Aug 26, 2018
Great way to learn about applied Linear Algebra. Should be fairly easy if you have any background with linear algebra, but looks at concepts through the scope of geometric application, which is fresh.
May 31, 2020
A great course covering key aspects of Linear Algebra with the lecturers giving a good intuition about what's going on with the subjects.(PS. I loved the sense of humor of Prof.Dye it was really fun!)
By Bautista P
•May 3, 2020
Outstanding course, very clear and nice professors and assignments to test out your skills
By Dr. A J
•Apr 21, 2020
Absolutely brilliant course. The python assignments are the main highlight of this course.
By Amit K J
•Apr 20, 2020
A wonderful course with enough applicative scenarios to the mathematics of Linear algebra.
By Rakshit V
•Apr 18, 2020
An amazing course even for math majors, as it helps develop an intuition into the subject.
By Nikhil V
•Feb 16, 2020
It was to the point and intuitive to learn the this course and the exercises are real fun!
By John M
•Jan 24, 2020
This course helped me to attain a sound knowledge in Linear Algebra. Thank You professors!
By Kristen P
•Jan 13, 2020
Very interesting course! Examples are practical and closely related to data science topic!
By Avinash K
•Dec 22, 2019
This course is amazing for the beginning of machine learning with the base of mathematics.
By segundo f s a
•Dec 17, 2019
Excelente curso bien explicado de la utilidad del álgebra lineal. básico pero interesante.
By Stavros K
•Jan 6, 2019
Pretty basic, but nicely executed. Practically going through the basics of linear algebra.
By Iván F T M
•Aug 26, 2022
An amazing Linear Algebra for Machine Learning course. The instructors really stand out.
By Manikanta P R
•Jun 9, 2021
Exceptional course for speed touch up on the mathematical foundations of machine learning
By Roland S
•Dec 30, 2020
Really good visualizations that lead to more profound understanding of the topics for me.
•Oct 26, 2020
The best way to remember linear algebra and learning some aplications to machine learning
By Amit R
•Aug 24, 2020
It is a nice course with understanding focused over procedures and mathematical exercise.
By Ahsanul A S
•Jun 29, 2020
This course and Grant Sanderson's youtube videos can make anyone superb at Linear Algebra
By William H V G
•Jan 16, 2020
This course is very challenging and the same time useful. I've learn a lot of new things.
By Chu W
•Nov 21, 2019
I think it overturns my understanding of linear algebra, I was lucky to meet this course.
By Samresh
•Jul 9, 2019
Nice Course. Explain in easy and clear way. Cover basic topics for machine learning well.
By Alan S
•Sep 13, 2018
The course for every engineer who want to refresh math skills before trying data science.
By Liming
•Apr 28, 2021
Fantastic course! Very solid knowledge construction to my weak math background. Loved it
By 18Z360 S M
•Sep 28, 2020
Wonderful course for anyone interested to know how intuitive and deep math concepts are!
•Sep 17, 2020
Very intuitive, well explained and recommended course for machine learning practitioner.
By Shanaka R G
•Jun 15, 2020
This is a well-organized course for learner algebra. I learn a lot. Thank you very much.
By Adityan R
•May 23, 2020
One of the excellent course by Imperial College. Really enjoyed the 5 weeks of learning.