Jan 5, 2024
It is an excellent course to apply statistic, probability and python methods in financial modelling. I would like that each section had resources to study statistics concepts related to the videos.
Mar 29, 2022
Very useful introductury course into both python and statistic analysis wich allows you to create a simple trading strategy. It serves as a great first step but there is a long way to go still.
By Son P
•Jun 21, 2023
I'm actually not very happy with the test. The answers make me confused a lot, especially with the quiz from part 3. Anyway, enjoying free education. This code from lab also helpful incase you rewrite or do anything from zero; don't you might feel that this course is not really effective and efficient
By Masooma J
•Feb 16, 2021
It was explained well, my only issue was the fact that when it came to the application, I struggled a lot. The examples never really touched upon the application questions. I wish he had done more application of the actual outcomes. Not the exact question in the quiz but something along that line.
By George S
•Apr 13, 2020
First course I've completed using Coursera initially found it difficult to get to grips with embedded python, but quickly got to grips with it, really interesting course and a brilliant introduction to python and statistics for financial analysis think the course was really well structured.
By Goh S T
•Apr 4, 2020
Generally a very informative course on how to use python for financial analysis. Some of the concepts are not clearly explained. Would recommend to have a little basic finance background and to have some ideas about statistics as these concepts are only vaguely explained during the course.
By Weiru S
•Mar 31, 2021
The jupyter notebook embedded in the course is quite useful and can be replicated in real life experience, but it requires intermediate programming and statistics knowledge to better understand the content. Would be great if the lecturer could dive deeper into the pre-requisite knowledge.
By Pokman Y
•Apr 19, 2020
Good and quick course for beginner to use python for financial analysis. The Jupyter Notebook is advanced development environment for python and academic/scientific researcher, but difficult for beginner. Would suggest to have a summary card for all the commands used during the course.
By John
•Aug 5, 2020
Good pace, instructor at times is hard to understand, had to look at the transcript to understand some parts. Course only scratches the basic parts of python and statistics -- good beginner course, but may require small knowledge of python and basic statistics before beginning.
By Diego A C C
•Jun 21, 2020
Es un curso que presenta conceptos interesantes sobre el mercado bursatil, y explica de manera clara la manera en que se pueden analizar los comportamientos de diferentes indices bursatiles. Es importante tener conceptos previos de estadística y algo de logica de programación.
By Ronald F
•Feb 7, 2023
It's a great introduction course to Financial Analysis without much knowledge of Python. But some of the material might be slightly out-dated now and there are not much explanation at the latter half of the course especially on how to apply the model to other variations.
By Juan d D
•May 25, 2020
The content of the course is really good.
The amount and density of the information for the last week is high. Specially compared with first week. Would be great if it could be balanced information per week.
Time to time the (English) pronunciation wasn't good enough.
By Deep S
•Jun 2, 2020
The course has offer me a insight in Python in Statistics and how I can implement in the field of Finance.
Overall difficulty was moderate to high, Week 4 was way to difficulty, I would suggest that a person with Knowledge on Statistics should apply to this course
By Sergio J
•Aug 21, 2020
I agree the content is extremely useful, especially, for people who are starting to learn about finance, and statistics. The only complain was that my expectations were rather a focus in python than in the finance concepts themselves. Overall, a great course
By Bryan M
•Jun 10, 2020
It has been a really interesting course, but I expected to learn a way to get the signals using a price action analysis, or even identify some support/resistance areas. However, it has given me some ideas to continue with my learning.
Completely recommended!
By Julian W
•Jan 9, 2020
Nice intro to using python in financial statistics. I dont have financial background so a lot of things were too complex for me. In general this course will not teach you statistics or python but will rather show potential in learning both of them together.
By Thomas M
•Oct 16, 2022
Professor Wan was a great teacher. However, I believe that going in to more depth concerning the modules contained in jupyter notebook would be beneficial to better understand the actual mathematical processes behind the statistical analysis we performed.
By Eryk P
•Jan 23, 2023
Very good course combining financial analysis with Python implementation! However, I've expected more of the own work in the Jupyter notebooks, rather than just running pre-made code. Besides that, well-taught course with real-life implementations.
By Wanyu W
•Mar 9, 2022
It's easy for me.The only difficlut part is the knowledge of trading strategy. This is a basic class for some finacial students who didn't know how to use python to predict price and make decesions. What's more, adding more progamming is favorable.
By Luis D G M
•Aug 21, 2023
It´s a good course to learn about not only Python, but also about statistics and how you can manage those for financial analysis. It covers interesting topics, however sometimes some topics are complicated and need a bit of previous knowledge.
By ali j
•Sep 21, 2023
The course should have been a bit longer as it felt rushed. Particularly in the Linear Regression Model. Also the Lab should have been more involved as mostly it was just changing a thing or two rather than writing code yourself for practice.
By john s
•Jul 4, 2021
good overview. some of the formulas were a bit hard to follow initially. need to plan to spend time on labs/examples to get the hang of it. a little more explanation of interpreting results would have been nice. overall, good course.
By Alvaro V T
•Jan 23, 2021
The course was good, however the resources used are sometimes confusing and lack information
also, the tests have links and NONE of them work (at least on my computer)
In general, thank you for making this course available for everyone ;)
By Sandy J
•Jan 28, 2025
Well constructed learning and the Jupyter Notebooks are a great way of completing exercises. Some of the labs could be improved by incorporating more exercises and there are a number of typos throughout, but overall a useful course.
By Arash P
•Aug 25, 2022
Thanks to professor and Coursera, this course was beneficial, although because of my lack of statistical knowledge, it was pretty time-consuming and hard to keep up with, though with a little study on the side it became possible.
By Prashant G
•Dec 4, 2022
Course touch based on lot of good fundamentals and basic maths for finance. Also the Python coverage is very good. Some of the things I feel could improve
1. Abrupt jumps
2. Not explaining the rationale of formulas at many places.
By Robert B
•May 17, 2022
Easy course to follow, just wish there was more 'do-it-yourself' parts vs. having all the code written already and all you have to do is run them. Overall, I learned quite a bit as the Professor was very detailed and concise.