Jan 16, 2023
Very interesting and start from basic. Preferred course for beginner level person. Explained each topic very clearly. Recommend this course to people who want to start journey in python programming.
Dec 16, 2020
Great course for refreshing your python basics, and any beginner looking to pick up Python basics will be in a comfortable spot after completing this course and a bit of practice with the assignments.
By Gurleen K
•Sep 3, 2024
This course has helped me to gain confidence in programming. I think that this course can be quite beneficial for the beginners as it helps to lay a strong foundation of concepts.
By Ishita P
•Jan 20, 2021
This was an excellent course that taught a lot. I did this course because I wanted to review programming, but it is excellent for beginners as well. Very thorough and informative.
By Muhammad A F
•Jan 20, 2020
Truly recommended for beginners. The course's pace is just right, and the material is no to deep but still makes you think like a programmer. Really motivated for the next course.
By Martin G
•Jun 5, 2018
This is a perfect course for me as I am just getting back into programming after a 1 year break. Very intuitive and simple to use, and easy to understand. Thank you and great job!
By Rishabh M
•Jul 20, 2020
I had a bit of programming experience but not in Python. This course is ideal for anyone who wants to learn the basics of programming/ basics in Python. Kudos to the instructors!
By MacMike
•Apr 24, 2020
A well-designed course with testing tests and gentle presentation that covers a broad introduction to Python. Now on to Paul and Jennifer's next course - Crafting Quality Code...
By Ray G
•Mar 3, 2019
Really good Python course! Good lectures and references. Autograding enforces learning; ensures learning the concepts as well as the details needed to be efficient with Python.
By Smahi P K
•Jun 30, 2022
This cousre is really elaborated. The quizes and assessments with 3 assignments makes it more interesting. This is very good for beginners. I had a great time doing this course.
By Alex B
•Jun 29, 2020
I had no background in Python prior to this course. The instructors and mentors really help guide your growth and completing this course gave me a great sense of accomplishment.
By João F d A J
•Dec 19, 2019
It's pretty good,I am not so good in english. i like it very much because i did know about docstrinc of functions and "python functional",is very easy to learn with this course.
By anu g
•Jul 3, 2019
super good to follow and lots of nicely tricky questions. would love more programming assignments though. i thought it would lead up to one that we would do mostly on our own!
By Michael O
•Aug 21, 2018
This is the best programming lecture I have taken so far. I trusted the competence (ability to simplify the concepts) of the lecturers and that kept me to the end of the course.
By Igor G
•Apr 21, 2022
I truly enjoyed the course, the way it is structured, the instructors and the way the material is presented. I highly recommend it to those looking to get started with Python.
By Tan W C
•Apr 5, 2020
This is a very good course with very hands on approach that teaches basic Python. And also the quiz is challenging your understanding and often i learned more from it. Thanks!
By Omer R H
•Oct 4, 2019
The teachers are great and the workflow is fast, you get hands-on right away and the forum provides answers really fast! I think it's a great start for people to learn Python.
By Can Ü
•Aug 20, 2018
Great course with very engaging material. I had no prior experience with Python, this course made it possible for me to start writing some basic code. Very highly recommended!
By Marc G
•Jul 25, 2018
Really designed couse. Makes it the somewhat abstract and at times intimidating material very approachable. Look forward to the next in the series: L2P: Crafting Quality Code
By Michael D
•Apr 27, 2017
This was an excellent course. So well designed, and really carefully planned. Great professors. The assignments and the exams really help with developing knowledge. Thank you!
By Sanjana B
•Jun 6, 2020
This is my first course on coursera. I loved this course. This is the best I could start programming in Python. The assignments were good and helped in the learning process.
By Alison
•Aug 5, 2019
The course is friendly to new programmers, and its great design of videos and quizzes helps the learner to fully understand what each piece of code means and how it results.
By Viesturs A
•Feb 22, 2019
The information from teachers comes in very concentrate form. Excellent introduction course. Loved parts where explained whats happening behind curtains when code executed.
By Martin B
•Sep 24, 2018
Really enjoyable course with a great balance of challenging and achievable for beginners. I highly recommend this course as a good place to start learning about programming.
By Ikseon K
•Feb 1, 2018
This is very helpful for beginner who just started learning Python. The lecture and homework are very simple and concise. Really appreciate it all for your devotion. Thanks!
By Jess H
•Oct 23, 2017
Great course. For a none programmer the difficulty level was perfect hard enough to be challenging but easy enough that you were continuously progressing through the course.