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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Ancient Greeks by Wesleyan University

2,053 ratings

About the Course

This is a survey of ancient Greek history from the Bronze Age to the death of Socrates in 399 BCE. Along with studying the most important events and personalities, we will consider broader issues such as political and cultural values and methods of historical interpretation....

Top reviews


Jun 27, 2024

Absolutely fantastic course with a wonderfully calm lecturer who delivers complex situations in an understandable way. The course material is superb and opens up avenues to explore. Thank you so much.


Apr 23, 2018

This has been an enthralling course which introduces you to the world of the Ancient Greek. Thank you Prof. Andrew Szegedy-Maszak, and all the course creators and mentors, for this excellent course.

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501 - 525 of 601 Reviews for The Ancient Greeks

By Yash D


Apr 9, 2020

good one

By Ekaterina P


Jun 29, 2016


By Ekaterina M


Sep 26, 2016


By saheeb a


Oct 5, 2020


By Patrick K A


Nov 10, 2016


By Matthew R


Jul 24, 2016


By Valentina P


Sep 8, 2021


By Deleted A


Aug 19, 2015


By Kelly S


Mar 17, 2021

Light as it may be, one criticism is that the anticipated time suggested for readings, in particular, were unrealistic because they did not account for taking of notes. Using 11-point Calibri font, this course resulted in a total of 251 pages of notes in my case, mostly from the readings. Consequently, my time devoted to study far exceeded the suggested time periods. I suppose I could have just engaged in the readings casually and met the anticipated time, but what would be the point of that? Another, more significant issue is that the spelling in the transcription of lectures (probably done by machine) was consistently wrong, particularly with reference to proper names of people and places. I know there will be a bit of variation anyway when translating Greek names in English, but these were more egregious errors. I found it a bit trying to continually investigate, from other sources, what the actual name was intended to be. To cite one of many examples, note how Chalcidice is mistakenly spelled as a "sea" in the 40th lecture ("The Fourth Century: Philip II and Alexander The Great). So some proper review and editing of the transcriptions would be very helpful and take a rather onerous burden from students. Otherwise, I greatly appreciated the wealth of information and presentations by the professor.

By laura k


Jun 15, 2020

I loved the course and learned a great deal. My only issue what that with many of the quiz's there were questions that had "check all that apply" well I some cases I would get those wrong and then reread my notes, go back over the videos and readings and take the test again only to get the same type of question wrong. I would look and look for the correct answers and with some there just were none. I wish there was a way that after you have submitted you last test that you could get the answers so you would know why you got it wrong and what the right answer was. Some of them were very confusing because the answers would span the whole series of lectures and then maybe a very short part of a reading. I guess I just wish I could know what the actual answer was for some of the questions.

By Brook L


Nov 27, 2020

Loved this course. I would have liked to have the option of deep diving on a few key areas, this is such a rich period of history. I also would have liked to see a list of accompanying books or other reading materials for each week so I could deep dive myself outside of the course. The only disappointing part of this course is with the reading assignments; first many of the URLs are outdated and no longer valid links, and second the estimated time for reading is underestimated (I always spent MUCH longer reading then the estimate).

By Katherine M


Sep 18, 2016

I found this a really interesting course to complete. The lectures are easily digestible and help to provide context for various readings that you complete along the way. I would have liked an introductory lecture that gave an overview of some of the major themes of the course more clearly (I felt a bit at sea throughout the first topic having never studied this before. I didn't know what to pay attention to). But once we were underway, I had no trouble working out the flow of events. I really enjoyed this- thank you!

By Florencia R


Mar 21, 2021

It was a really nice course, I learned a lot and now I feel that I have much more organized and clear ideas about this period. The teacher was really good, I enjoyed a lot his explanations. Also the organization of the course made very easy to follow the program and the final test helped as well in the learning and the assimilation of the contents.The only thing that, in my opinion, need to be improved is the reading links because many of them didn't work. Thank you very much for your work!

By Ken K


Mar 29, 2021

A broad overview of Ancient Greek history from about 1500 BC to Alexander the Great. The professor is obviously qualified but seems uncomfortably self-conscious on video. The ten minutes estimated for the reading assignments are a gross underestimation if you actually attempt to complete them, and many of the links to the reference material do not work. Still, as a free course it is a pleasant alternative to a history book. The quizzes at the end of each module help focus learning.

By Elsa A


Sep 7, 2015

Excellent course! Very knowledgeable professor, yet easy and pleasant to follow. The programme is well structured and the content approached with some depth (considering the introductory nature of the course). I would have loved to see, though, a focus more on philosophy (pre- and post- socratic), visual arts and the Hellenistic period, as it is most of the times neglected, even in today's historical accounts. Hope to see more courses on Classical Studies soon at Coursera.

By Linda S


Jul 27, 2023

Very, very difficult for an 83 year-old but I did it with the Lords help. It was fascinating to learn all the facts that I did. As far as the review quizzes were concerned it would have been a help if on the questions which said "mark all that apply " I knew how many of the choices you wanted. Thank you for the opportunity to retry the quiz. Is there any certificate offered with this course? Also thank you for the opportunity to take these free online courses.

By Elizabeth O


Nov 23, 2017

lectures were excellent--comprehensive, well paced, interesting. I wish that there had been more of an introduction at the outset that framed what we would be learning in the course (date ranges, that it would be focused on Athens, etc.). For a learner completely new to Greek history, understanding these boundaries at the outset would have been a nice framework. Otherwise, excellent course--thank you!

By José E S V


Jun 13, 2017

El curso ha sido muy interesante y ameno. He aprendido mucho y sobre todo me he divertido. El profesor (los videos) ha introducido los conceptos más interesantes de forma corrrecta y el material del curso es bueno; por decir algo me hubiese gustado que alguno de los recursos fuese en español aunque entiendo que ello sea muy difícil. Me gusta la historia y solo aprendo por hobby.



Jun 11, 2020

Ces cours m'ont redonné une bonne vue d'ensemble sur l'histoire de la Grèce ancienne

et fait découvrir des aspects que je ne connaissais pas ou que j'avais oubliés.

Merci à notre éminent professeur pour la clarté de son exposé, son calme et sa bonne prononciation

qui m'a permis avec un sous-titrage en anglais d'améliorer ma compréhension orale de l'anglais.

By Yashvardhan A


Jun 5, 2020

This was one of the best online courses that I have been part of; The course was enlightening and informative and the teacher put it forward in a way that was easy to digest and interesting. The teacher himself is an interesting figure. My only complaint would be that some of the reading links that were given not viable to read or access anymore.

By David F


Sep 10, 2015

Good introduction to the period - balances political history with wider social and cultural topics. Well supported by original source material. Maybe the expectations of weekly reading are set a little high for many students. I personally found the sections on early Greece particularly interesting as I was least familiar with that era.

By Crystal H


Dec 30, 2023

Truly excellent course on Ancient Greece. Depth and content of lectures is remarkable. The only reason I did not give the course fives stars is that many of the links to the required readings do not work and I had to search for the primary sources myself in order to complete the readings. Highly recommend this course!

By James G


Jun 7, 2019

Good value for money. It provides a backbone structure for the 1000 years or so of Greek history. beware of the time requirements for the assignments - the course says a reading assignment is 10 minutes - for 100 pages of Thucydides - I often found it was more like a month! The course took me about 9 months to complete.

By Andreea D R


Nov 15, 2015

The course was very interesting. My recommendation would be to also include videos as resources, where possible. For example, I found videos of 'Medea' and 'Antigone' on Youtube and watched them and loved them! Since it's theater, it's completely different seeing the play than just reading it.

By Roberto G G


Jul 16, 2020

My only concern is about the quizzes in general. Be prepared to questions about details that aren't the most crucial thing to understand the big frame of History, nor were they emphasized in the lecture. It's a kind of a tricky question. Besides this annoying thing, the course is helpful.