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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Calculus: Single Variable Part 1 - Functions by University of Pennsylvania

2,262 ratings

About the Course

Calculus is one of the grandest achievements of human thought, explaining everything from planetary orbits to the optimal size of a city to the periodicity of a heartbeat. This brisk course covers the core ideas of single-variable Calculus with emphases on conceptual understanding and applications. The course is ideal for students beginning in the engineering, physical, and social sciences. Distinguishing features of the course include: 1) the introduction and use of Taylor series and approximations from the beginning; 2) a novel synthesis of discrete and continuous forms of Calculus; 3) an emphasis on the conceptual over the computational; and 4) a clear, dynamic, unified approach. In this first part--part one of five--you will extend your understanding of Taylor series, review limits, learn the *why* behind l'Hopital's rule, and, most importantly, learn a new language for describing growth and decay of functions: the BIG O....

Top reviews


Jul 3, 2018

Very well structured for a refresher course. Thank you Professor Ghrist for your effort in putting this course together. A little additional outside research was required but well worth the effort.


Mar 6, 2021

Awesome , I love to do maths ( challenging maths ) like we are playing game and clearing level one by one ,but still it will be better if we get answer of question which we failed to attempt it

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101 - 125 of 601 Reviews for Calculus: Single Variable Part 1 - Functions

By Dmitry P


Feb 14, 2018

For me the most difficult part was "order of growth". It would be very nice if this subject was explained more detailed. It was rather hard course for me (I can't do all the exercises in time). Big thanks for many exercises and for few errors.

By Tracy S B


Feb 2, 2020

Excellent course. Thanks!

Future Students: Make sure you read the Wiki in the "General Discussion" section titled "READ ME!!!!!!!!!! Penn Calc Wiki supplement" because that will tell you where to find the web-based "textbook" for the course

By Robert H


Feb 25, 2016

The YouTube description was overly enthusiastic. The course description on signup was much more to the point: This is not AB calculus. Reach the end and you will have accomplished something. Warning: You will not be led by the hand.

By Peter K


Sep 6, 2023

I keep on returning to that marvellous course by prof Ghrist. I love his operational approach to Calculus. It is as important to me as Rudin's famous book.

and I love presentation and atmosphere of Ghirst's course, honestly!


By Marat K


Aug 3, 2016

Colorful and quite clear, but it might be a bit impractical (and I've been out of school for years now) in my case, so I'm just reviewing it to recall some notions and theories - and just for fun and a bit of mind-crunching :)

By Oap T


Oct 14, 2020

Coming into this course i was expecting to calmly review calculus, but oh man little did i know how hard it actually is. Who starts with Taylor series? WHO? Nobody whose course is even as close to being as good to this one.

By Ha N


Dec 15, 2021

I found this course quite challenging at the beginning . However, the more I learnt, the more excited and satisfied I got. The course provides me such an in-depth understanding of functions and limit. Love it so much !!!

By João P


Jan 3, 2016

The taylor series insight on growth orders and differentiation as well as function definition is invaluable. The lecturer is superbly original in both presentation of the material, but also on an integrative exposition.

By Trshant B


Mar 25, 2016

i am finally beginning to understand calculus!

It is perfectly paced, and the core homework, while simple really makes you think about what you learned. And prepares you for tougher things, like the challenge homework.

By Hayk M


Sep 15, 2019

Overall, the course is very useful and well structured. I think in some parts of the videos, other methods of explanation should have been chosen in order to allow students to grasp the content of the course easily.

By I.W.


Dec 28, 2018

This was great, thank you! The only thing that would be useful is solutions to missed problems after the assignment has been completed because it's hard to know what you did wrong when you are working by yourself.



Jan 31, 2023

The course was challenging and has helped me to understand and gain some other skills in Mathematics that I did not have. I really appreciate Professor Robert Ghrist for his immense effort in creating the course.

By Utkarsh R


Jan 9, 2016

Feeling calculus!

I'm loving this series of lectures. If you have taken any basic calculus course before, this is the perfect course.

I wish to thank Professor Ghrist and University of Pennsylvania for this course.

By Alekhya V


May 20, 2021

I really loved this course! It was so interesting and the concepts were very well explained. Although it got tricky in the middle of the course, reviewing the materials once again helped me solve the problems!

By Nachiket R U


May 29, 2021

Great course, unlike other courses where all the questions are based on video. the assessment makes sure that you take some extra efforts. Difficult course but it will help you understand the concepts better.

By An H T


Jan 22, 2021

Fantastic! I work in social science and this is the first time I come back to calculus since highschool. 20 years has passed. Time flies! This course is not for faint-hearted. It is challenging, but worthy.

By Oscar O


Jul 28, 2020

It is a Masterful creation of Dr Ghrist......deserves even more stars.....not easy, lots of work , challenging but rewarding in every way.....Thanks Dr Ghrist.....(and forum course Mentors as well!!!).....

By Abdulla A


May 26, 2019

Wonderful course delving into the basics of calculus. I loved the explanatikon and colors. Although I am still not sure about Orders of growth, everything else was explained perfectly and enthusiastically.

By Utsaw G


Nov 1, 2023

Amazing course, really enjoyed in each lecture by Prof. Ghrist, after that quiz are really worth it, Closely related to the concept of Taylor series, Maclaurin series, and Big O notation. Thanks Coursera.

By Leonardo G


Apr 13, 2020

Fue una grandiosa experiencia, los ejercicios me permitieron afianzar mis conocimientos en el cálculo y desarrollar habilidades como resolución de problemas en el abordaje de las situaciones de reto.

By Mengyun Z


Jun 14, 2016

The lectures are delivered in a clear and straightforward manner. Videos do a good job in walking me through the key points related to the topic. And the exercises were well designed to capture the

By Haniyeh B


Sep 28, 2020

As a mathematics student in high school who just wanted to learn and explore more in calculus and university math this was a great first step to start with. Can't wait to go for chapter 2!!!

By Vishvas H P


May 31, 2020

The course is awesome ,I learn lot from this course . Taylor's series and its applications to find limits is very good. Big-O is very useful. Thanks for giving such a wonderful course.

By Stephen w


Jun 2, 2018

This course is difficult, and sometimes is not easy to know how to correct the homework questions since there are no analysis of them and the answers in the forum are not quite complete.

By Steven O


Oct 1, 2024

professor Ghrist is an excellent instructor. I took Calculus over 50 years ago so this class was very difficult for me. If you are willing to put in the effort, it is well worth it!