May 17, 2022
This course has given me great insight on mental health and how everything is related to it but it most importantly taught me how to be in control of my mental healh and maintain a positive psychiatry
Feb 6, 2019
I learned what expected to learn from this course. I love the presenters and the manner of delivery. Resources abound too. I'm purchasing this course. I hope to meet you, guys in persons. Thank you.
By Angelica G
•May 12, 2020
I am glad I actually took this course because not only I learned more in depth about good mental health and positive psychiatry, I was able to interact with students online with their discussion posts about week's we have learned and discuss our opinions about any subject we thought was needed to be focused on. However, the professor's videos, articles, and other resources were very helpful to understand the course.
By Beauty B
•Jun 1, 2022
The course was comprehensive and insightful! Not only did I learn a lot about positive psychiatry and mental health, I also had opportunities to reflect on how they affect me, as well as my lifestyle and the various ways that I can improve my mental health. I will be using what I have learned in this course in my work as a school counsellor as I believe that this positive approach fosters wellbeing and recovery.
By Aline M d O F
•Jul 21, 2019
I thoroughly enjoyed the course. The lectures are informative and the instructors are not only knowledgeable, but also nice to listen to; they sound empathic and non-judgmental. Additionally, the inclusion of Tina’s journey told by herself is, at the same time, enlightening, moving and motivating. Highly recommend this course to anyone interested in educating themselves and becoming better, more empathic people.
By Jaqueline V E H
•Aug 5, 2020
Aprendí como influyen tus emociones a nivel psicológico, neuronal y biológico podemos realizar un cambio basado en un plan de vida que nos integre a un sistema donde el bienestar mental nos adelanta a una cultura con valores, sumado el método de estudio ha sido ameno y apasionante, los vídeos, las lecturas me han ayudado entender mucho más esta ciencia tan hermosa que es la Psicología y Psiquiatría Positiva.
By Tatiana G
•Jul 14, 2020
This course is interesting and has great importance as it offers a well structured understanding of mechanisms of mental distress and techniques that lead to recovery. The lectures are read by different specialists from all fields. This is excellent. It promotes the idea that a recovery and positive outcome is possible and provides examples advocating this idea. The positive approach is extremely important.
By William W
•Feb 1, 2020
This course improved my knowledge of how the mind and body interact. The link between mental and physical health in much stronger than I believed before taking this course. the knowledge that I have gained will help me be and better care giver to the person I support with a mental illness. The course had given me more hope for people with mental illness to recover and live and procudive full life.
By Tahnea R
•Jul 25, 2020
I really enjoyed studying Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health. I'd be happy to recommend the course to anyone interested in a career or interest in mental health. The course would benefit friends, family and patients with a primary focus in understanding how to cope with the challenges of Psychiatric mental health impacts in their daily lives while earning a University level certificate.
By Gerda G
•Nov 16, 2022
I think this was the best course I've ever had (including my university courses). The teachers, specialists, psychologists, psychiatrists and the people who held the courses were incredibly fascinating and interesting. The course was well-built and it kept my attention throughout. I'm really grateful for all the practices, methods and knowledge I learnt from beautiful people. Thank you so much!
By Renee K
•Nov 5, 2020
I personally enjoyed this course since I take a keen interest in learning psychology and furthering my studies on it in the future.
Thank you to the many representatives that took their time to produce meaningful and informative lectures on positive psychiatry and the readings they provided.
I would recommend this course to any person interested in psychology and the clinical side of it...
By Rebecca C
•Aug 18, 2021
This multifaceted course was very well put together. I liked the contrast of video teaching and reading, referring to websites that can be helpful to everyone. I liked the inclusion of spirituality in mental health -- something that is often overlooked. As a Canadian, I enjoyed hearing and reading about the Australian methods used for positive psychiatry-- they are very practical!
By Elke F
•Apr 12, 2021
El curso de Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health es un curso completo de actualización que recomiendo tanto a profesionales de la salud mental como a profesionales que atienden pacientes no importa cual sea su especialidad.
El contenido del curso me encantó y lo más valioso son los excelentes profesionales y personas valientes que dan sus testimonios de recuperación.
Muchas Gracias!
By Komal S
•Jul 5, 2021
This course becomes very helpful for me.I learned a lot of things about positive mental health,happiness, meaning and purpose of life.The most important thing if we don't want to help ourselves, no one will come to do it for us. The future is unpredictable but whenever the situations become worse we should be ready. Love your life by searching small happiness in every moment.
By Muskan C
•Nov 6, 2021
I'd highly recommend this course. It not just covers the mental health aspects, but also provides with variety of information on lifestyle, mind and body, different psychological illnesses, positive psychology and creativity as a coping mechanism. It's an inclusive course with a whole wide range of topics in coverage, also reading material for each topic; I'm truly impressed!
By Dr.Ratheesh K
•Jun 6, 2022
It is an invovative course on positive psychiatry and mental health.No doubt it enriched knowledge prolification and help the practitioners in more scientific and practical approach in their profession. Hats of you team ,Dr.Sonia Kumar and all other great teachers and contributors in the successful implementation of the great course.thank you one and all .thank you very much
By Aisha Z A A
•May 17, 2020
Thank you so much, I enjoyed the course and I found it helpful. I would suggest adding a session about older adults' mental health and wellbeing. In the last session of Prof. Ian Hickie AM, he spoke about late-life problems cognitive decline and dementia and how this can be preventive by early intervention. Actually more information is needed about this particular topic.
By Abdullah A
•Feb 7, 2021
It was so interesting and informative experience , a lots of resources ,experts in this field and experiments
I am strongly recommend to each one has interest in this field or need some tips for go over hard experience , or to know how to support some one with mental illness or for live more productively.
thank you a lot for the hard work to create that awesome MOOC
By Carlo R
•Oct 14, 2020
Good learning material for someone who wants to know more about psychiatry and positive psychology. Plenty of theory as well as practical information. Very great course for people wanting to pursue a career in the field of intervention or professional as a psychiatrist, social worker or psychologist. Thank-you- the course is also well organised and structured.
By Ramkumar S
•Feb 13, 2018
It fuses insights from positive psychology for a strengths based approach into recovery including work, family life, spirituality, exercise, creativity and other pursuits. Very engaging videos. Very useful and new approach in Psychiatry where patients are viewed as collaborators. Recommended if you are facing or know someone facing mental health issues
By Dario D
•Aug 5, 2020
I found that the course on Positive Psychiatry is well structured! Video lectures are easy to follow, clearly presented and the quality of the content has met my expectations by far. This was my first encounter with the topic, and after course completion I feel motivated to investigate more about strategies that have been here overviewed. Excellent!
•Mar 29, 2021
Amé el curso del principio al final. Tanta cosa que no había visto en la carrera de psicología lo he aprendido aquí. Gracias a los maestros que son unos expertos en el tema de la salud mental, gracias a cada uno por su aporte. Mañana quiero recordar de esta enseñanza al atender mis pacientes. Ustedes agregaron valor a lo que ya tenía conocimiento.
By Rehman E
•Sep 25, 2019
Awesome course!
There is no only lectures: meetings with interesting persons, a lot of readings, videos, modern subjects, even 'mental healt' it is for us. Very useful in our everyday life. For me it is also good practice to my English skills especially in Psychiatry.
I totally recommend this course!
Really appreciate to the University of Sydney
By Eme C C
•Oct 29, 2020
I have a lot of things learn when it comes to mental health, now I can impart it with my students and apply it in my own life, thank you to Dr. Ruby T. Llave who share the link for me to get enrolled here, to DOST Caraga Engr. Noel. M. Ajoc for facilitating, and University of Sydney for the expertise. Thank you so much more power and God bless!
By Ajit N
•Mar 20, 2021
Positive psychiatry and recovery from mental illness are a preventive and a treatment oriented approach respectively. I am glad to know that both are given importance in Australia and they have such wonderful modules to make people understand the concepts in depth.Thank you for the detailed information and making it learn from a holistic way.
By Shruti P
•Jun 9, 2020
Very informative and fact based lectures. I learnt a lot about psychiatry and concepts related to it. As a Clinical Psychology and Counselling students, I can proudly say that this course will definitely benefit me in application/taking sessions and starting my own personal centre. Thank you all the team members and The University of Sydney.
By Sanjida S
•Jun 13, 2020
Through this course I have learned to think positively and now I am in a much stable mental state. I feel confident again and I want others to feel the same. For that I will share all my learning with those around me. I can't thank all the instructions enough! Because of this course I've found hope that I will achieve better things in life.