Sep 20, 2020
The course was helpful in gaining the foundation of psychology. It was clearly structured so that a person with any background can understand it. Thanks for helping me to gain knowledge on psychology.
Jun 27, 2020
This was my second course using this site, and with Professor Bloom, and once again it was great. I've genuinely learnt a lot, and I've found a new love for psychology I never would have found before.
By Kylie T W Y
•Jul 31, 2020
I love it! Get to know more about Psychology, interesting and mystery. Nowadays, so many peoples who has mental illness but they do not even aware or help themselves, therefore, even though there has so many difficult and professional wording in this lecture of Psychology, I still want to know more, hopefully I can help others one day. The lecture is good and knowledgeable, however it will be more easy to understand if it can have some supporting example on how to apply to our daily life and experiment shown. Thank you Professor Bloom!
By Ксенія Ш
•Apr 6, 2021
An extremely neat and interesting course which is truly useful for anyone, not only for those pursuing Psychology. It helps to gently yet profoundly learn about how out brain works, personality, how our identity is built and how processes of its formation happen, also of course a peek at psychotherapy and disorders. Separately I wanted to praise the positive ending which (according to one of the lector's points) was really best for finishing the course since now i'll always remember it as something positive and bringing hope. Thanks!
By Panagiotis M
•Jan 30, 2021
Exceptional teaching with an unusual method because of the animations, which definitely made it more fun and at some times even easier to understand. The reading material was very helpful and very interesting. Professor Bloom was very good at explaining each topic and you can clearly see a passionate person in the field of which he teaches. I completed this course and now I have a more clear understanding of Psychology and what it is about. I'm going to proceed to the second course of professor Bloom because I enjoyed this one a lot.
By Kevin M
•Sep 29, 2020
I have to give the highest rating to this course, because not only did it give me a great introduction to psychology, it has provided a springboard for further study and investigation. On a personal level, I was able to come to understand some thing about me too, which I found surprising and somewhat rewarding.
Initially I found the "animation" style of lecture delivery strange, but as I stuck to it, I began to enjoy it and found that it really helped with the process of embedding new ideas and concepts. All in all a great experience.
By Adrian L
•Apr 7, 2020
I am a choreographer specialising in the art form of Tanztheater, which is a German art form of merging Dance and Theatre. I consider the approach to my work quite psychological therefore I was interested to get a scientific context to my otherwise just self-controlled general thinking I do during rehearsals or in preparations.
And I can honestly say that this course has provided this context wonderfully. Professor Bloom did a wonderful job in delivering a meaningful and non pretentious course. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot!
By Kavya V (
•Jul 12, 2021
A really great course - my first one taken on Coursera, and it has just encouraged me to take more. Professor Bloom's way of explaining all the topics in this course feels as if he is standing right in front of me teaching it to me in person. They are full of comprehensible examples and analogies, great references (videos, books, movies, studies) where findings from the study of Psych can be seen in real life. Of course, the animation in the videos helped to continuously engage, and was another reason why I really liked the course.
By Muhammad F B M S
•Oct 10, 2023
I recently completed the "Introduction to Psychology" online course, and I'm thrilled with the experience. The content is thorough, presented in a clear and engaging manner. The instructors are knowledgeable and passionate, making complex topics easy to understand. The interactive approach, including quizzes and discussions, kept me engaged and motivated. The supportive community fostered a great learning atmosphere. Whether you're new to psychology or want to deepen your knowledge, this course is a must-try. Highly recommended!
•Nov 26, 2021
Thanks to this course, I became aware of the existence of Doctor Paul Bloom. He conveyed the experience he had gained in his field for many years to us as a 6-week course in a very original way, with his super sound and wonderful drawings and effects. I would like to thank Dr Paul for organizing the course and his team who helped him in every way. As a living being, I will always proceed in this life without forgetting that we always have a soul and that we should look at our lives psychologically. Murat YAĞMURCA, Bursa, Turkey.
By María d M V L
•Jul 21, 2021
I enjoyed so much this course, and I don´t get why some students doesn´t like the animations, the kind of visual is a "wink" to the movie "Waking Life" (2001) and its make easier studiying. The content of the whole program its very interisting and the professor teachs pretty well and easy. In a lot of other courses teachers try to extend it in a way making content complicated just to get you to enroll and pay for longer, but here its easy and in stead of complicated you get a lot of quality information. Thanks for this course!
By Jane M
•Apr 21, 2022
If you always wanted to learn more about psychology, but did not know where to start, I strongly recommend taking this course! It works great as an introduction to the subject, and it is very well structured. Professor Bloom does excellent job explaining complex matters in very simple terms. Among other things, you will learn about brain composition, the history of psychology as a study, the ways brain works, including how emotions and memories are formed. Each lecture ends with a short assessment to help track your progress.
By Дана К
•Jun 29, 2020
Хороший курс, помог мне разобраться с моими личными проблемами. Я ранее не задумывалась о многих процессах в нашем мозге, также не думала о роли детских травм в дальнейшей жизни. И мне кажется, что некоторые теории Фрейда имеют место быть например: стадии развития по фрейду: возможно это объясняет многое. Перенесенные психологические травмы в детстве, нарушение одной из стадий в развитии ребенка, может объяснить наличия отклонений у педофилов, насильников и убийц и их поступки. Сугубо лично мое мнение. Спасибо большое за курс!
By Stella F
•Aug 25, 2021
I really enjoyed taking this course. It was well structured and I have gained good foundation on psychology - the study of the mind and the behavior. I spent quite a bit of time going through the reference material to gain better insights. Psychology is a very interesting and challenging topic, and I wish to pursue further after completing the course. Professor Paul Bloom is great, though I would enjoy more if I could see his face during the lecture. My sincere thanks to him and Yale for offering such a wonderful course.
By Ralitsa D
•Feb 2, 2025
I completed the course in 11 days and i think the formula, the videos, the additional readings and everything about it is so thought out. I genuinely enjoyed listening to the professor and found that the information was both very interesting and varied. So much information from every branch of Psychology summed up just enough to have a general understanding and presented in a light and clear way that does not overwhelm or confuse the listener. Definitely worth the experience even if without the certificate. Very grateful.
By Christos H
•Sep 13, 2020
I came to learn the basics of psychology and to be honest I think this course way over-provides - that is a positive aspect.
The videos are not dull and drone but engaging and valid to the subject.
The additional reading material that is provided gives a greater insight into the subject taught and is beneficial to gain a better, and a more wholesome, understanding.
I enjoyed this course, took plenty of notes and will be a point of reference for the future.
Thank you Professor Bloom for taking the time and making the effort!
By Andreea J
•Oct 6, 2019
Much more informative than my Psychology class in high-school. I enjoyed the fact that it also covers the physiology of the brain, to some extent. Having video, audio and a transcript to follow at the same time was really helpful, even if the transcript, very rarely, did have some inaccuracies. I found, however, that the readings took much longer than the indicated time minutes (at least for me. but I also stopped to take notes). I enjoyed the flexible schedule, but I did spend a few weekends in-doors trying to keep up!
By Antonio C S N
•Jun 7, 2020
Já havia feito algumas disciplinas de Psicologia nos Cursos de Direito e Pedagogia da Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB aqui em Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Avalio com Excelente este Curso de Introdução à Psicologia da Yale, através da Plataforma Educacional Coursera.
I had already taken some Psychology courses in the Law and Pedagogy Courses at the State University of Bahia - UNEB here in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. I rate this Yale Psychology Introduction Course with Excellent through the Coursera Educational Platform.
By Viorica C
•Nov 13, 2022
I really loved the course. It made me think about so many issues. I'd really like to pursue my goal of getting a better understanding of the human mind. I particularly liked the ending (it looks like Kahneman was right :) ), when Professor Bloom said that understanding human mind is not about depriving it of its uniqueness, but rather it is about getting the clue that will help us unlock so many doors and solve so many problems. That will help us become better. I'm humbled and optimistic. Thank you for the course!
By Farukh M
•Feb 21, 2022
This was a very useful course that everyone should attempt, it enhances your learning on how humans behave in different situations and how you can help your team members come out of deprehsion or other states of mind that are distracting them. Thus you can improve the efficiency of your team and improve your own behavior and attitude to build relationship with strangers you do business. You are able to understand and differentiate between personalities and this help you get alondwith people even better than before
•Jul 29, 2020
Excelente profesor Paul Bloom, en sus vídeos lograba concentrarme mucho por su facilidad de explicar. En este curso he logrado incrementar mis conocimientos y aparte he aprendido más sobre la psicología, las emociones los sentimientos algunas enfermedades. Por qué la psicología? Por qué está en todo buen todos. Es muy intrigante el saber y tratar de comprender el por qué de ciertos comportamientos de las personas. Agradezco a los profesores y a la prestigiosa universidad de yale. Dios les bendiga muchas gracias
By Isabel “ P
•May 25, 2022
muy entretenido y didactico, lamentablemente los test estan en ingles cin opcion traduccion al espanol ,lo que me lleva a errar en las respuestas,una gran desventaja.
Seria ideal poder obtener la carrera de psicologia de esta manera ,online,con grandes maestros y de prestigio.
I have been very impressed with the quality of the course and the quality of the answers I received, and I am very happy with it. It would be ideal to obtain the psychology degree in this way (online), with great and prestigious teachers.
By N B
•Mar 28, 2019
-original presentation of material (animation makes it easier to learn the material)
-actual problems
-talented tuition
-stunning psychological experiments (even some of my friends from the United States were not familiar with the material, they are psychology students)
-useful and practice-oriented information
-first-class recommended literature
+ more than other 100 reasons why I like this course
Your lectures are an intellectual pleasure for me. Many thanks for this lovely present! I appreciate your professionalism.
By Moza O
•Nov 22, 2021
Professor Bloom's delivery of the content was fresh and enjoyable filled with a visual display that discusses psychology in a simple to comprehend manner for all people. As someone who learns best through audio-visual techniques, I am very satisfied with the knowledge and new insights I gained from this course. Even though I studied all of this course material in college, the materials in this course is still interesting and gives me with a lot of information. It helps me to understand psychology in a new ways.
By Simoni T B d S
•Dec 22, 2020
O curso é perfeito ao que ele se propõe: dar uma noção atualizada e sintética sobre a psicologia nos seus diversos campos de atuação. Coloca o aluno frente às questões sobre o conhecimento do ser, do indivíduo, dos grupos e do funcionamento do cérebro, questões essas que vêm sendo discutidas dentro das mais conceituadas universidades ao redor do mundo. Muitas das descobertas recentes corrigiram distorções antigas e possibilitaram uma compreensão mais assertiva sobre o pensar, o sentir e o agir do ser humano.
By Vandina C H
•Jun 19, 2024
The lectures were clear and concise, making complex psychological concepts easy to understand. Each session was engaging, with no dull moments, thanks to the professor's dynamic teaching style and passion for the subject. The course effectively blended real-life examples, interactive activities, and thought-provoking questions, keeping me thoroughly engaged throughout. Overall, this course provided a comprehensive and enjoyable introduction to psychology, sparking my interest in further exploring the field.
By Kamila B
•Oct 11, 2020
El curso de Introducción a la Psicología dictado por Yale es una de las mejores experiencias de educación virtual, su exposición es realmente interesante y entretenida gracias al abordaje del profesor Bloom, así como a la animación utilizada; además de esto, cada temática cuenta con espléndidos artículos científicos los cuales sirven como material de apoyo en cada una de las etapas.
Un curso totalmente recomendado para quienes buscan obtener una perspectiva amplia sobre el maravilloso campo de la psicología.