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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Data Science in Python by University of Michigan

27,134 ratings

About the Course

This course will introduce the learner to the basics of the python programming environment, including fundamental python programming techniques such as lambdas, reading and manipulating csv files, and the numpy library. The course will introduce data manipulation and cleaning techniques using the popular python pandas data science library and introduce the abstraction of the Series and DataFrame as the central data structures for data analysis, along with tutorials on how to use functions such as groupby, merge, and pivot tables effectively. By the end of this course, students will be able to take tabular data, clean it, manipulate it, and run basic inferential statistical analyses. This course should be taken before any of the other Applied Data Science with Python courses: Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python, Applied Machine Learning in Python, Applied Text Mining in Python, Applied Social Network Analysis in Python....

Top reviews


May 10, 2020

The course had helped in understanding the concepts of NumPy and pandas. The assignments were so helpful to apply these concepts which provide an in-depth understanding of the Numpy as well as pandans


Feb 7, 2023

The assessments, quizzes, and course coverage are quite good. The main points are covered, although it does not cover everything. Additionally, it provides opportunities to learn and conduct research.

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251 - 275 of 5,967 Reviews for Introduction to Data Science in Python

By Gabriel B


Feb 22, 2021

This course could be really good, but it isn't. This is a "how to use Pandas with frustrating data-sets".

This course is just frustrating for students and mentors alike. I'm not sure why they're sticking to these confusing questions and assignments. I finished it out of sunk cost fallacy.

I really think with a little reworking (focusing less on pandas and not providing raw-dirty data, talking more about statistical method analysis), this course could be piles more incredible, and the mentors/staff would spend a lot less time answering questions on the lack of clarity on the assignments.

I'd recommend to find alternatives rather than do this course for now.

By Andre S


Sep 3, 2020

Lectures are useless. The assignments are good but the skill level of the material covered in lecture is like learning to crawl, and then you are supposed to be able to jump and dance when it gets to the assignment. Suggestions to bridge the gap are to look at Stack Overflow and various free tutorial sites, but that reduces the class to a packet of problem sets that I could get online for free. Not wasting any more time on this course. Severely disappointed in Coursera. I thought I could trust the content here but apparently they are satisfied releasing stuff that doesn't help at all.

By Yuriy D


Jan 5, 2020

Worse course ever. Materials don't provide enough information for performing assignments. Explanation is very short, general and isn't clear. Actually the course doesn't explain almost anything in Pandas structure, functions and approaches. As a software engineer I'm capable of solving complex problems. But here it's not about solving problems, it's about self studying and surfing Internet obtaining knowledge. What the course for?

Wrong column names, mistakes in formulas... Why the quality is so low?

I'm really disappointed spending time for it. Have to cancel it on the second week.

By Jaime S M


May 12, 2020

The content of the course is adequate to python users with a beginner-intermediate level, but lectures are fast-paced and do not seem to be focused on the student. Instructors just comment functions and methods characteristics as if they were reading it from Pandas documentation. Before this course I did not have any Python knowledge apart from the specialization programme Python for Everybody from the University of Michigan, which was much more oriented to beginner students. I recommend some more experience to take this course.

By Charlene T


Aug 18, 2020

This course is heavily dependent on your ability to google methods and techniques because the lectures do not come close to preparing you for the assignments. The videos simply show you what happens when you type certain code into the interpreter and do not go into detail of how it works because they figure stackoverflow already does it. This is probably a course more for someone who already knows the material and needs a refresher vs someone who is trying to learn it all for the first time. Good luck

By Angelo C


Feb 16, 2019

Lecturer just regurgitates code out loud (completely worthless). You can't get answers back without paying for the course (fine but it would have been nice to mention that up front in the audit) so you get little feedback as you might want it.

Many of the questions/code is impossible using only the python described in the course. I wanted to take this as a python refresher and it was a complete waste of time. The subject matter is perfect! But execution is abysmal.

By Chris S


Feb 27, 2018

The background for the lectures was really distracting. You shouldn't have people in the background ever.

The lectures didn't provide the information needed to solve the assignments and the answers aren't given after the assignment is due. So the course doesn't really teach much by itself. You need to do a lot of extra googling on top of the lectures. In that case, you may as well do your own projects for free rather than $40/mo for inadequate lectures.

By Bakhtawar U R


Feb 9, 2019

No or least support.

Course Quality is great but problems with grader will left you with wasting your expensive time.

Assignments are good but intend to go wayyy more beyond the scope and to learn from online materials though other sites.

Grading system is not easy. You have the right answer but you'll need to waist hours to produce specific string for your grader to be satisfied.

This i not an elegant learning process at all.

By Christel V


Jun 30, 2017

Horrible course. The instructor is reading the course from a prompter. '95% of the time, you see the instructor reading from the prompter, and two people working in the background. When they actually show the code the instructor is talking about, it goes so fast that it's impossible to read the screen. The instructor provides no motivation or background to what he says. He just rattles off the words in a uni

By George N


Mar 17, 2017

Instructor gives minimal examples and says "go look on stack overflow". Then he proceeds to assign problems that don't really cover what the slides, lectures, or examples were on. If I all I was trying to do was just read some docs and look on stack overflow I wouldn't need to take this course now would I?

Poorly translated and cryptic instructions for assembling furniture are better than what you get here.

By Irene L


Sep 27, 2019

The assignment is much more harder than what I learnt through these videos. I know the professor want us to learn more by searching on Google, but it really took me a lot of time to find the answer for every assignment! I attend this course only because I want to learn Python easier than self-learning, but this course make it become much harder for me and I even think of not futher my study in this area.

By Sara S


Jan 6, 2017

I am an engineer and I use matlab and stata for data analysis and currently taking Machine Learning course by Stanford which is fabulous. I did not like this course for the following reasons:

1- bad course design structure

2- so confusing and inappropriate sequence

3- super fast without providing any intuition

4- no fundamental explanation

5- course could be longer and spend enough time in each subject

By Rajesh M


Aug 29, 2020

Whilst the course material was great, the actual program is very poorly managed. The assignments and lecture notes are not kept up-to-date meaning you must waste hours in the forums trying to figure out why your assignments are not being graded correctly or why your code is outdated.

Not impressed, would definitely not recommend. I ended up having to just teach the material to myself

By Keerthi K


Aug 13, 2017

This course is no good.

Unable to run the assignments at my comfort. Half the time there is some issue in submitting the code in jupyter and with hard pressed timelines at work this does not take me anywhere. As a data scientist with little programming background, it is difficult to enable our journey with this course.

Sorry to say. This is a big disappointment for me.

By Andrés Z C


Jul 27, 2020

This is not a course. The videos and resources provided do not provide sufficient insight to properly learning Data Science or even getting through the assignments. Content and assignments have rarely anything in common. I would have to spend more than 12 hours to solve one of the assignments. Do not recommend, you are better off leaning out of google.

By Marco M


Oct 24, 2022

This course is a didactic nightmare. I do not need someone to read loud what he is typing. I need him to explain what he is typing . The programming exercises would benefit from a clear definition what is expected and an easier access to the raw data. I found something in the forum by chance and in case of questiones the forum was little help for me.

By Amirhossein A


Nov 4, 2022

I highly recommend you delete this course from Coursera. I can even imagine how poorly organized a course can be. The assignments are unbelievably complicated and it is unlikely for even data scientists to solve them. It is not more than a waste of time. I just wasted my time on this course

You will not learn any thing from it! that's all I can say

By Yen-Kai L


Sep 29, 2019

The descriptions of assignments (especially 4) are not very clear. It wastes our time searching what's wrong (you can see the same question is raised up through the years in discussion forum), which always is just because the formatting issue that is not explicitly stated or different interpretations. The assignments should be extensively updated.

By Avi P


Nov 1, 2017

Waste of time. If you know python, you'll probably learn nothing new here. If you don't, the professor goes into WAY too high a level, and quickly, for you to actually learn anything. Moreover, he barely touches on why any of this is important, does not go over scikitlearn or numpy, both very important in data science / machine learning.

By Ching S L


Apr 1, 2020

The courses/videos do not cover most of the topics which are needed for assignments. Have to Google or read lot materials in order to pass. Furthermore the videos are extremely boring as well. This course is not main for the learners who just started to learn Python, as this will demotivated the passion of a person to learn Python.

By Kedarnath R


Aug 9, 2017

1. Very difficult to follow and I had to redo this course multiple times to understand the concepts.

2. Feels like the tutor is just reading off a screen and not explaining a topic from his standpoint.

3. The assignments and course topics are disjointed at times.

4. Examples provided are rather complex and needs to be simplified.

By Víctor S


Nov 28, 2019

Un curso poco práctico, los vídeos son demasiado largos, dando vueltas sobre los mismos conceptos básicos y los ejercicios son bastante complicados en relación al temario (se espera que se busque por internet en páginas como Stack Overflow). No se trata nada de algoritmos, es casi todo limpieza de datos y cambios de formatos.

By Elham A


Oct 2, 2019

The pace is too fast! I can not keep up with the course content :(

I had studied "Python for everybody" specialization and "Python3 programming" specialization before. I thought I am now ready for this course but ....

I am going to study some introductory books or find other tutorials first and then come back to this course.

By Pablo M


Sep 30, 2020

The videos are extremely short and do not feel as if they have the assignment in mind, the lectures do not teach you much compared to what you teach yourself trying to get through an assignment. The majority of time completing this course is spent reading through documentation and other external resources on your own.

By Irfon r


Sep 3, 2020

A large disconnect between material and assignments. Video lectures not very good and much to short. Assignments had a lot of very annoying data cleaning etc as opposed to better understanding of data frames and pandas, while this is indubitably important in real data analysis it seemed a bit early to bring it in.