Jul 18, 2020
הקורס מובנה היטב והמרצים מציגים את החומר הנלמד בצורה הטובה ביותר.
Jul 6, 2021
חומר מעניין, מועבר ברור וטוב. נהנתי מאוד מאיך שהקורס מובנה.
By Deleted A
•Mar 5, 2018
Thank you, Hebrew University, for making students who cannot attend a class on campus to learn from two brilliant scholars. The combination of Dr. Shinan and Dr. Zakovitch, and their ability to weave ancient and contemporary sources together, makes a course like this impossible to find elsewhere in the world. If they are interested in offering a course on another topic, either together or separately, I would encourage you to have them do so. And if someone could add subtitles to their lectures, you will open this course world-wide to many Christians and some Muslims who would benefit from their approach. This is an A+ class from a A+ university.
By Ehud B D
•Apr 30, 2020
One of the most interesting courses I have taken in Coursera. the wealth of information and sources about one of the most important and influencing people in the history of the world and Israel particularly is impressive. The two professors made relatively long video sessions to be extremely interesting and never boring, thank you for opening this slit into the life of Moshe.
By Judith C
•Sep 9, 2020
Thank you to the professors of this course, Avigdor Shinan and Yair Zakovitch for the enjoyable and engaging way in which they delivered this complex topic with its huge amount of information. I have learned a lot.The fact that they choose to bring the material not in a historic chronological order brought a spark, a dynamic, at times the effect of surprise to the lectures. It was touching how they brought into light the humanity of Moses, his greatness and his failures as a human being, not only his almost super-human characteristics. I liked also the modern literature they brought into this topic, especially the poets Yehuda Amichai and Rachel. I appreciate the great knowledge of these two professors in their respective fields, their professionalism and humility.
I am sorry that I couldn't get into direct conversations with them by being physically present in the classroom during the lectures, but this is the online era.
This was my first course taken with Coursera. I am sure to return for more.
Judith Coret-Simon, MD
Diagnostic Imaging, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
By Ofir O
•Jul 6, 2021
חומר מעניין, מועבר ברור וטוב. נהנתי מאוד מאיך שהקורס מובנה.
By Be B
•Jul 22, 2018
This course should get 5 stars... but with so many students missing out, due to a lack of translation to English (or any other language than Hebrew) many will get little if anything from this amazing class...
By Raffi L
•Oct 10, 2021
I liked this special course. The course doesn't teach you history or the Bible, but rather how tradition is created along the generations. The big picture of the pyramid of traditions created over the years - one on top of others, one connected with others or even one that conflicts others - teaches you a lot about how human culture was created.
It is fascinating. Thank you.
By Shlomo T
•Jun 27, 2018
קורס מרתק, מומלץ מאוד למי שמעוניין במבוא בסיסי למחקר המקורות (מקרא, וספרות בתר מקראית), למרות שאין זה הנושא העיקרי של הקורס, בדרך אגב, החוקרים מדגימים את ההישגים של המתודה המחקרית.מאידך, הקורס לא מתאים למי שלא מכיר את סיפורי המקרא היכרות מוקדמת
By Sofia A
•Sep 19, 2021
Excelente y emocionante!! Además del placer de escuchar un bellísimo hebreo, me aportó nuevas perspectivas de análisis y me enriqueció con bibliografía y relatos tradicionales. Estoy muy agradecida!!
By Liora H
•Aug 29, 2018
Fantastic course. The professors are concise, clear, engaging, and enjoy the material. The sources are diverse and intriguing. Excellent, well structured. Highly recommended.
By Jacey K
•Dec 15, 2022
Fantastic! So interesting. A wonderful survey of sources and thought provoking perspectives on the famous Biblical character.
By shani c
•Jul 18, 2020
הקורס מובנה היטב והמרצים מציגים את החומר הנלמד בצורה הטובה ביותר.
By Yuval G
•Jul 31, 2021
הקורס מעניין מאוד! נהניתי והשכלתי
By shamsi k
•Jul 28, 2024
קורס מאוד יפה ומהנה, מעניין מאוד
By ayelet G
•Aug 12, 2020
היה מהנה מלמד ומעשיר. תודה
By נעמה ס
•Jul 1, 2020
קורס מדהים!!!!
By Dan S
•Feb 5, 2018
Great Course
By Lital G
•Mar 24, 2022
קורס נהדר ומעמיק מתאים מאוד למי שמתעסק הרבה בענייני מקרא ומשה. פחות מתאים לסטודנטים להוראה לגיל הרך בעיני, מעמיק ורחב. המון מספר יחידות, קצת קשה לשמור על עניין גבוה עד סוף הקורס.
תודה לכם אתם אנשים מעניינים ומצחיקים
By Christine G
•May 4, 2021
I would like to unenroll. The course is in hebrew or yiddish i think.