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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Business Analytics for Decision Making by University of Colorado Boulder

1,850 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn how to create models for decision making. We will start with cluster analysis, a technique for data reduction that is very useful in market segmentation. You will then learn the basics of Monte Carlo simulation that will help you model the uncertainty that is prevalent in many business decisions. A key element of decision making is to identify the best course of action. Since businesses problems often have too many alternative solutions, you will learn how optimization can help you identify the best option. What is really exciting about this course is that you won’t need to know a computer language or advanced statistics to learn about these predictive and prescriptive analytic models. The Analytic Solver Platform and basic knowledge of Excel is all you’ll need. Learners participating in assignments will be able to get free access to the Analytic Solver Platform....

Top reviews


May 28, 2020

I would like to recommend this course to the business analyst aspirants. It is really intriguing and helps to develop analytical skills. The examples and assignments are perfect to train a beginner.


Aug 12, 2020

I think this is a practical and insightful course for understanding what business analysis is and how models apply in realily by providing useful and familiar examples. Highly recommend this course

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401 - 425 of 447 Reviews for Business Analytics for Decision Making

By sulthana S

May 27, 2020

It’s easy

By Meena M

May 24, 2020

Thank u

By Sultan-Al N H

May 20, 2020


By V.gnanapriya V

Aug 23, 2020



Jul 11, 2020


By 18CS077 M

Jun 25, 2020



Jun 13, 2020


By Maheshwari

May 18, 2020


By Raut N S

May 2, 2020


By Shantanu S

Feb 25, 2017



Jun 30, 2020


By mark w

May 28, 2017


By Todd L

Mar 23, 2019

Very good topics. Very interesting and good to learn the basics. Even though the lecturer said simulation and optimization together were the most advanced part of analytics, I only halfway believe him. While the breadth of examples is good, the depth of each examples is thin in regard to real-life problems. For example, the marketing problems are too shallow, as anyone in marketing can quickly realize. I also didn't like that the ASP tool isn't available for Mac. The online tool is laggy, difficult to use, and ugly. I'd prefer an Excel-Mac solution or a Google Sheets solution PLEASE.

By Natalia

Jul 2, 2020

Nice introductory course, but it was way too theoretical and easy for me (I completed the course in just two days). Some assignments were not available for me to solve, because there cloud trial version of Analytic Solver for Mac did not work well. Also it would be more interesting for me to know how to solve these problems with Excel from scratch without using some external software, which costs money. Anyway, I got some insights and ideas how to use statistical and mathematical models for solving business problems.

By Yohana E

Jul 27, 2020

Para mi el curso empieza muy bien, pero ya en la semana dos se torna muy técnico, y no tan estratégico, ademas es necesario tener un programa que en mi caso no tengo, mi expectativa era más un curso gerencial y de toma de desiciones que de minería de datos. Por todo lo anterior he tomado la decisión de no continuar y buscar un curso que sea más gerencial. gracias!

By Cristiano M A

Nov 26, 2020

O conteúdo do curso é ótimo, o professor é excelente. Senti muita dificuldade porque não consegui usar o Analitics Solver Plataform. É preciso encontrar alternativas open source como o pacote lpsolve do R, códigos Python, ou mesmo alguma solução para Libreoffice. Senti muita dificuldade por causa disto.

By arthur k

Dec 27, 2020

In my opinion, this course uses good tools for BI and decision making, however mostly of them are paid or request access to MS office. Many people do not have access to excel, only to google spreadsheet. In general the course teaches good skills to conduct analysis.

By Luis Á Y A

Aug 24, 2021

I like how the proffesor explains but I think that ASP is not the best platform for this analysis. The videos are not updated and sometimes the way to do some exercises is not the same as shown in the videos

By Rafael R

Jun 21, 2020

I believe if we have a list of exercises that would be great, we could understand better the tools and principles in many situations. The exercises and tests are basic and they don´t really challenge us.

By Gabriel A

Jun 16, 2020

The high level topics are there, but I find it very difficult to believe that any F500 company uses this excel macro as the foundation for data analytics.

By Carlos C F

May 7, 2020

Very good insights and applicability to real cases. I would have liked though to having practical cases with less "pre-done" work by the instructor.

By thahir n

Apr 18, 2020

Too much dependence on XL minor is a negative for the course. Text book code and course code will give XL miner access for 15 days which is a pain

By Balazs K

May 11, 2020

The Analytic Solver Platform did not work properly, despite the environment was given. I can not give more for this course.

By Maryam M

Sep 16, 2020

The course was heavily designed based on the tool. I would rather learn more details of, for example, optimisation.

By Federico G V

Aug 30, 2019

Stimulating course, the low valuation is due to the fact that slides shown during lesson are not made available