutrition to tell us about free range farms, farmers markets, etc., which most people do not have access to or can not afford.

Giving it 1 star is being nice

People who sponsored it should get their money back.

By juliana l

Jun 9, 2017

Info was very basic, and there seemed to be no academic sources to show how the ideas were formulated. The videos, and content was also not that engaging, so it became background noise.

By Ajay P S

May 4, 2020

It was mentioned that course is free and will get free certificate after completion but now asking for ₹3000. This is not a good practice.

By Vita B

Jun 25, 2022

Very introductory information that doesn't give much insight into child nutrition

By caetana v

Oct 19, 2015

Not very good nor scientific

By Sara S

Sep 10, 2016

Not very useful.

By Darwin A B M

Apr 27, 2020

Nutrición Infantil y cocina; Es un curso genial en el que adquieres amplios conocimientos sobre la mejor manera de alimentar a los pequeños del hogar, como también alimentación sana y sostenible para nosotros mismos, siendo un curso online y didáctico.

Cuenta con las herramientas necesarias para adquirir todo este conocimiento variado, permitiendo el tiempo de resolución y aprobación apropiado.

Llenó mis expectativas.

By Moona B

Nov 28, 2019

Dear Maya, Thank you so much for being so humble and cooperative throughout the course. Your course was extra ordinary helpful in daily routine and belongs to every person belonging to any field.

By Sujata

Jul 12, 2019

Enjoyed learning through the course. Very informative in our day today lifestyle.

By Michał P K

May 7, 2021

I choose the option with a certificate, however I am not convinced to the value it has and in my opinion it downgrades the value of other certificates which can be obtained on the platform after following other courses. This is disappointing. Many issues discussed are common sense. As for the course developed by/ with the assistance of academic community, it should be more advanced, especially as similar courses on this or other learning platforms (eg. MOOC FUN) are more demanding. Alternatively, this course should be advertised as targeted to parents, without a possibility to obtain a certificate (a parent does not need a certificate), as it is misleading for people hoping to get additional qualifications in the filed. If I enrolled for the course only as a parent I would have surely given 5 starts.

By Tania R

Feb 2, 2017

Some lectures are just right for the public in general but most of them seem to be built from common sense, there´s where I wonder if the American people are so unliterate on food issues. The quality of the visual material is also variable, I am sure that including animation of more appealing graphics would be helpful to engage more people into the course; another challenge would be to prepare more challenging content.

By Amanda L

Apr 27, 2022

More preaching than teaching. The course primiarly features what NOT to do instead of suggesting practical nutritional advice. The information offered is only saluable for households/families who have a great deal of money and time. Single parents or anyone living on a lower ecomonical scale won't benefit from this course.

By stephen w

Oct 7, 2015

I only took this Course because I was forced too and I don't think it matters what you eat it's just how much you eat. You also don't need to eat lots of Vegetables and Fruit to be a Health person just saying .Plus this course is boring as hell

By Margarita P L

Nov 17, 2015

El curso empieza bien pero luego tiene una propaganda de los productos "orgánicos" totalmente a-científica e incorrecta y creo que si quieren ser rigurosos y serios tendrían que revisarla.