Jan 29, 2021
I found this course to be very informational; the practice and homework were excellent to prepare for the exams, and the instructor covered all material in the lectures that was on the exams.
Aug 25, 2020
Great Instruction by Prof Christian - very lucid and with real world examples. Learning a business skill is mostly learning observation.. Now I know what to observe when looking for productivity!
By Mario M R
•May 15, 2017
This course definitely gives you a good basic understanding of the concepts and math behind the Operations Management. The examples, exercises and quizzes are truly useful to get prepared for each module exam. The platform is easy to use and the app is also extremely useful.
Room for improvement on explaining the exam problems and the presentations.
By Christopher S
•Feb 24, 2017
A solid introduction to operations management. I worked for two years as a production manager, so some of the concepts were already familiar to me, and yet this course helped me find new meaning in the different methods of controlling and analyzing operations. Professor T. explains things clearly and maintains a good pace, neither too slow
By Georgiy S
•Feb 23, 2016
Very informative course, which I have enjoyed a lot! The only thing is that for me it was quite ambiguous about writing numeric answers on exams/quizzes. I really liked the way guidelines for writing different types of numeric answers were made in Introduction to Corporate Finance course. Something similar in this course would be great
By Izaskun F M O
•Nov 9, 2022
I learned a lot in this course and think the instructor is very good. I just wish there was a bit more help available for people, like myself, that lack math skills that are obviously a given in this course. I struggled more with those (particularly in the last two modules) than with the concepts. Not all of us are STEM people!
By Richard N
•Jan 24, 2024
This was a good overview/ refresher on operations management. Instructor is good. The quizzes can be a little frustrating as it is not always clear the format required for the answer. Just need to get used to taking courses in this format. Spend time looking at the discussions and pace yourself.
By mjgovani
•Mar 20, 2024
The course is great. My only recommendation is with the exam section where the answers had to be so specific seemed silly. The focus should be on concepts rather than getting the answer exactly right. For example if the answer to a question was 0.0036 and you round it off to 0.04 it would be wrong.
By Jyhjeng D
•Mar 18, 2021
This course provides a basic analysis of processing time, capacity, quality, manpower and demand rate. It closes with a short summary of Toyota production system. The instructor gives concise explanation on the concepts above with challenging questions. This is helpful course to me.
By Adam S
•Jan 23, 2018
Good overview of ways to analyze a business, be it manufacturing (or fast food) or Service based (hospital, call center). Also enjoyed the section on the Toyota (Japanese) Production system view of waste reduction and quality assurance and quality control.
By Musheer A S
•Mar 31, 2017
Good execution of overall e-modules. Common examples were good, would be better to use some software related examples as well.
Suggestion is to add the explanation for each of the home work answer after submission to understand have more understanding.
By Tomas S
•May 28, 2020
The course itself was really interest, however, I would not recommend as a course for people with no experience. I have some background on the business community and found the course pretty hard in general. The professor was excellent.
By Paola F R B
•Feb 25, 2019
Me gustaron mucho los temas, me gusto la explicacion, pero a la hora de hacer los examenes, sufrà mucho, eran mucho mas complicados que los problemas expuestos en clase. Favor de empatar lo visto en clase con lo preguntado en examenes.
By Su Z C
•May 11, 2019
It's a very useful course, professor is pretty clear about explaining theory and showing how to do some calculation, it would be wonderful if the sound record system get improved, sometimes the voice from video is not clear enough.
By Johnny V
•May 1, 2020
Excellent and detailed course. My only complaint is some topics are assumed as prior knowledge without explicit instruction. The student is then unsure what to even look up when attempting to fill these knowledge gaps.
By Moutaz A
•Apr 26, 2020
Very informative course and does contains lots of practical examples and exercises!
Strongly recommended for those who run business and would like to understand how to create good processes and high-quality operations.
•Oct 3, 2018
The course was very informative and detailed. I will take this oppurtunity to thank coursera and The Wharton School to have such an amazing platformfor people to come and learn with real examples.
By Yatin S
•Jun 20, 2021
This course is worth doing as it changes the perspective of thinking in right direction. Course also helps to find out bottlenecks and improve productivity. I found it useful and well with an engineers curriculum.
By Tyrel B
•Jun 6, 2017
Very Time Consuming, process analysis and statistical probability are very interesting. I do feel however that I will have difficulty actually applying 95% of the material to my present day business.
By Adan
•Jun 25, 2020
I feel there were not enough examples for the problems sets. It took me longer than normal to solve them. Especially when the teacher made a small change to how it's supposed to be solved.
By Harry M
•May 25, 2020
Over all very positive, some of the exam questions were very simple compared to the course work, so i'm not sure how valuable the course will be on my CV, but that remains to be seen.
By Dejan H
•Dec 27, 2022
It's really good course from the aspect of content as well as technical performance. The lecturer is on a really high level so it goes hand to hand. Keep your great work.
By varun p
•Nov 17, 2018
Quite detailed and lengthy but an intriguing course. Many relevant examples have been included by the Professor to make contents easy for the user. Overall satisfactory!
By rahul
•Feb 27, 2016
Very detailed coverage of topics however the lecturer lacks sufficient energy in delivery and this could be solved when recording the lecture from an real classroom.
By Keiji H
•Nov 12, 2017
Although very hard to listen to the professor because of his accent and very hard to read his hand written words, the content itself is really useful and practical.
By Rahul S M
•Apr 18, 2020
The course is very relevant to Industrial/Operations/Management professionals. Thanks a lot to the instructor (Prof. Christian Terwiesch) for designing the course.
By Matt G
•Nov 27, 2016
Some quiz questions are hard to understand... the math and problem solving is the easy part. Understanding what they question is looking for is the biggest battle.