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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Principles of Public Relations by University of Colorado Boulder

555 ratings

About the Course

In this course, learners are exposed to an overview of public relations principles and theories relevant to practice. You will explore the field, including the origin and trends affecting the future of the industry as well as how to land a job in public relations. This course provides a broad overview of working in public relations and how different tenets of persuasion are used in practice. The course also addresses ethical implications of public relations....

Top reviews


Oct 29, 2023

The instructor was efficient is delivering all the modules in this course. I gained a lot of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of Public Relations. Excellent content. Thank you Erin!


May 28, 2024

This course is a great primer on public relations. I wish there was a resource will all of the recommended readings I could download for further study rather than having to copy them off the slides.

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1 - 25 of 124 Reviews for Principles of Public Relations

By Jill M Y

Oct 1, 2021

This 5 week course has an entire week on CSR, and another on getting a PR brushes across actual PR principles. To the point that a good community relations program is mentioned in the CSR week, but we don't spend time on what a 'good community relations' program looks like.

By Elena M

Jan 3, 2022

Very poor content. The videos dont cover useful information regarding what is PR. What was written in the section "WHAT YOU WILL LEARN" has nothing to do with the topics covered in the course. To be honest, I am disappointed.

By Khaled A

Nov 4, 2024

‎تقييم دورة العلاقات العامة على Coursera ‎المحتوى ‎تقدم الدورة محتوى غنيًا ومتنوعًا يغطي جميع جوانب العلاقات العامة، بدءًا من الأساسيات مثل التخطيط الاستراتيجي والتواصل الفعال، وصولاً إلى الموضوعات الأكثر تقدمًا مثل إدارة الأزمات والتفاعل مع وسائل الإعلام. يتم تقديم المواد بأسلوب سهل الفهم ويعتمد على دراسات حالة واقعية مما يجعل التعلم أكثر فاعلية. ‎المدربون ‎المدربون في هذه الدورة هم خبراء في مجال العلاقات العامة ولديهم خلفيات عملية أكاديمية قوية. يتمتعون بالقدرة على توضيح المفاهيم المعقدة بطريقة بسيطة ويشجعون على المناقشة وتبادل الأفكار بين المشاركين. ‎الأنشطة العملية ‎تتضمن الدورة أنشطة عملية مثل ورش العمل ومشاريع جماعية، مما يتيح للطلاب تطبيق ما تعلموه في سياقات واقعية. يساعد ذلك في تعزيز المهارات التطبيقية ويعطي فرصة للتفاعل مع زملاء الدراسة. ‎التقييم ‎تتضمن الدورة اختبارات وتقييمات دورية تساعد الطلاب على قياس فهمهم للموضوعات المختلفة. تكون هذه التقييمات مفيدة لتحديد نقاط القوة والضعف في التعلم. ‎المرونة ‎تتميز الدورة بمرونتها حيث يمكن للطلاب التعلم وفق جدولهم الزمني. تتوفر المواد المسجلة، مما يسمح بالعودة إليها في أي وقت. ‎التقييم العام ‎بشكل عام، تعتبر دورة العلاقات العامة على Coursera ممتازة للمبتدئين والمحترفين على حد سواء. توفر محتوى متعمقًا مع مجموعة متنوعة من الأنشطة التي تعزز التعلم الفعّال. أنصح أي شخص مهتم بتطوير مهاراته في العلاقات العامة بالانضمام إلى هذه الدورة.

By Anastasiia B

Jan 11, 2023

I just completed the "Principles of Public Relations" course and it was absolutely amazing! It provided a comprehensive overview of the PR industry and gave me a solid understanding of the key principles and strategies involved. The course materials were well-structured, and the instructor was knowledgeable and engaging. I also appreciated the real-world examples and case studies that were included throughout the course, which helped me to better understand how the principles are applied in practice. Overall, I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in learning more about the field of public relations.

By Amanda Q

May 20, 2024

This is a fantastic course in the basics of Public Relations. While there isn't much to prepare somebody for the "street smarts" required in this line of profession, it's reassuring to know that a course exists to encourage a well-rounded set of skills and an aligned moral compass. Definitely take this course, even if you're just looking into Public Relations from a journalist / digital marketing standpoint.

By Devayani K

Jul 26, 2024

I loved the mix of theory, real-world application and examples, delivered in this course. The assignments got you thinking, and the reading allowed us to probe deeper into the topic. I especially liked the final video of Module 5, it offers a lot of food for thought. I think the course facilitator did an excellent job at keeping the interest up throughout the course.

By Silpa D

Jul 27, 2023

Public relations efforts strive to do the following: Build and maintain a positive image. Inform target audiences about positive associations with a product, service, brand, or organization. Maintain good relationships with influencers—the people who strongly influence the opinions of target audiences.

By Andrietta S

Jul 28, 2024

Thank you, this course offered a lot of in-depth knowledge on the role of Pr. it offered a range of modules in the history of PR, noteable figure, PR in contemporary practices and the impact of good practice.

By Lawrence E G

Aug 30, 2021

Highly informative beginner course in public relations. Excellent delivery of lecture by the professor and relatable examples / cases studies that were presented were very helpful in understanding the topic.

By Xaixa

Mar 30, 2024

Highly beneficial! If you are someone like me who is just a beginner in the field of Public Relation and don't know where to get started. This Course is your perfect start into the diverse field of PR.

By Emma B

May 28, 2024

This course is a great primer on public relations. I wish there was a resource will all of the recommended readings I could download for further study rather than having to copy them off the slides.

By Priscilla

Oct 29, 2023

The instructor was efficient is delivering all the modules in this course. I gained a lot of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of Public Relations. Excellent content. Thank you Erin!

By Lin, C Y

Sep 10, 2023

This course helps me understand there exists differences between public relations and marketing. It takes time to realize all concepts about CSR, but I benefited a lot from the lecturing.

By Rohit Y

Dec 28, 2024


By Safina k

Jun 10, 2023

this course really helps me alot in understanding how brands gets viral and famous by using press release, and yse of mouth, CSR, etc…. Thanks to UNIVERSITY IF COLORADO.

By Sophie O

Jun 29, 2023

Really great introduction to Public Relations. Covered all of the basic concepts, and perfect for someone with little to no knowledge of PR. Really well taught too.

By Gissella D

Oct 31, 2023

It gave me the knowledge that I was looking for and very smart tools to implement it. The teacher was very good and the way how she organised it was excellent!

By Jeanine M

Apr 4, 2022

Hello, I felt that this course was so informative and will be very instrumental to my current role as a Executive producer of my own media company

By Ritvi S

Apr 13, 2023

Great insight into PR and very helpful for beginners to get a clear understanding on how to get started in the profession and what it may entail.

By M I

Jan 14, 2022

This is the best course made by the best teacher! Very precise, up-do-date, comprehensive and very very professional! My respect to Erin Willis.

By estee k

Jan 8, 2023

very interesting to learn about the background and history of PR; really liked the 4 step processes that are foundational in PR management.

By Carlos F S

Mar 24, 2024

Abordagem dos principais temas relacionados à atividade de Relações Públicas, de forma prática e bastante didática pela instrutora.

By Ceba A

Jul 26, 2023

the information that was included in this course was so important and fully understanding to know really what is Public Reltions.

By Alfred

Jan 27, 2024

A very informative course that is very accessible and flexible for people like me who are unable to physically attend a school.

By Zak M

Dec 13, 2023

This was a very topical and informative course. It is a great way to take the first step into the Public Relations field.