Jan 16, 2023
Very interesting and start from basic. Preferred course for beginner level person. Explained each topic very clearly. Recommend this course to people who want to start journey in python programming.
Dec 16, 2020
Great course for refreshing your python basics, and any beginner looking to pick up Python basics will be in a comfortable spot after completing this course and a bit of practice with the assignments.
By Tim K
•Dec 8, 2016
Thanks to you both! I found your presentation concise and pleasant. You gave enough examples that I could reference them later on if I needed them, but not so many that it bogged down the pace of the class. I look forward to the next course you produce. Thanks again.
By Doris C
•Mar 20, 2019
I really loved this course! What I liked the most (besides the video classes) were the fact that when I was uncertain about something I could ask in the forum and the teacher would reply as soon as possible. I'm definitely going to keep studying, thanks for this course!
By Jaeoh L
•Jun 2, 2020
As a beginner, I could easily understand 90% of the lessons. Other 10% I had to google to understand the lessons better. The three assignments are great. They require utilization of the lessons covered. Problems on the quizzes makes you think. Great fundamental course!
By Muhammed B
•Oct 19, 2017
Thank you for having giving me my first experience in computer programming. The settings of the assignments timeline was great; it gave me the opportunity to finish the course after the deadline on October 6. I hope to have another course with beautiful souls like you.
By Wendy C
•Sep 17, 2021
Great course honestly.... the videos and readings to review what was mentioned in the video was an excellent tool for me and the quick response from the mentors in the chats was also a big plus. Thanks Coursera and the University of Toronto for this big contribution.
By Laura H M
•Jul 7, 2020
The course follows a good structure and pace. The lecture videos are easy to follow and are complemented with lecture summaries that I found extremely helpful in order to remember the content. Overall, a well taught course to get familiar with Python. I recommend it.
By Nittay M
•Oct 18, 2017
Great course! with no programming experience at all, and in a bit more than two weeks, I feel like I really understand the basics of Python programming. I have even already applied the knowledge in my work! Thanks to articulate lectures and a right set of practices .
By Eric C
•Sep 20, 2022
It is a very good course for python beginner. It provide a basic training on python, also help one to develop a solid foundation on logic thinking on programming. Indeed, it is a useful course for me. I would like to say a big thank to the program developing team.
By Timothy C
•Jul 3, 2018
Great beginner course, but will stress that this is very much a beginner course. For anyone with good understanding of other languages, you will find this very easy and somewhat redundant as it spends a good deal of material teaching the fundamentals of programming.
By Ric L
•Jun 21, 2017
Really enjoyed this course, especially the assignments. Some of the lectures seemed brief and you do have to research some information outside of the course. Most importantly when doing the exams, IDLE and using the console are the best way to learn, test and pass
By Daniel W
•Mar 5, 2018
This course was put into small bite size pieces with a good mix of theory and practice. It's short and sweet. I would recommend this for anyone who has a reasonable sense of logic and arithmetic and looking to begin programming.
The mentoring was incredibly useful.
By Flavio D
•Aug 12, 2021
This course is very well done, I learned a lot! Of course is not easy, but with a bit of effort I got it done! Professors are always there to let you understand concepts and I really appreciate that they were quick and clear in their responses.
Thank you very much!
By Jennifer A C R
•Aug 17, 2020
Aprender de la manera difícil. Este curso siempre me presentó retos, pero no hubiera adquirido mejores fundamentos en ningún otro curso. Lo recomiendo demasiado si quieren quedar bien preparados. Gracias a la Universidad del Valle que me dió acceso al certificado.
By Ramesh P
•Nov 6, 2017
I liked the course. I liked it how how it was paced and organized. I am fairly new to the idea of computing but i believe that i can now jump into next level having learned the fundamentals of the programming based on python. Thank you to the Teachers and mentors.
By Rade K
•May 4, 2019
As a complete beginner, I've found this course very good introduction to programming. It is not so hard, but also there are some challenging problems to solve, so you can expect to learn more than you hope in those 7 weeks or less (for me, it took about 20 days).
By Joshua W
•Sep 28, 2017
I had no background in Python starting this course. The concepts were presented so they are clear and easy to pick up, and the reflective exercises were simple yet challenging. I think the course was very well designed and highly recommended it for any beginners!
•May 24, 2019
Really a great course for beginners. You will learn the basics in the best possible demonstration. The tutors have covered all the minute details of all concepts. Really happy to enroll for this course and learned so much so quickly. Thank you very much, tutors.
By Andrew B
•Oct 18, 2017
Excellent course, the videos and course materials are clear and concise. The assessments are difficult encouraging you to think and properly assimilate what you've been told in order to be able to pass them but nothing in them is not within the course structure.
By Animesh
•Aug 19, 2017
it was an awesome course. all the contents were nicely taught.i liked the assignments the most,which were not designed to be impossible for a beginner like me,but wasnt too easy either.i had to put some hard efforts to get through.
thank you all the professors :)
By Johnathan L
•Feb 20, 2017
This course was great and provided a great intro into programming basics via Python. One qualm I had was that some of the quizzes contained answer choices related to topics from upcoming lectures, which could throw you off. All in all it's a great course though.
By Rafael F S
•May 17, 2018
Course is good, with a good balance of exercises and video content. There was a small glitch with the content formatting in the quizes (html special characters) that made it a bit hard to read the text at times, but other than that, I'd give say it's ('*' * 5)!
By Eric X
•Jun 25, 2017
Systematic and progressive course to get a hang of basic python programming. Assignments are adequately challenging and fun, showing how the skills learnt can be applied to some fun ideas. Very active forum which provides lots of help for anyone having trouble.
By Humaira F A
•Jun 1, 2020
This course is an absolute best for beginners. Being new to programming, I had all the help I needed to understand the course from the mentors on the discussion forums. My only advice is this : keep seeking help whenever stuck and you'll gain a lot at the end.
By T.T N
•Jan 6, 2019
This course was amazing! I learned quite a bit and the quizzes and assignments were perfect to test my knowledge. It was paced perfectly and the material was presented in a way that was interesting and fun. If you want to learn Python, I highly recommend this
•Mar 8, 2021
A very neet introduction to the Python programming language, with plenty of exercises along the way to help master the concepts and learn by doing. The teachers explore concepts in depth while maintaining a level of accessability that is definitely enjoyable.