Oct 27, 2021
Incredible learning experience. Every programmer in industry should take this course if only to dispel the idea that with the advent of cloud computing exponential algorithms can still ruin your day!
Jun 11, 2017
Incredible learning experience. Every programmer in industry should take this course if only to dispel the idea that with the advent of cloud computing exponential algorithms can still ruin your day!
By Banukah
•Feb 25, 2020
This is probably the best MOOC ever on any platform! I got to learn a lot from this. Highly recommend it.
By 文哲宇
•Mar 18, 2019
I strongly recommend this class for green hand in java or many students who are interested in algorithms.
By Hu Y
•Mar 13, 2017
really good. I just cannot come up with a course that is better than this. great slides and great project
By Deleted A
•Feb 13, 2017
The contents are extremely useful, and the lecture is clear. The programming assignments are challenging.
By Suleman S
•Aug 10, 2021
From this course I learned top algorithm in Java which i feel is great for my knowledge in my academics.
By Ayush A
•Sep 14, 2020
The structure and layout of the course is designed and make as per the need of students and professional
By Jiajun W
•Aug 13, 2020
Very thorough explanation of basic algorithm & data structure. Interesting quiz and homework assignment.
By rajneesh v
•Dec 10, 2019
one of the best described course, content and presentation is way way better than other similar courses.
By Лавриненко Н В
•Nov 6, 2019
Что ж. Раз уж я русский, то и отзыв будет на русском :)
Очень понравился курс, все доходчиво объясняется.
By zhangyixing1007
•Sep 18, 2018
even proper for a new learner on Java, since I am the one
of course, you should work as hard as possible!
By Bradley W
•Jan 29, 2017
My skills in Java were not at the level they needed to be to do the course, but I learned a lot. Thanks!
By Cesar
•May 10, 2021
Very challenging but rewarding as well. I really feel that my algorithmic skills improved considerably.
By Артём Д
•Feb 25, 2017
Very interesting, efficient and exciting course! The best themes for me were search algorithms and BST.
By Andrew T
•Nov 13, 2016
As for non-native English speaker and programmer amateur this course is literally a godsend! Thank you!
By Abhishekgouda H
•May 8, 2020
CLEAN AND CLEAR explanation of algorithms.
A huge salute for Sir ROBERT SEDGEWICK from INDIAN Audience.
By 戚子云
•Sep 14, 2018
When became a old programer,I found the base is very important.The framework is for code farmer
By Vasyl T
•Jul 1, 2018
This course covers the most essential data on topic though it is very easy to understand and learn it.
By Siva K
•Aug 9, 2017
This is the Algorithms course I have ever attended. A must starting course for beginner/intermediate.
By Tomasz N
•Mar 13, 2017
Excellently clear and thorough introduction to algorithms. Prof. Sedgewick has superb learning skills.
By Michał K
•Dec 5, 2016
Very interesting and not so hard. Interview questions are sometimes trickier than practical exercises.
By Ruslan P
•Oct 10, 2016
There is very informative course. It has understandable explanation of algorithms and data structures.
By Aleksandr S
•Aug 28, 2022
It was very hard and very useful. Detailed notes on tasks provide comprehensive information for work.
By Brian S
•Nov 26, 2021
Great course, great instructor and I learned a lot! It's by far the best online course I have taken
By Wan Y
•Aug 3, 2021
Another quality lesson from Prof. Sedgwick even better if you have a book, more detailed explanations
By Bank E
•May 24, 2020
Very thorough course from beginner to intermediate level. Thank you so much for such valuable course.