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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War: Global Perspectives by University of Minnesota

722 ratings

About the Course

How do children overcome hazardous experiences to succeed in life? What can be done to protect young people at risk from trauma, war, disasters, and other adversities? Learn about the importance of fostering resilience in children at risk. During this course, participants will: learn how trauma can affect children and the systems they depend on, gain insight into core concepts, research methods and lessons learned in last 50 years of resilience research, learn how research is being applied in the real world through interventions that promote resilience, and engage in discussions with others who are working with children at risk around the world Participants are welcome to take the MOOC at no cost or to register for a Course Certificate ($49). Those who register and earn a Course Certificate from Coursera also are eligible to sign up for continuing education clock hours through the University of Minnesota. Participants can earn 10 clock hours of continuing education credit (added cost $99) from the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Minnesota. Go here to register for continuing education clock hours for completing this course....

Top reviews


Dec 17, 2021

Thank you so much for this course which should be taught to all teachers from kindergarten to adult. I learned a lot and I am very passionate about this subject! Thank you very much, Mrs. Masten!


Mar 9, 2023

A very insightful course covering multilayer aspects of researches, methods, case studies, and experiences on resilience in children. Thank you for the very valuable and helpful course content!

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51 - 75 of 205 Reviews for Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War: Global Perspectives

By Camila A P R


Jun 26, 2020

En general no me gustó mucho. Quería saber cosas más prácticas que me sirvieran con mis pacientes o con niños con los que vaya a trabajar. Pero se enfoca más en mostrar estudios y ejemplos de niños que han vivido traumas. No es muy práctico, y está enfocado para personas que vayan a hacer programas a niveles más grandes, en comunidades con niños que han vivido tramas, o para colegios con niños. No me sirvió mucho como profesional de la salud que trabaja con niños.

By charles r n


Dec 14, 2020

testing does not give enough feedback to learn correct answers

By Likaa A M


Sep 20, 2020


By Christine P


Feb 15, 2022

I am so glad that I completed this course. I have gained insight on the topic of resilience in children that will help me work with children who have experienced trauma and adversity, especially my desire to volunteer to support newly arrived refugee children from Afghanistan who have resettled in my area. The course modules held my attention throughout, and I was motivated to delve into the subject outside of the required materials. Ann Masten's presentations and interviews were very interesting and informative.

By Farwha N


Mar 12, 2022

Extremely informative and very essential in my line of work with children at high risk. The course has inspired me to develop a base-line assessment model that can be utilised prior to the initiation of the individually designed interventions. This will allow the collaborative team to monitor the progress in each child. Thank you so much Professor Masten for your inspiring work.

By Ivanka D


Apr 5, 2021

I am fascinated by the form of the course, as well as the information that encourages you to think and look for more. I am grateful for all the conveniences with the language, I had not used English so intensively for a long time. I have something to work on in this direction. I also really liked the presentation of the guests in the course. Thanks for the wonderful time I had!

By D_ N M


Dec 7, 2021

A very wonderful experience. I benefited greatly from this course, and being one of the people who live in a country where there are wars and conflicts for 5 years, I have regained my hope in the future through this course, I will work to provide the necessary support to the community and children. Thanks to whoever gave me this course

By Ximena G


Apr 25, 2022

Me encanto todo el contenido, excelente, me siento privilegiada al recibir el conociniento de cientificos muy destacados y experimentados que sobretodo con gran generosodad lo hacen, me permito sigerir que en cuanto a las preguntas del exámen se las formule de manera mas concreta.

By Caren C


Mar 1, 2023

Terrific, research and evidenced base global review of the developmental, social, familial, and community influences on children and youth exposed to disasters, crises, and wars. The content is compelling and Professor Masten is engaging and in total command of this subject.

By Leidy A P B


Feb 2, 2025

Maravilloso brinda una oportunidad de aprendizaje libre, autónoma, con múltiples estrategias que generan apropiación y motivación por profundizar en los temas tratados. Calidad humana en la instrucción y los participantes de foros y entrevistas.

By Jacklyne A


Mar 2, 2024

Did not expect it to be educative like this.I have enjoyed it and i have been able to gain more knowledge and skills on how i can handle individuals especially children who are resilient.Thank you so much for this opportunity.

By Janine H


May 27, 2021

I really enjoyed this course and learned so much, not only as an introductory course on how to detect and foster resilience in children but also how I myself have related to and overcame trauma in my life due to my resilience.

By Parviz I


Jan 8, 2018

It was a very useful course for me to understand Resilience in Children life very well. When I compare my knowledge at beginning course and end of course I can see a beyond compare improvement. Thanks to Professor Ann Masten.

By Deanna B


May 28, 2020

I appreciated Dr. Masten's knowledge base and her passion for the subject. I learned as much from the forums as I did the lectures. It is good to interact with others and consider the implications for what we have learned.

By Tofail A


Sep 12, 2019

"Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War: Global Perspectives: is a time demanded education for the humanitarian. Being a humanitarian I am feeling lucky to be a part of this course. Humble regards,


By Andréa P S


Mar 30, 2021

O curso foi excelente consegui extrair do curso um aprendizado que superou minhas expectativas. Além de proporcionar muito conhecimento auxilia a desenvolver uma visão ampla sobre o tema do curso em um nível mundial.

By Brandon G


Nov 4, 2020

Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma,Disaster and War:Global Perspectives.

This is a great course that will assist in volunteer work where and when necessary. It is our duty to make the world a better place.

By sue p


Feb 20, 2018

I work with children and families challenged by loss and change in diverse situations.

I found this course to be very helpful in raising knowledge base, increasing empathy and ideas for action.

Thank you.

By Iryna G


May 21, 2017

Great course! Very informative and inspirational. Active learning, interractive forum discussions, interesting resources: readings and videos - everything was very interesting and ernriching.

By Matheus G d L


May 30, 2020

Este curso possibilitou que eu obtevesse uma melhor dimensionalidade dos estudos e programas focados na resiliência, potencializando o meu interesse pela área de Psicologia Infantil.

By rosemary r


Mar 16, 2021

This course woke me up and I managed to classify my own trajectory. I am a resilient who has been struggling since pregnancy. I thank everyone involved and especially Mrs. Masten

By Amoni O


Nov 4, 2023

Thank you so much, Professor Masten. I'm happy that I came across your course as I discovered that I want to use my talents and passion to promote wellness in my community.



Jun 4, 2020

Professor Masten did a wonderful job explaining the concepts and delving well into all areas of resilience. The course was no less than classroom teaching. It was perfect.

By carole S


Apr 7, 2021

Fantastic course, I team training others in an organisation on Trauma and Adverse child experiences, so to see and hear so much current research really supported my work.

By Angeli C


Apr 14, 2022

Great course, so much learning! Specially listening and reading from actual people who were expose to trauma, disasters and wars and became overcomers and resilient.