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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Portfolio and Risk Management by University of Geneva

2,413 ratings

About the Course

In this course, you will gain an understanding of the theory underlying optimal portfolio construction, the different ways portfolios are actually built in practice and how to measure and manage the risk of such portfolios. You will start by studying how imperfect correlation between assets leads to diversified and optimal portfolios as well as the consequences in terms of asset pricing. Then, you will learn how to shape an investor's profile and build an adequate portfolio by combining strategic and tactical asset allocations. Finally, you will have a more in-depth look at risk: its different facets and the appropriate tools and techniques to measure it, manage it and hedge it. Key speakers from UBS, our corporate partner, will regularly add a practical perspective on these different topics as you progress through the course....

Top reviews


Aug 29, 2020

This is was an incredible course. If you have a little bit of background on these topics you will be amazed by how the instructors present complex concepts in a very simple and understandable way.


Nov 26, 2020

Definitely not for people without economical and some math knowledge, but Great content, and fully recommend for anybody looking to improve their knowledge to better take care of your portfolio!

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376 - 397 of 397 Reviews for Portfolio and Risk Management

By Raghav G

May 16, 2020

The overall content is good, the teachers possessed specialized knowledge which became very beneficial for me as a student who was looking to learn about this topic.

By Julia T

Jul 30, 2020

Unfortunately, some lecturers have a very bad English pronunciation. It is not appropriate to show formulas without explanation of symbols (what is “a”, “m” etc.).

By Fernando H G

Oct 27, 2020

A lot of valuable information but the course is lacking exercises that can help you fully understand the concepts and start practicing on real life situations.

By Alec S

Jul 12, 2021

The math in this course was unexpected, with very little explanations for us that arent experienced in it. Also, Ines is a bit difficult to follow

By Kanokporn P

Oct 12, 2020

the calculation of risk is too complicate to understand with a few minutes. I expect to have text below video so that I can go back and review it.

By Mahdi f

Sep 28, 2020

I say thank you and have a suggestion. I think this course need more materials precisely.

some topics hadn't enough sources and were very short.

By Styliani K

Feb 28, 2018

It was a very useful course; however, I would prefer if the explanation during Week 4 were a bit more detailed using more examples.

By Thanush P

Jul 19, 2019

Some of instructors are good and some are annoy that make some class be a bit boring and annoying. overall is ok.

By Wagner C

Jan 9, 2022

Basic concepts reasonably explained. Few practical exercices. A very basic introduction.

By Del V G

May 29, 2017

week 3 and 4 could be more on high level, was a little too technical

By Socrates A

Jun 30, 2020

The lectures had to be longer with more real-life examples.

By tonis

Sep 2, 2020

Till week 4 very good. The week 4 very fast and unclear.

By Sayyam A

Sep 3, 2020

Last week was rushed, the quality dropped.


Mar 5, 2019

good course

By Mhd F S

Aug 1, 2021

This course has disappointed me. My expectations before the course (based on the first two courses in this specialization) were far better than what I actually got. I appreciate the efforts done on the course, but I am very sorry to say that watching some YouTube videos and reading practical articles on Investopedia will give anyone more understanding of portfolio allocation and risk management from a practical point of view than the pure theory presented here. I do not know if anybody reviewed the presented formulas or their explanation in week 4 from a leaner’s point of view: they suddenly exceed the whole gradual level of the specialization and do not present any practical value to a normal investor. The explanation of the efficient frontier was attractive, but again unpractical. Did the course teach me how to extract the numbers from company data to calculate an efficient frontier of a possible real-life portfolio in order to determine the best allocation? Hardly ever. In conclusion, I do not recommend this course.

By Elena N

Aug 31, 2021

The level of presenting is rather disappointing and shallow, given the connection and sponsporship of the UBS: the UBS itself had extremely useful teaching courses and materials on the subject, so it's a shame I had to waste so much time to listen to talking of no practical value.

Lots of gaps and even errors, e.g. there's no explanation or even a formula how a variance of a portfolio would be derived - and in the calc quiz there's a mistake when the covariance was replaced by correlation (omitting multiplying by the variances of both stocks); another example - no explanation of R-squared.

Nothing numerical of practical use.

By Marko P

Jul 1, 2020

Very wishy-washy presented and therefore very hard course to digest, especially Expected Shortfall and Value-at-Risk part of the course. All descriptions of formulas are squeezed in a few minutes and vaguely explained. The complete first week is also very difficult to understand without real-life examples, UBS guest speakers could make things much better here. I have to say that I am very disappointed, I've enjoyed two previous courses a lot.

By Tom S

Nov 26, 2016

A lot of formulas and theory which if attempted by the casual investor would quickly overwhelm him and reduce him to a babbling idiot with no investments.

One useful tip: Use a 20% drop in "Consumer Confidence" to warn you of an impending recession and sell everything; back into equity when the Consumer Confidence level gets back to its trigger point.

By Garrett

Nov 14, 2024

It's good introductory information that gave me terms to follow-up on. They skip a lot of the math, and it would be much better served if they worked out handwritten examples. Also, there are occasionally typos in the quizzes and exams.

By Natalia

Jun 24, 2020

the 4th week of the course is badly tought and super hard to understand.

By Abhishek S

Dec 15, 2019


By Sarthak R

Jun 6, 2020

There are students from all over the world taking this course. Put better professors who know english and better pronunciation of english words along with better accent. Change your teacher and Specially that bald guy teaching Managing Risks in week 4.