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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by University of London

6,117 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn three key website programming and design languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You will create a web page using basic elements to control layout and style. Additionally, your web page will support interactivity. At the end of the course, you will be able to: 1. Define the purpose of HTML, CSS and JavaScript 2. Make a simple web page using HTML 3. Use CSS to control text styles and layout 4. Use CSS libraries such as Bootstrap to create responsive layouts 5. Use JavaScript variables and functions 6. Manipulate web page content using JavaScript 7. Respond to user input using JavaScript In this course, you will complete: 2 assignments writing HTML, CSS and JavaScript, each taking ~1 hour to complete 4 quizzes, each taking ~20 minutes to complete 1 programming exercise~30 minutes to complete multiple practice quizzes, each taking ~5 minutes to complete Participation in or completion of this online course will not confer academic credit for University of London programmes....

Top reviews


Feb 14, 2016

Bright instructors delivering succinct and interesting content, with quick-paced videos and quizzes make a great learning experience. I am really impressed! Thank you, University of London people!


Nov 11, 2020

A great introductory course in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery & Bootstrap. It doesn't goes very deep into each of these technologies but it gives you enough foundations for you to pursue further.

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1526 - 1550 of 1,636 Reviews for Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

By Pablo P

Apr 16, 2017

The course is interesting, the professors are good, they know how and what they have to explain. But the exercises and tests are really easy and do not require lots of knowledge. In fact, seems more like an explanation than a test. So, if you don't practice by yourself you won't learn a thing. Even though Coursera give you an certificate.

I would add more and better practical exercises to make this course better.

By Andrew M

Nov 4, 2015

The course could and should have digs a hole lot deeper into the material, a brief history of the web, the browser, wars standards compliance, I feel, should have been part of this course. Web-standards in general also, html/css/js versions which just have new versions or upcoming versions should have been presented and/or relevant links provided.

This course if full of missed opportunities.

By Oscar A H M

Sep 6, 2017

I think the Course could improve the Challenges.

I think that The Night/Day mode assigment and also the one that required to change the pictures was not difficult enough to exploit and test the skills we learned.

The first assigment in other hand was more about coding and doing something from scratch. I think every assigment should be as good as that one.

By Sean C

Oct 6, 2015

Great video instructions. Had some tech issues on my end. Not really a good idea to try this on a chromebook if you are just getting started. If you know the work-arounds to make the assignments with a chromebook it's below your level. Still very much worth the time to watch the videos whether or not you are going to complete the work.

By marsya a

Feb 16, 2016

Words... TOO MANY Words!! Talking talking talking, most if it without valuable content. I got bored listening to the instructors continuously telling us what they were going to tell us, repeating themselves, and then telling us what they told us again and again and again... Also WAY too many UMMMMsss from the instructors.

By Roy H

Feb 3, 2019

While the content was great the assignments were a let down. Many of them is making very minor changes and uploading screenshots rather than having the opportunity to try all the skills that were taught. I would have preferred if the assignments were to make the pages we were working with from scratch.

By January J

Jan 28, 2016

In my opinion, this is a decent introductory course but I feel it relies too heavily on the bootstrap framework and not enough basic fundamentals are taught. There is a lot happening within any framework and understanding the how, and why of web design is just as important as getting the final product.

By Miniapple M

Jan 17, 2016

Not that bad I've might have learned more visiting other MOOC like Openclassrooms where they give us more information about coding. This course is just showing the basic, not as complete as other online course platform where they show you how to insert video, contact form and audio.

By Andrew G

Oct 4, 2015

Got really bonkers listening to the University of London jingle at the start AND end of each of the 38 video's in this course. The content is just ok.. but not explanation is very high level. It is good for someone who has never had experience with web technologies before.

By Damir K

Jan 26, 2016

Needs way bigger scope and a bit more going into details. The Full Stack Web Development course is somewhat like that. Lectures are good and easy to understand, both visuals and speak are nice and clear. Hopefully next one remains great quality but with more content :)

By Ola A

Jan 25, 2016

As a learning course the final project was specification-less. they should ask for something specific and explained well they should test conecpts not asking for whatever idea you have, apply what you learned I think this is an old school method.

By Abdelrahman M

Aug 11, 2017

overall is good , but it didn't show the full details for a beginner and i was confused about a lot of things , my advice for you if you've already know some information about the topics ,you 'll feel more comfortable with this course .


By Pona T

Nov 16, 2017

I think it would have been more effective to do the coding step by step (especially in the JavaScript portion of the course) rather than having the entire code and then explaining it. I would have liked to see what each element does in action.

By QuangHuy T

Jan 8, 2016

Course is really helpful for whom start develop website, however, question set is too small so student can guess its answer in few trial (I don't like it).

At the end, I admire your effort in these series and will keep joining the next course.

By Thomas K

Jan 12, 2016

A nice introduction to the basics but I found the assignments a little to easy so I didn't feel competent at the end of the course. I thought the instructors gave the information in clear and concise way which made the course quite enjoyable


Oct 6, 2021

If you just want to know how it all works altogether then its okay but it wont teach you the concept of css, javascript properly. You have to spend more time and look at other sources to properly understand html, css and javascript.

By Abdullah A F

Jun 16, 2020

The overall lecture was good but instructor always shows readymade code. it is difficult to understand when a lecturer speech from readme code. It is easy to understand when a lecturer speech+write code simultaneously.

By Peanut

Nov 14, 2017

The content covers the basics of html, javascript and css. It would be better that this course could offer more difficult assignments and cover more intermediate level content of frontend development.

By Yuxin Z

Oct 25, 2017

Course material is insufficient. I would not recommend this course to a beginner. I had to look up other sources before I can answer some of the questions. Also, presentation could be done better.

By Abhishek U

Nov 24, 2016

very much interesting and hand on map of yourself or your hobby. it provide you a good and exact command that's required for you to make a good web page. so go for it , professor are very cool.

By Arun K

Nov 24, 2015

Exercises should be more tough so that students can read a lot on the web about different thingsthey could do with Javascript. Hands-on experience should be given to be more interactive.

By Christine H

Apr 6, 2021

Not sufficient hands on work. The submission tasks are too easy. The pace is very slow. I miss content on text Editors and source control. However, the course provides a good overview.

By Daniel R C

Oct 14, 2015

It's a very basic course to learn a very small things about bootstrap, jquery and HTML, but I think the level is too advanced for non-programming people, it should be better structured.

By Jonah

Nov 3, 2020

You can finish this course in one evening. It's a nice introduction to the basics if you're brand new to web development, but don't shell out your cash for this course in particular.

By Andrii S

Oct 16, 2015

Too much time is dedicated to the very basics. It could have been shorter and more concise. I opted out of this course in favour of the one from the Hong Cong University, sorry =)