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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Medical Emergencies: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation by University of Colorado System

797 ratings

About the Course

In this course, you will develop the knowledge and skills to assess and stabilize certain types of patients for transport. By the end of this course, you will be able to: 1) assess a basic medical patient 2) describe general pharmacologic principles and the skills associated with medication administration, 3) explain airway physiology, the assessment of the airway and available interventions for airway management, 4) identify, assess and formulate a plan to stabilize a patient with a respiratory emergency for transport, and 5) identify, assess and formulate a plan to stabilize a patient with a cardiovascular emergency for transport. 6) describe the most common neurologic and endocrine emergencies and what you can do for them as an EMT....

Top reviews


Jun 29, 2020

Excellent course on the absolute basics. Would highly recommend for anyone who wants to learn about managing medical emergencies in the healthcare field. Videos are short but informative.


Jan 26, 2020

I am just very thankful to sir and madam who taught me very effectively. I would say that everything will be easier if we teach in such away. This is a world best learning site

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1 - 25 of 183 Reviews for Medical Emergencies: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation

By Ankit L


Jan 26, 2020

I am just very thankful to sir and madam who taught me very effectively. I would say that everything will be easier if we teach in such away. This is a world best learning site

By Raymond G


Jun 19, 2019

This is a great course and have given me the necessay training that I require to further my education in health care positions throughout my career.



Sep 28, 2020

The courses are designed in such a way that you can understand the concepts even if u have no prior knowledge in biology .Really helpful and teachers are exceptional

By Cat C


Mar 16, 2020

Waste of money, do not sign up for this. Poorly structured, poorly executed, they mention links and resources that are not listed or available. I have taken an EMT certification course in the past (and got certified), but it has been a while and I need to retake the exam, so I thought this would be a good way to brush up on skills and refresh my memory. It is not. I appreciate that the instructors tried and clearly put a lot of effort into it. But it isn't well produced. I'm very disappointed that Coursera would not only offer this course, but also charge a relatively large amount of money for it.

By Grip F I


Feb 23, 2019

I have been enjoying the Medical Emergencies series and its teaching me a lot. Already, without reviewing any notes or study reviewing it has greatly improved my test score on WEMT practice exam questions. I am without previous medical studies and I find this course great for keeping me involved and it is set up fantastically for knowledge progression.

By Tweet G


Feb 18, 2019

This is a great course with excellent content, put across in byte size topics with the option to take your knowledge further.

As a former 1st responder with St John Ambulance I have found it a great way to refresh existing, but forgotten skills and knowledge

By mp


May 16, 2020

1. A little bit disorganised, sometimes resources are missing:

"Refer to the image on the screen" **no image on screen**; or

"as we learned in the previous video" **previous video was not applicable to that**;

"let's keep a close eye on the gauge" **can barely see the gauge**;

Also, not sure why some modules have over 10 videos, but average length of 5 min, with a ~20sec intro to each. Seems rather inefficient and repetitive to explain what I JUST watched.

More evidence of disorganisation:

the pop-up quiz in Week 5 video BRAIN, will not provide the correct answer because the feedback given refers to the Seizures video instead ie. the question + answer do not correspond.

Most problematic disorganisation:

Many items missing from the RESOURCES page, including anatomical definitions and the stroke scales!! Sometimes additional info is given after videos and not linked back to the Resources hub either, so... it's everywhere.

Sometimes the additional info pages are also written in something like 18-pt font... which isn't such a big deal, but it's ANOTHER display of lack of attention to detail.

2. For the most part, the presenters are professional and engaged. Although the hand gestures are incredibly distracting, at best, a gesture for every few words; at worst, each syllable. Maybe a nervous habit used to perform memorised speech? I have to focus elsewhere on the screen otherwise it's difficult to pay attention to what's being said; also, the hand-waving person also take up over 1/3 of the screen so diagrams cannot be given the amount of attention they deserve.

3. As mentioned before, videos are split up in really short sections on specific topics. There aren't other resources to go along with it, other than what's on the screen. So especially with modules like the heart, you will possibly learn a lot of new terms, within a very short timeframe, and without additional resources to help. You'd think it wouldn't be so hard to also provide a PDF with these diagrams and terms alongside............. and if you are serious about learning terms, how things function, and other technical aspects (which I imagine, you would be), it would serve you better to research elsewhere online.

4. Quite often, you would be directed elsewhere online to read up on additional items. As supplementary information, it could be acceptable. But as a replacement, it feels like a shortcut; why would I pay for a course that tells me to go elsewhere to read up?

5. This is not much different than browsing youtube, or sometimes worse because some YTers will provide more animations/explanations. The good thing about this course, is that they have a syllabus; and exams that are staged like an emergency walk-through. HOWEVER, some of those also have bugs in them; other users have listed these problems already in the forums.

SUMMARY: It does not seem like the team reviewed this course before putting it online. There are missing details, missing resources, and unnecessary elements.

The is a lot of information, yes. There is a lot of work put into this course. However, as this topic is fairly serious, I would expect more attention to quality and consistency. Honestly, I don't feel this certification would mean anything... because there is so much information, with not nearly enough time, explanation, or peripherial knowledge dedicated for each topic, I would imagine this course is the sort of thing that would promote a Dunning-Kruger effect......

As a refresher, this is acceptable. But I would go to St Johns or Red Cross instead for actual certification.

BTW, it does not improve during the next course (CPR, Toxicology, Wildnerness). What is the purpose of 3 1-min intro videos? Just make 1 good one!

By Joshua h


Apr 5, 2020

excellent course with a lot of information and very well explained - hope I can remember it all.

By Rodiel K B I


Jun 15, 2019

I have learned a lot from these modules

By David O


Jun 15, 2019

I like the way they teach

By Luis L


Apr 29, 2019

very objective course

By Beh


May 3, 2020

Pretty good course apart from some minor flaws in the presentations

By Aedrian A


Jan 23, 2021

This is a great overview of the principles surrounding acute medical care of out-of-hospital emergencies. Medical students and primary care practitioners may use the material for review of relevant topics, and aspiring EMTs will be able to appreciate the daily grind of their profession of interest. The offering adequately covers the underlying theory and best practices surrounding medical emergencies, and is best taken in the sequence recommended for the Coursera Specialization where it belongs.



Dec 11, 2021

A very valuable course prepared by a highly disciplined team. However, because the options in the exam prepared for the 4th week contain multiple combinations and there are no informative notes at the time of the feedback about the exam, it can be a bit difficult and boring for the candidates to pass the exam in the 4th week. Thank you to the University of Colorado for preparing such a valuable course. Murat Yagmurca, Bursa, Turkey.

By Angelica J


Oct 26, 2020

Thank you to the beautiful people who made this comprehensive course. It's very challenging for people without medical background and I had to take lots and lots of notes. What I have learned here is greatly appreciated because it may save the lives of the people I care about. Thank you and keep safe.

By Robert C C


Jan 21, 2021

Everything was concise and well delivered. It offered enough cerebral humor in the transitions to get to know the instructors even though they're on a screen. Challenging to the point of having to dedicate time to understanding but not so much that you feel lost. Excellently put together.

By M. S M


Jun 28, 2022

ThankYou for sensible pace (I am pretty fatigued after the more than full time, long shifts @ hospital then doing this study in-between. I appreciate the pace so I can assimilate, absorb, retain & review if need be in readiness for the field as an EMT.

By Ismael F V M


Jan 7, 2021

Excelent course for extra-hospitalary emergencies. I would recommend it to everyone: health professional and non health professional, because it let's you learn about general approach to emergencies, letting do things even before de EMT arrives.

By T. J C J


Feb 8, 2020

Another great course provided by the CU and Denver EMS crew! More intense than the first one with a greater depth of theory. A few of the mid-video questions were misplaced/labeled, but they don't count negatively against your overall grade.

By Mahmoud B


Jan 6, 2021

It was very resourceful course about basic life support, I learned how to manage the airway and some other serious medical condition such as seizures and stroke. I learned how to do some medical examinations.

By Muneeb K


Jun 29, 2020

Excellent course on the absolute basics. Would highly recommend for anyone who wants to learn about managing medical emergencies in the healthcare field. Videos are short but informative.

By Sebastián O B C


Sep 25, 2020

The course was amazing, the information was pretty neat, the videos showing the maneuvers were didactic and concise. I really enjoyed taking this course, I would recommend it to friends.

By 3087 D T


Jan 29, 2022

Each video lecture gives us lots of information and the way of explaining any topic is mindblowing and enggaging. Thank you for providing such a informative course.

By Stephon J


Feb 1, 2021

Everything was explained keenly and whatever they may not have covered in the videos they provided reading articles and sites for independent studies. Loved it!!

By Tania S


Jun 28, 2021

Excellent course on the absolute basics. Would highly recommend for anyone who wants to learn about managing medical emergencies in the healthcare field.Â