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Learner Reviews & Feedback for International Women's Health and Human Rights by Stanford University

1,646 ratings

About the Course

This course focuses on women’s health and human rights issues from infancy through old age, including information about positive interventions relating to those issues. Learners are encouraged to interact with each other through interactive discussions. It is important to us that this course be available to all learners. We encourage you to apply for Coursera's financial aid (see link to left) if the cost of the course certificate is difficult for you to afford. Please note that you may view all materials in this course, and participate in it, without purchasing a certificate. The course was co-created by Consulting Professor Anne Firth Murray and Kevin Hsu. Anne Firth Murray is the Content Director of the course; Kevin Hsu is the Design Director of the course....

Top reviews


Sep 3, 2019

I love the content and the wealth of knowledge this course has brought to my conscious. Very informative and interesting. Many different platforms for learning; reading, videos to watch or listen to.


Jun 26, 2021

The course is a complete package on learning about women's health. Anne Firth Murray and her team has done such a great job of bringing all the modules together. The content is relevant and precise.

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1 - 25 of 496 Reviews for International Women's Health and Human Rights

By Kathryn R

Apr 3, 2018

The amount of time required to successfully complete this course is significantly more than the course description states. Many readings have a time frame of 10 minutes, when in fact it will take an hour even when just skimming.

By Nora V

Aug 12, 2020

The course would have been amazing if the material was not so outdated... I decided to stop going through with it in Week 2 as we are in 2020 and the material provides statistics from early 2000s.


Dec 6, 2019


By Nadia B

Jan 5, 2020

Very interesting course! I especially enjoyed to read all interesting contributions on women's rights for the coursework from all over the world. Thank you very much for organising this great course!

By Cristina C

Oct 28, 2020

These are topics related to women, yes, but they date back 15 and 20 years, which is very outdated, and in order to learn from a course, it needs to be current information.

By Alexandra G C

Nov 23, 2021

Informative, but a lot of reading listed. A LOT more than the time allocations allow (i.e. 80 page document in 10 mins). Be prepared to allocate more time than it lists per week for all reading and exercises.

By Jamie C

Jul 12, 2017

Smart people, but aggressively white and binarist angle.

By Eden G

Feb 6, 2018

To everyone wishing to know more about women's and girl's health, human rights and where the human race is going on a local and global prospective, this course will be ideal.

This course has given me the skills, the research capacity and the information necessary among aothers to be a skilled women's human right's adovcate. The videos interview with professionals, the "check your learning "section, the reading material, the weekely paper submissions are tools that I found to be very helpful in shaping a discipline in teh study of this complex area of study. The mentors, moderators are quick to reply when needed. It is a course that demands dedication and determination.

I believe there should be a second level of this course centered maybe more on research and data gathering, and I would be happy to attend!


By Subrata D

Oct 15, 2020

A wonderfully insightful course, with many real-life case studies that reveal the ingrained and systemic abuse that so many women face. The course had the right balance of videos and reading material.

By Rebecca J

Sep 3, 2019

I love the content and the wealth of knowledge this course has brought to my conscious. Very informative and interesting. Many different platforms for learning; reading, videos to watch or listen to.

By Raúl N

Jun 29, 2021

Altamente recomendado. Primero escribiré esto en espanol para dar a entender que este curso puede ser rendido por personas de todo el mundo, incluidas las de habla hispana. Aprendí bastantes detalles sobre cuestiones que ya conocía debido a mi trabajo e investigaciones. Soy redactor del primer proyecto de nueva Constitución Política de la República de Chile desde el regreso a la democracia basado en los más altos estándares internacionales y este curso me permitió conocer una enorme variedad de cuestiones relacionadas a los derechos humanos de la mujer que sólo Stanford pudo entregarme. Muchas gracias y sigamos contribuyendo a crear un mundo con mayor igualdad entre hombres y mujeres, donde se respeten los derechos y la dignidad de todas las mujeres oprimidas del mundo. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Highly recommended. I will write this in Spanish first to imply that this course can be taken by people from all over the world, including Spanish speakers. I learned quite a lot about issues that I already knew from my work and research. I am the editor of the first draft of the new Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile since the return to democracy based on the highest international standards and this course allowed me to learn about a huge variety of issues related to the human rights of women that only Stanford could give me up. Thank you very much and let us continue to contribute to creating a world with greater equality between men and women, where the rights and dignity of all oppressed women in the world are respected.

By Melissa C

Mar 3, 2019

This course is very complete, professors and collaborators can provide extremely important information to your learning regarding women Human Rights.

I also appreciated all the resources available.

By jay p

Jun 30, 2019

Really informative course. I thoroughly enjoyed all the lectures and different subject matters that have been included. Just challenging to manage heavy workload and weekly assignments in a timely manner.

By Neecie P a D E P

Mar 10, 2019

I highly recommend this course. The content is diverse and covers topics such as women reproductive health, the importance of educating women and girls, sex trafficking, women's reproductive health, empowerment of women and girls, gender inequality and other GLOBAL topics such women and aging, women's resilience and other topics for women and faced by women to include key issues of discrimination of women from diverse countries. This course should be mandatory in grade school as far as teaching girls about reproductive health, self-esteem, self-love, what is pedophilia, what is rape, and challenges faced by women and girls. I loved this class as it opened my eyes to Women's Health and Human Rights from a Global perspective beginning with the United Nations Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women. I highly recommend this course!

By Sarah L

Jul 24, 2020

International Women's Health and Human Rights was an excellent course. It offered varied topics every week. There were many excellent video lectures from experts in their field. The assignments were interesting and a practical application of the weekly topic. I would highly recommit this course to anyone interested in Women's Health and Human Rights.

By Laura M

Jul 8, 2020

The content and methodology of the course were great. The study material was well chosen and even experts on women's rights can learn a lot in this course due to the variety of topics covered in this course.

By Samrakshya B

Aug 20, 2018

This course is amazingly designed to give you integrated knowledge on various factors that influence women's health and plus gives you idea about interventions you can apply to solve those problems.

By Rebecca A

Aug 21, 2017

It was very informative and interesting. The layout was clear and easy to use. the interviews in particular were useful and interesting. I would definitely recommend this course.

By Deleted A

Sep 11, 2019

The assignments should not be peer-graded because it is too subjective as people live in different social environements. However, the course topics are absolutely interesting!

By Ilish C

Jun 19, 2018

As cliche as it may sound, I cannot stop raving about this course! I was skeptical when I enrolled in the course (thinking and second guessing how legitimate it may be) but I'm so glad I enrolled! It's so informative and touches base on topics from every angle. Not only that, but the fact that you can go at your own pace is so relieving! And if you have any questions AT ALL, students from all across the globe are there for you to message and help out when you need it! The course material is easy to follow and the assignments are thorough in what is asked of the student. Each week is a new eye opening experience and this was a decision that I don't regret enrolling myself in whatsoever. I can't wait to see what else Stanford has to offer!

By Megha C

Aug 5, 2020

I learned so much from this course and thoroughly enjoyed much of the reading and interviews, particularly because they covered a wide range of people and countries. The Thought Questions made me think intellectually about issues that we covered. The ‘Engage Your Community’ assignments helped me apply the issues I was learning about in the context of the real world. The discussions and reviewing of other people’s assignments allowed me to reach out to fellow individuals as passionate about women’s health and human rights as me! Overall, a highly informative and well structured course - you will definitely learn a lot.

By Mary M M Z

Apr 13, 2018

I am actually impressed by how this course is designed to be an intensive introduction to those beginners who wish to enter the gate of knowledge towards the international health and human rights issues of women worldwide! The way it is designed, tailored, customized to suit every student from every corner in the world is spectacular! I am still in week three, yet, I am impressed by how great everything related to this learning opportunity is for me and I do recommend it to everyone around who works in development and women's areas. Thanks big for everybody, institution, portal that made it successful as it is!

By Md R H

Jul 9, 2020

It was extremely helpful for me to learn things about women health and child abuse which I didn't know.

I was ignorant about different cultural tradition and taboos that humiliate the women's dignity.

This course has broaden my mind by providing proper and precise knowledge on women's health and

human rights. I hope that I would be able to apply this knowledge to my next master degree on public

health. Thank you so much coursera and Standford University and the professors for giving me this

opportunity to learn all these thins.

Happy Learning for all.

By Catherine H

Dec 22, 2018

This is, hands down, the most influential class that I have taken so far. It is a lot of work, but it's so well worth it because it's extremely written and all of the information is provided in a way that you can build on your knowledge of the subject as you advance through the lectures. This class was extremely emotional, but I think that's part of the point. It really stirs up sadness and anger for the injustices against so many women in the world, and helps to provide ways to get involved in change. If you take any class, take this one.

By Irene U B

Oct 12, 2020

This course was exceptional. It not only had very relevant and interesting topics, the way the course was organised and delivered was excellent. It is so obvious that this course has been created with so much love and care. Videos, readings, optional readings, tests, many essays! This course is here for the people that really want to engage and dive into it.

It made me learn so many things I didn't know, introduced me to amazing people and big names inside this field. This course is not 10/10, it is 12/10.