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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science by University of Pennsylvania

6,114 ratings

About the Course

Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman—renowned worldwide as the “father of Positive Psychology”—has led visionary leaps in the scientific research, empirical data and personal understandings of human flourishing. This course explores the past, present and future of positive psychology as a journey through the key scientific leaps led by Dr. Seligman and his colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania's Positive Psychology Center and Master of Applied Positive Psychology program. There are no prerequisites....

Top reviews


Jun 25, 2021

Loved this curse. I was enthusiastic and engaged the whole way through and feel like I have learnt a lot. I can´t wait to start the second one. Thank you for bringing positive psychology to the world.


Jan 23, 2020

Dr Seligman is a very charismatic professor. He presents the course in a very interesting and engaging way. I enjoyed the coursework as well as the reading. I will be delving further into the subject.

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151 - 175 of 2,053 Reviews for Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science

By Nilesh P

Feb 2, 2019

One of the best courses I've ever taken till now! I did not know anything about Positive Psychology before enrolling to this course, but after completing it I feel, everything taught in the 4 weeks duration has helped me a lot to improve my physical and mental well-being. It has truly given me a new perspective to look at day-to-day activities going around us. I strongly recommend it to everyone :D

By John B

Aug 8, 2019

I loved this course and the pure insight on life I gained. I have been taken psychology at Royal Melbourne and I felt that I attained more in this course. The models work and I have already effectively put them to work in my daily life. I would suggest this course to anyone in any field of study. Martin Seligman is a wonderful teacher and has a way of talking that makes you process the information.

By Shen Y (

Mar 6, 2020

So blessed to be able to have Dr Seligman's Positive Psychology Course- So many new concepts and knowledges in my mind, PERMA, VIA strenghs makes me know better my Strength and how to use better my top strength to fix the challenges, and 3 blessings before sleep habits and help others can increase our well being etc. I will apply all these into my life to inspire others to have better well-being.

By Thiptapone Y

Apr 29, 2020

The three most exciting or important things that I will be taking away from it with myself after I have reached the end of this course are 1) the way to create and simplify flourishment in my life. 2) Stable with positive mind to grow up my health body and reach to well-being life in the end. And 3) Keep and save to do something like philanthropic experience that a symbol of gratitude to people.

By Michael M

Aug 31, 2020

An excellent introduction to the broad science of positive psychology. The format and content is laid out well and offers a good overview of how far reaching this perspective can actually be.

What I appreciated most is that you can take as much out of the material as you put in; you can skim and get the gist, or you can dive deeply into the ideas and become far more informed than you expected.

By Raphael d S

Feb 27, 2019

Excelente curso não apenas para estudantes de psicologia, mas também para todos os que se interessam por desenvolvimento humano. É uma área de estudos nova e que vai além do tratamento de problemas psicológicos, pois é uma abordagem de caráter preventivo e que já se ramificou para outros setores da cultura, como educação, jornalismo, etc. Um campo muito promissor para o futuro da humanidade.

By Sin M

May 7, 2020

The information in this course was revelation after revelation and really inspired with the knowledge of its practical applications out there in the wide world. Personally I also gained lots of knowledge and found the activities useful in restoring my own experience of PERMA daily. Thank you Dr Martin Seligman and colleagues for all of the wonderful contributions you are making to humanity.

By Malva D R

Sep 20, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed the first course. I learned so much about Positive Psychology and its impact on the world of science. I have always wanted to take a course on Positive Psychology and this course is helping achieve my goal. It was amazing. I discovered all of the different ways that Positive Psychology as impacted health, journalism and using social media platforms to collect data.

By Sherbano K

Dec 16, 2021

If you think this course wont transform you, you're wrong. After this course, the way you rationalize situations every now and then is tweaked. You focus more on the good and Marty's PERMA model will get you finding things to be grateful for. These supposedly little things make a HUGE difference and I'd recommend it to anyone regardless of your existing academic background. Best of luck!

By Magnus K

Jun 9, 2018

Lots of this course is of course the natural of who I am a natural ingredient based on a happy childhood, great friends, long relationships, but it also rewealed a gret deal about new foundings and possibilities, especially at times that has started to appritiate the oppositeMy qoute "When the world tells you you are a bad boy, tell it like it is not bad not bad at all and with a smile"

By Usha R

Nov 9, 2020

I have been able to identify and apply the few important strengths of mine, to comfortably glide along the not so comfortable situations that occurred during this short while. I wasn't successful every time. But with practice i am sure this skill will be soon learned and become a part of me.

Martin E.P.Seligman's Visionary Science is a good start of the Course in Positive Psychology.

By Jessica L B

Jul 31, 2019

Thank you for this course opening up my eyes to living more from a psychologically positive disposition. I hope to continue this rewarding coursework until I receive the completed specialization. This a great course, and it helped me immensely with reaching my personal goals to maintain optimism, and imagination, and my professional goals to become creatively employed in this field.

By Dr P K

Jan 20, 2020

A marvellous course indeed! Positive Psychology is such a great, novel and proven concept that can bring magical improvements in our perception, thinking, feelings, behavior and relationships; transforming our whole life. The course modules are sequenced nicely that enable better learning. This course should be undertaken by all. My sincere thanks to Martin Seligman and his team.

By Peter T B

Jul 11, 2017

Incredibly well taught. this is a relatively new concept in human psychology and I for one am going to pursue it when I finis my Masters degree.

Dr. Seligman is so easy to listen to as he lectures. He makes it interesting and draws many pictures of his theories for you that you can't help but understand.

I highly recommend this course and any other dealing with Positive Psychology.

By Sarah R

Nov 22, 2022

I truly enjoyed that there’s reasoning behind all this logic. I enjoyed how things were explained and given real life scenarios. I like how there’s homework so you can learn how to implement these strategies into your own life right away. Very interesting and mind opening course. Highly recommend! This is not a quick fix solution or money seeking solution; it’s real life data.

By liliana g

May 10, 2020

To me it was a great introduction into positive psychology, its foundations, interests, scope, future and applications…from individual assistance to community behaviour and broad media communication, to me it portraits an idea of how to look at your life and your world, proposing deep insights and ongoing exercises to enhance ownership to our own and our society’s wellbeing.


Oct 20, 2020

The course is about a groundbreaking field in psychology taught by the father of Positive Psychology himself, Martin Seligman. Before this course, I had no idea what Positive Psychology but I was more and more immersed as the course went on. Apart from being a fulfilling learning experience, I am sure that this course was truly beneficial to my overall mental well-being.

By Deleted A

Feb 21, 2020

I really enjoyed this course in Positive Psychology. While it was just an introduction, you get a range of really in-depth research and learn the power positive psychology can have on an individual, community, and even nation. I am grateful for the impact this has had on my life and feel that I have more understanding and tangible skills to practice this in my own life.

By Andrea P

Mar 2, 2018

This course is valuable if you want to grow more as a person. It will provide you with much information and practical tools to increase your own well-being and will provide food for thought about how you could contribute to the well-being of the larger community both in interpersonal relationships and in a professional capacity. I would recommend this course to anyone.

By Karen B

Jul 7, 2017

I've completed a certificate program in positive psychology and a coaching class in positive psychology, but what I enjoyed most about this program is learning from Dr. Seligman himself; the depth of the Future of Flourishing; and the hyperlinks to new information (though some links are broken). I also appreciate the knowledge checks to cement my learning. Well done.

By LaCre' H

May 21, 2021

I Love this course, it is allowing me to apply, expand and use these tools on the go, while sharing them and giving me a more optimistic outlook as I move forward. I am so grateful and feel privileged today to be here verses when I started, I was totally pessimistic not understanding that optimism and resilience can be learned at anytime!

Infinite Gratitude and Love

By Aimee M L

Aug 18, 2017

This course did a nice job covering the growth and development of Positive Psychology as a science, some of the key models and components, as well as some of the current research that is moving this science to how it can impact not only individuals but communities as well through public health research, constructive journalism, and positive education interventions.

By Shannon I

Jan 19, 2020

Excellent course. I have always looked to Seligman as a figure who I want my psychology career to be strongly influenced by and had dreamed of attending a lecture of his for the past several years. To have this experience through Coursera was incredible and informative, I look forward to applying everything I have learned to my future career and continued studies.

By Patrick M

Aug 6, 2020

This was a thoroughly enjoyable and thought provoking course which allowed me to reflect on my professional and personal life. I have learned tips and strategies which I will use from now on to ensure I maintain a positive well-being. The knowledge which I have gained from this course will be used in my classroom to ensure the positive well-being of all students.

By Sinead P

Sep 22, 2022

I found this course to be the most useful out of the "Foundations of Positive Psychology Specialization". I really enjoyed the explanation of theory, the discussion of the global evidence and practical applications and interventions mentioned. I also enjoyed the discussions of off-shoots such as Positive Education. Would definitely recommend taking this course.