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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction and Programming with IoT Boards by Pohang University of Science and Technology(POSTECH)

1,782 ratings

About the Course

Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging area of information and communications technology (ICT) involving many disciplines of computer science and engineering including sensors/actuators, communications networking, server platforms, data analytics and smart applications. IoT is considered to be an essential part of the 4th Industrial Revolution along with AI and Big Data. This course will be very useful to senior undergraduate and graduate students as well as engineers who are working in the industry. This course aims at introducing the general concepts and architecture of IoT applications, networking technologies involved, IoT development kits including Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Samsung ARTIK, and how to program them. This course will be offered in English. Subtitles/captions in both of English and Korean will be also provided. IoT (Internet of Things, 사물인터넷)는 최근 중요한 정보통신기술로 주목 받고 있으며 센서/ 제어기, 통신 네트워크, 서버 플랫폼, 데이터 분석, 스마트 앱 등의 컴퓨터공학 기술들이 융합된 기술입니다. IoT는 인공지능, 빅데이터와 함께, 4차산업혁명의 3대 핵심 기술 중 하나로 손꼽히고 있습니다. 본 강좌는 현재 대학에서 공부를 하고 있는 학부 3-4학년 및 대학원생들에게 뿐만 아니라 현장의 개발자, 엔지니어들에게도 도움이 될 거라 믿습니다. IoT의 개념부터 아키텍처, 네트워크기술들을 소개하고 IoT 앱들을 개발할 때 많이 사용되는 Arduino, Raspberry Pi와 삼성전자의 ARTIK 플랫폼을 소개합니다. 본 과목은 영어로 진행되며, 영문과 한글 자막을 제공합니다....

Top reviews


May 4, 2020

I have gained a lot of knowledge about IoT & IoT projects. Sir has wonderfully explained all of the content. Thank you. If you cut down the cost of the certificate it will be very helpful for me.


Sep 5, 2022

I am still a little confused about the difference between IoT and AI or how they are connected! But my understanding so far is that IoT is a type of technology that is embedded with sensors

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301 - 325 of 448 Reviews for Introduction and Programming with IoT Boards

By Ali C B

Nov 17, 2020


By Dr. D P K

Apr 25, 2020


By Joakim H

Apr 1, 2020

The course in itself is very good, well structured, easy to understand explanations etc. Since this is a field that changes a lot, it may be slightly outdated in a few areas, but that does not matter, the basic concepts and technologies are still the same. It is a beginner's course and not a cutting edge tech review. I found it very useful.

The one thing that needs to be reworked urgently is Week 5 Artik. It seems Samsung Artik has been shutdown and none of the referenced sites ara available. Due to this, week 5 of the course is worthless. In order to pass the test, one has to research the programming on one's own.

Had it not been for week 5, I would have give a 5 star rating.

By Alan B

Oct 15, 2022

Good overview, but material is dated. For example a whole module related to Samsung Artik which hasn't been supported for years. Most of the referenced material is no longer online. A course refresh would be warranted.

By Ahmad D b T A

Oct 1, 2022

Week 5 content is kinda obselete since Artik has been discontinued. Some of the tutorials needed for the course is no longer available. Other contents are great for newbies with zero knowledge on IoT to learn the basics.

By Pari T

Jun 8, 2020

It was very interesting to learn from such a good teacher.

But am disappointed that course isn't free for some duration.When am going to pay ,then only i will get certificate.It's really sad for me and my hardwork.


Feb 6, 2021

It was a great learning experience.I have learnt the basics and applications for IOT boards and now I can relate this learning experience with other courses.

And I thank Coursera for this opportunity

By Manjunatha S K

Aug 10, 2020

It is too basic, no IoT related stuff, all these can be learned without thinking about IoT. Please add at least basics or teach few projects on IoT using Arduino and RPi

By Hassan B

Jul 20, 2021

It is a wonderful and useful course and its scientific material is very strong, but there is a suggestion that the explanation should be in the last two video lectures.


Jun 6, 2020

The Course is an Introductory course and needs prior basic knowledge and understanding about the IOT boards.For beginners would be difficult to grab.Overall nice data

By Mahendran R

May 6, 2020

The course is very useful to the beignners and its easy to understand and its very clear notes and the suggestion is we want more programs and outputs discussions.

By Nguyễn V A

Jul 1, 2023

Thank you Professor for providing this basic course. This is really helpful for a beginner like me. For those who are not beginner, this course is not for you!


Oct 15, 2020

This course helped me to get adjusted with these technologies. Further studies will definitely be easier as now I know how get started with this IOT-Boards

By saba M

Aug 15, 2023

This course is a good introduction to learning about IoT boards. However, there is one problem: I am unable to work with or learn about the Artik board.


Aug 24, 2023

it just need to provide pdf document and links in video's are not found , but as a start in IOT Domaine , it's satisfied , thanks overall

By Deepak T L N M

Jul 1, 2020

The course is not updated since 2018 if the material are updated accordingly would be great .

As most of the Samsung IOT artik is no more available

By Guruveer S

Apr 25, 2020

Explained the Basic Concepts and quite encouraging to Create Innovative Projects using the Latest Technology and How IoT is changing the World.

By Shashank M

Jul 16, 2020

very helpful course, if you are an absolute beginner.....Would have been better if real time implementation would have shown...

By Akshay G

Apr 15, 2022

Excellent for fundamentals in IoT Could include latest 2022 updated data Thank You for a short and precise course

By Jonathan R

Jan 3, 2021

The course provided a good intro. I am confident I can now take on sophisticated IoT projects from here on.

By Andras V

Dec 21, 2020

ARTIK platform is discontinued. It's Obsolete. Please remove this as a requirement to pass the course.

By Adalberto G L

Jun 11, 2020

Its Good I liked, but the problem is that they show you ARTIK but it dosnt exist on the presente 2020

By yuju k

Sep 1, 2021

몇년전 강의라 삼성아틱 모듈은 강의 구경만했지만 아두이노와 라즈베리파의 강의는 간결하고 쉬운 튜토리얼이지만 많은 정보를 담고있어서 그 어떤 복잡한 프로젝트 강의보다 유용하였습니다.


Jun 20, 2021

should have some practicals in the course itself to practice and speed of course should increase