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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Programming with MATLAB by Vanderbilt University

17,759 ratings

About the Course

This course teaches computer programming to those with little to no previous experience. It uses the programming system and language called MATLAB to do so because it is easy to learn, versatile and very useful for engineers and other professionals. MATLAB is a special-purpose language that is an excellent choice for writing moderate-size programs that solve problems involving the manipulation of numbers. The design of the language makes it possible to write a powerful program in a few lines. The problems may be relatively complex, while the MATLAB programs that solve them are relatively simple: relative, that is, to the equivalent program written in a general-purpose language, such as C++ or Java. As a result, MATLAB is being used in a wide variety of domains from the natural sciences, through all disciplines of engineering, to finance, and beyond, and it is heavily used in industry. Hence, a solid background in MATLAB is an indispensable skill in today’s job market. Nevertheless, this course is not a MATLAB tutorial. It is an introductory programming course that uses MATLAB to illustrate general concepts in computer science and programming. Students who successfully complete this course will become familiar with general concepts in computer science, gain an understanding of the general concepts of programming, and obtain a solid foundation in the use of MATLAB. Students taking the course will get a MATLAB Online license free of charge for the duration of the course. The students are encouraged to consult the eBook that this course is based on. More information about these resources can be found on the Resources menu on the right....

Top reviews


Jun 24, 2020

I would like to thank vanderbilt university for providing such a wonderful course and i am much impressed by the use of the basic matrices in each and every programming purpose.thank you again!!!!:)))


Jan 21, 2022

I would like to thank vanderbilt university for providing such a wonderful course and i am much impressed by the use of the basic matrices in each and every programming purpose.thank you again!!!!:)))

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151 - 175 of 4,496 Reviews for Introduction to Programming with MATLAB

By Huanglei P


Jun 8, 2017

The course is well organized, and the instructor gives nice lecture and clear examples. The mentors are very conscientious and helpful, when I met troubles in homework and put them on the forum, the mentors answered my questions very quickly, which surprised me a lot! Some assignments in homework did struggle me for a long time, but when I finally solved the problems , I was ravished with joy just like completing levels in games! In a word, I really enjoy the process of programming with MATLAB in this course.

By Eric B


Jul 2, 2019

I've used Matlab for over 20 years, but I have never really tried to program with it. Truth is, I haven't really tried my hand at any programming after my first course in programming (C++). If I had taken a course taught like this one, I might be a programmer today! The lectures are entertaining and interesting, and the assignments are difficult enough that you have to do research (well, I did), which I believe is appropriate for a course like this. Than you for helping this old dog learn a few new tricks!

By Dhilip K


May 15, 2020

A very good course especially for beginners like me who don't know anything about the computer science the other computer science languages. And I loved the course so much. Thanks to the Professors for making the course in the easier way. And also Thanks to Instructor Brandon sir who helped me to find out the mistakes made by me. Because of this course I have planned to do more courses related to Matlab and now I'm interested in learning other CS languages. And now I'm confident in Matlab. Cheers!!

By Sumit P


Apr 17, 2020

Very informative course. although I was using Matlab since last six months the course has added learned lot of concepts in my programming knowledge.

I have a suggestion as I'm a undergraduate mechanical engineering student, I use matlab for subjects like Numerical methods,CFD,FEM. So if you ca start a course on use of matlab in such streams it would be very helpful for students like me.

Thank you Mike fitzpatrick (your teaching style is awesome!!) and Brandon Armstrong for helping me throughout the course

By Filippo M


Dec 9, 2022

During my university study path I had some courses that needed to use matlab to understand better the contents explained by the professor, but the introduction to this programming language wasn't comprehensive enough to master its basics. This course gave me the foundations that I needed to get more fluent on matlab and, since the journey has already begun, I feel more confident on learning more about advanced concepts in this field. I think that I'll follow up with the next two courses. Great job!!!

By Yifan Z


Nov 3, 2017

I had used Matlab for my other courses before I signed up for this course, so I came with a little background of Matlab to this course, with the purpose of solidifying what I knew about Matlab. To my surprise, this course has taught me a lot of concepts that I've never encountered before! And I like this course especially because they provide their answers to each question. It is so helpful to learn how to write neat code from others. The discussion forums are helpful too! I wish you enjoy this course!



Mar 23, 2019

I had no prior knowledge of MATLAB , and was in search of a basic course for the same.One of my friend referred me this course and showed me few of the videos .The teaching style instantly attracted me and in no time here i am enrolled for the course.There is no one in this whole world who can teach better for this particular course other than the one in the video.I am like super satisfied by the course and thank you for your hard work put in to make us learn MATLAB with ease.Lots of love from INDIA.

By Junda L


Dec 19, 2016

Excellent course for the introduction to programming and MATLAB! The lecture is great and explains clearly though sometime it is a little boring. It covert a lot of details about MATLAB than the workshop taken at my home university.

The disscusion forum is one of the best I have experienced at Coursera. The reply by mentors is so quick to make the discussion forum really helpful.

The assignment is easy at first but it is a bit challenging in the end.

All in all , I strongly recommend this course.

By Justin L


Jan 6, 2020

Very enjoyable, after finishing this course I am much more familiar with how to program in MATLAB, and feel confident that I can achieve anything I want to do with it. The course starts off gently, but gets relatively steep in difficulty towards the end. The lead instructor had a dry but funny sense of humour which helped me stay alert whilst learning, and the staff in the forums were very helpful. If you want to learn a bit about programming and/or learn MATLAB, this course is excellent!

By Mert Y


Feb 18, 2022

As a Chemical Engineer, it was hard at the end of the course for me. I have started to this course due to improve myself at coding. I have done so many researches while i am learning and I have learned more than this course concept thanks to this course. End of the lesson, the questions were very challenging for me because i have started coding recently in general. My thoughts are widen thanks to this course again. Thank you for teaching us basic of MATLAB. I hope I can get 2nd class.

By Indranil G


Jun 20, 2020

I was a newbie to programming before this course. I took my time, re-enrolled several times in a time-span of 2 years and finally completed this course. I didn't delay completion because of lethargy, but because I was using MATLAB for my Masters thesis research, and hence learnt the skills when I needed them. It was fantastic! Professor Fitzpatrick has a very good sense of humor while his excellent grip on programming is apparent. I'm extremely grateful for this resource! Much love <3

By Jignesh P


May 31, 2020

Vanderbilt University and Coursera has offered a great opportunity to students who are interested in gaining an additional software skills. If you are a newly learner regarding computer applications, such a kind of will lead you to grasp the skill. On the other hand, MATLAB is a newly developed programming language used to solve numerical problems in technical world. Lastly, I would like to thank Prof. Mike Fitzpatrick for teaching the course very swiftly and making me a MATLAB nerd.

By David M


Mar 12, 2017

Curso muy bien estructurado, con aprendizaje progresivo hasta obtener un nivel bastante elevado en las últimas semanas.

Los vídeos son amenos a la vez que útiles aunque los ejercicios son la base del aprendizaje de este curso.

Lo recomendaría a cualquier perfil cientifico-técnico que vaya a utilizar MATLAB a diario.

Aviso: los problemas requieren de conocimiento matemático notable, por lo que si flojeas en este ámbito te costará bastante resolver los problemas en el tiempo estimado.

By Mihir G


May 13, 2020

This was my first course on Coursera & I can say those 9 weeks were worth it ! The syntax of MATLAB and its various inbuilt functions were explained clearly by Prof. Mike Fitzpatrick. The assignments were relevant with a gradual increase of toughness towards the end. File I/O O/P functions couldv'e been explained a bit more in my opinion but overall it was a fantastic experience. I would like to thank Coursera and Vanderbilt University for making it available to us . Thank you.

By mehmoosh a


Jul 7, 2020

It was an awesome journey, learning was made very easy and step by step counseling of Mike Fitzpatrick made it really interesting and programming with MATLAB was made enjoyable by him. I would thank VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY for giving a free course in such pandemic condition so that the time at home was made fruitful and help in improving MATLAB programming with the help of assignments and also provided their solutions so that i have multi concepts of solving a single problem

By Binay C


Feb 23, 2017

This is one of the best courses I have done so far. I am thankful to the entire team of Vanderbilt university and Prof. Mike Fitzpatrick for such an amazing course. The course content, delivery and specially Grader has been designed in a beautiful way that kept me moving with the flow and motivated me to complete all assignments. Hats off to Prof. Mike Fitzpatrick and entire team.

Request you to please come up with course on Advance Matlab programming and Simulink as well.

By Olatomiwa O


Aug 24, 2020

I used to think MATLAB was strictly for engineering calculations (cos that's all I ever used it for in my undergraduate years), but this course has indeed shown me that there is so much more MATLAB can do. Professor Fitzpatrick's approach to teaching it is also makes it so exciting and easy to follow. This course has piqued the interest of the otherwise unwilling programmer in me. I am really glad it came my way, and I most definitely will be taking the sequel courses.

By Lennart B


Apr 2, 2019

For me this was an excellent start using Matlab. The content was presented very concise and clear. The grading system is very nice and the homework assignments did match the increasing knowledge. Overall I really enjoyed this course and would therefor rate it excellent! Thanks to everyone how helped making this course possible.

If I could state what I missed: I know this course is meant to be an introduction but a few more real application examples would have been nice.

By chung h


Jan 11, 2021

What I like about this course is the programming exercises. Everyone can learn a programming language by studying a good textbook and do the exercises. However, a DIY evaluation of the exercises may not be as rigorous. This is where the course SHINES!! It does not let you get away from sloppy works. I learned the most from the programming exercises. I will do some reviewing on Matlab before continuing on the next courses. Having retired for 20 years I have the time!!

By Thierry C


Jun 25, 2020

If you never ever touch Matlab, but want to learn, then this course is for you. For years I had a Matlab book and pdfs training I never touch. This course give me the confidence to carry on. The teacher (in that instance Mike) is really good I teaching you how to use this software. I have to warn you that after lesson 5, it is really challenging and I spend even a day to find the solution. Do not let this to discourage you because at this end you will learn a lot.

By Jesus


Sep 19, 2019

I loved the course. But sometimes statements or sentences to explain the exercises are too difficult to understand for non-native English speaker (and that was especially noticeable in the last exercises, i.e., in week 9). The videos are pretty clear and pedagogical, but it would be quite good to improve those sections into the lessons. Lastly, I would also like to acknowledge the great work did by the Fitzpatrick professor: Congratulations, and thank you so much!



Jun 18, 2020

thankyou sir,, Introduction to Programming with MALAB is very interesting, in this course ,I have learned how to calculated different type of matrixes, plotting , how to use use functions , loop, image blur , saddle point ,echo genterator, and more many topics.

finally , i want to say this matlab was very interesting because coursera metrial is enough to learn matalb

very very thankyou coursera , michal sir, and my college SAHARSA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,SAHARSA

By Ummid I S


Jun 4, 2020

The last time I did computer programming was around 18 years ago with C++. I had almost forgotten the things.

Since the programming language has been changed drastically in last 18 years initially , I faced some difficulties in coping up . But thanks to the aptly designed course content and unique teaching methodology of Prof. Fitzpatrick and assistance from Mr. Brandon that I could make it.

This course will definitely be helpful for my research . Thank you !

By Gustavo A S


Oct 6, 2019

Muy buen curso. Al principio parece un poco aburrido porque comienza con (lo que para mí parecen) cuestiones muy elementales. Pero poco a poco comienzan a surgir problemas más complejos y los últimos ejercicios ya requieren el nivel que esperaba del curso. Una excelente opción para iniciarse (o reiniciarse) en Matlab. El libro que acompaña al curso trae material complementario y es una opción recomendable. En definitiva, un buen curso introductorio a Matlab.

By Paloma G G


Aug 25, 2017

Excellent course to introduce yourself in programming language. Lessons through videos are really clear and explained as simple as possible; so nobody should have no problem, even without any preovious experience. Furthermore, the ebook offered by the teacher is very helpful and can improve your formation and solve some doubts. Tasks are quite challenging but you can learn a lot from them.

I am very satisfied with the whole course and I strongly recommend it.