Dec 16, 2022
In the steps of User Experience Design, I got how to go through all four stages; Requirements gathering, Alternative designs, Prototyping, and Evaluation to design and get a good product on the table.
Oct 23, 2017
The best introduction classes, gives an overall idea about UI/UX. Grateful for the efforts taken by the Georgia Tech and Coursera. Looking forward to see more courses related to my career. Thank you.
By Azhar M s
•Oct 21, 2020
By 丽丽 万
•Jun 28, 2020
By Zohra
•May 6, 2017
By MambetmuratovRasul
•Jan 22, 2025
By Saketh P
•Oct 5, 2022
•Feb 12, 2023
By victor u
•May 15, 2022
By Andrea R
•May 22, 2020
This was okay for a theoretical-only and very basic introduction to user experience design. There was a LOT of repetition of previous content in every video, which may be great for some users but which was boring and annoying for me. I also found the layout of the video unhelpful (slides on the left, person on the right) and would have preferred it the other way round. I often didn't even realize that a slide had changed because my eye kept being drawn to the lecturer instead of the slides and because there was little visual differentiation between the slides (fonts, sizes, colors). The slides were often hard to read because the text was very spread out and therefore hard to grasp at a glance. There also often was more text than I could read in the amount of time it was visible (so I had to pause frequently) and the lecturer didn't always refer to everything that was shown. I did not feel motivated at all to do any of the suggested exercises, mostly because there was no feedback system for whatever I would have produced (and because the exercises weren't available in writing anywhere, just in the middle of the videos). The quizzes were fairly thorough, which I think was good. Overall, I probably would have learned the content better (and much faster) with just a few pages of text instead of all the videos because the video format didn't offer any extra benefit for me.
By rachel f
•Nov 3, 2020
feedback about quiz in no order:
1) "Tertiary stakeholders may not use the design at all, but are directly affected by the design in either a negative or a positive way." -- this would be the cashier at the store. If the payment doesn't go through the cashier could be affected.
2) "main pitfall of requirement gathering is not knowing all of the appropriate techniques" a pitfall is a hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty. There are no dangers or difficulties inherent to requirement gathering. A pitfall of rock climbing is falling to your death. Better question would be "a main challenge to successful Requirement Gathering could be non-communicative participants".
Question 18:
Secondary stake holders: "do not use the design directly but may do IT indirectly".
Do what?! What is "It"? Do the design? The function? Task? Secondary stakeholders will be affected by design's changes and updates, and may have a to accommodate or react. A user likes the new expense report interface (primary) but it takes AP longer to process the payment because the expense categories are not aligning with cost codes.
So far I like the course and look forward to completing it. But I find myself wanting to edit the manuscript, and reword the quiz questions.
By Ekaterina K
•Feb 19, 2022
It was a nice introductory course to the UX topic. For me as a complete newbie in this sphere, it was interesting to learn basic concepts. I gave 3 stars to this course for several reasons.
Firstly, based on the amount of information covered, this course could be way shorter or contain more information about actual processes and tools. For me, it is an equivalent to a 20-15min article to read.
Secondly, I would like to see real examples of how UX works in real projects. I expected to learn more about a real examples of application of UX and maybe some interviews with UX designers.
Lastly, the format of the quizzes was not user-friedly. Ironically, the course that describes an effective and efficient user experience failed to do it. I experience a great inconvenience doing quizzes. There were huge spaces between ticking boxes and questions; I had to scroll down to read all possible asnwers and then come back to mark my choice. Obviously, it is not a problem of the course, rather a drawback of the platform. Anyway, it affected my first impression of using Coursera.
Overall, while containing some good information, in my point of view, this course doesn't worth the money.
By SaLia P
•Dec 20, 2021
I found this one a bit difficult to understand from time to time. If you're a person who can get easily confused by statements that sound the same but differ, you may not have success with this. The time of the videos were perfect, most were very short and allowed for bursts of info. However, when it came to take the tests, some of the questions I didn't understand at all. Some seemed like they were more so statements, then you're left like "ok?" Then you get the answer wrong and it counts as your final score. Some of the answer choices for the tests didn't make sense either, or were very similar to each other, that you could be thinking that it could be either answer. At the end it tells you which ones you missed, but it doesn't tell you what the correct answer was (so I still don't know).
By Jordan S
•Feb 6, 2022
The course was very through in the way it described the basic concepts of outlining User Experience Design. However as I went through and completed the course I felt the challenge and need to understand the concepts each week wsn't reviewed throughly going into each week of topics. It felt as I completed the first week, the second week didn't cover too much of the content prior. On the tests it was stricly used to test the week's content, but still once I finished the week I didn't have a need to review any of the content prior to pass the test. I did take small bites of what User Experience Design entails, but as far as putting the concept together it didn't feel too coherent.
By Barbora R
•Feb 28, 2023
This course provides only high-level overview of the topics. The first section, Requirement Gathering, has okay amount of info about data collection methods, however the other chapters just introduce some key term. I feel that this course was missing information depth, even for introduction level. The quizzes seemed to be made in haste - questions were repetitive (sometimes the same question asked 2 times in the same quiz) - that may be also result of the lack of material covered by the course. The course could also benefit from a variety of examples. The instructor was easy to follow.
By Laura L
•May 13, 2020
The information provided was comprehensive and useful, but I found the presentation to be incredibly boring. It took me several days to get through the material because I couldn't focus on more than one or two videos in a sitting. I would have liked to have seen one or two real-world examples (particularly on building a website) taken through the entire course. I liked the short videos, but I would have felt more engaged if the course included other activities such as games, concept matching, interviews, or examples of laboratory experiments.
By Samantha D
•Sep 3, 2022
Basic information about UX design - easy and fast course to get an understanding of the field. However, there were a lot of typos throughout the videos and tests. Some of the tasks in a module were article links to read, but some of the links no longer work. Also, some of the questions on the test didn't make sense or were poorly written without proper punctuation. I would have liked the option to review incorrect answers on the tests to learn the correct answer, but they were only marked as incorrect without the choices listed again.
By weresuchproducts
•Jun 23, 2021
This course was decent. I think the content was sufficent for a beginner to learn some basic UXD knowledge, but that's about it. The information was a good basic starter for someone looking to transition into the UXD field. I wish there were practical assignments to build a portfolio instead of just theoretical information. Overall, the course was informative, but not practical for building a new skillset. This has helped me learn some more information on design, but not build a portfolio to showcase this knowledge.
By James S
•Jan 5, 2022
Pretty good but there were ironically, times when the usability of the course content was a bit hit and miss.
Quizzes and overall navigation were the most impacted, but I couldn't help but notice formatting issues and typos.
I was swapping between Mac, PC and iPad and the experience was particularly bad on the iPad. It was so bad that I stopped for a while as the only device I had for a while was my iPad.
I know it's free, but it isn't too hard to tweak and fix these things, even when they are live and "in the wild".
By Antonio C
•Oct 25, 2017
The resources are very helpful. The contents are also interesting, but at times I found myself fighting to stay awake when watching the video lessons. The introductory part of the course (before going in depth with the 4 main points of UX Design) is specially tedious and repetitive, and I have the feeling that it could have been summarized in one third.
All in all, I think as an introductory course is well worth the time.
Thank you very much for making this course available to everyone.
By Niveditha
•Mar 27, 2020
Enjoyed the course! Crisp and straightforward video explanations. Coursework also provides ample online resources that one can revisit. I only wish there were some prototyping exercised that students could work on and then get back to each other for some peer evaluation. That would have enhanced the learning even further. Nevertheless, this course has engaged me well enough that I am interested to learn whatever the next level encompasses.
By Gina R
•Apr 25, 2023
If you're interested in UX design, it's a good idea to start with this introductory course. It covers the basics of the user design cycle and can help you decide if you want to pursue further education. The course is free and takes only three hours to complete, including quizzes. While the reading lists may be lengthy and dull, there is a noteworthy example about the social mirror. Give it a try and see if UX design is right for you!
By Viktor Ä H
•Dec 6, 2021
Good introduction to the basic topics of UX-design. I thought however that the power points used was unclear and not very helpful. The design of the learning videos and the language used could have been a lot clearer. The quizes was also a lot of times confusing. TLDR: I learned a lot about the basics of UX-design but the design of the course made it harder than it had to be.
By Matylda S
•Feb 25, 2021
The reading materials were a little bit disordered. I had an impression that the links were given just to show big amount of reading. Some of the materials were repeting itself on different stages not usually combined with topic learnt at the time.
Materials to read should be a little bit more sorted out, some of the pages were not working or the materials were gone.
By Steven C
•Jun 27, 2020
Although this course gives an introduction into UX, the course content contains many spelling, grammatical, and typographic errors. Additionally, some quiz questions can be ambiguous and unnecessary. Some questions appear multiple times in a single quiz, while others seem to be filler. They test the student's memory, rather than her/his comprehension of a concept.
By Raes
•May 9, 2017
This course was a good overall overview of the User Exp. Design process. It is useful for a process of proposal writing, but it didn't give me real insights into the techniques itself. A better insight into the methods (for example by short example videos) would make the course more tangible. Nevertheless a very well structured and presented introduction course!
By Attila M
•Jun 19, 2022
I have mixed feeling after finishing this course. The material is kind of okay, I have gained some useful knowledge, but the quality of the presentation is quite low and is really not engaging. The quizes are also wierd, quite a few questions do not relate to the main topic, they rather test if you paid attention to the anecdotes told during the presentation.