May 26, 2022
The course was very comprehensive and easy to understand. The instructors made sure that they are giving the information in a way that won't make me confused. Thank you so much for this great course!
Feb 20, 2022
Can't wait to undertake any other course facilitated by this instructor. The presentation is fantastic, deep, and all-inclusive, and you're just buried into it and never wanting to take a break.
By Gulfreen b
•Jan 25, 2024
By Stanislav M
•Dec 9, 2024
Perhaps well paced for the complete beginners who somehow managed to never hear of agile and DevOps, but quite slow for the rest. The quiz questions related to who wrote what in what exact book or said at what conference are sooo last century. Is this really something a participant should be graded on? Does it matter when applying the knowledge? C'mon...
By Sark
•Dec 29, 2022
The instructor is very professional, speaks clearly and masters the topic.
I found this introduction a bit boring as it mainly focuses on the history of DevOps, how it started, why is it important in companies... is very theoretical.
Anyway, I hardly suggest continuing with the rest of the courses as this is just an introduction.
By Alfie A
•Oct 21, 2024
The course teaches a lot about the fundamentals of DevOps, but a lot of the content is repetitive fluff and buzzwords. This does not mean that the rest of the content is bad, in fact it's very good, but the word "culture" is probably said hundreds of times.
By Adam L
•Nov 3, 2023
Interesting ideas but overly long and with a lot of fairly worthless information, e.g. names of dates, books, authors and conferences important to the development of the development of DevOps.
By Emilio B
•Nov 26, 2023
Very overbearing on culture. Felt like being hit on the head repetitively with the terms culture, silos, teams, etc. we get it, but this could've been accomplished in 1 video...
By Ekin Y
•Dec 13, 2024
It's a nice course, quite informative, but it was surprising when I found out that THEY WANTED TO HAVE SOME PAYMENT FOR THE CERTIFICATE!
By Alireza A
•Feb 28, 2023
A little bit of redundancy in this course appeared. it would be better to more focus on the practical and less on the name of the books-
By Duade's
•Aug 6, 2024
Bom, principalmente para a mudança cultural que devemos sempre estar aprimorando. Porem, Faltou mais aulas praticas.
By Swathi S
•Sep 8, 2024
Some points are too vague to catch the concept; it might seem to struggle to apply practically
By Emmanuel C O
•Jan 27, 2024
It was a good course. I would have loved it better if there were more practical activities.
By Alyssa T
•Jun 22, 2022
The lecturer made the course engaging, but the material was largely repetitive.
By Ali A
•Oct 27, 2024
There was some really basic information
By Sandro V
•Nov 18, 2022
mucha teoria
•Jan 31, 2025
•Mar 10, 2024
By Laura L
•Jan 11, 2023
no real substance... but entertaining
By Ivan d M R
•Jan 10, 2023
Informa que tem legenda em Português mas só aparece em inglês ou alemão, pior ainda, não há um suporte qual possa entrar em contato temos de ficar igual loucos tentando buscar em várias abas que o site abre
By Jairo A C N
•Jan 19, 2023
No me gusta que el certificado diga: "un curso en lÃnea sin crédito..."
By Rajat S
•Aug 16, 2023
no name but why
By João m R
•Mar 10, 2023
ta em ingles