Jun 10, 2020
Muy buen curso pero puede mejorar la parte de la programacion, ya que tiene comandos para programar, que hay que aprender y no vienen muy bien explicados durante los videos.Todo en general muy bien.
May 22, 2020
I have a lot of experience working with Arduino. But I enjoyed the course very much. The course is well organized and Prof. Ian G. Harris explains every topic from the very basic.
By Abdulnaser Y H A A
•Jul 19, 2022
It was an excellent course, I got a lot of information about Aduino, how it's work and how I can use it. I will join another course soon. Thank you so much.
By Soumyamoy D
•Jun 29, 2020
The course is really very good and helpful for developing Arduino projects.....
Even a student of no science background would easily understand the course.....
By Moni s
•Apr 20, 2020
Actually this course made me more happy, because they taught all the basic interfacing to the complicated one.......
I learned how to use tinkerCAD software.
By tahir i
•Nov 18, 2015
this course give me wings,to solve my electronics problem,i really happy i can access this course any where in world and can study at my own pace............
By Md A S
•Feb 13, 2016
I expected more extensive courseworks. Did not involve me in a lot of courseworks. I learnt a lot but got to implement very few.Week3 assignment was good.
By Yahia O
•Jul 4, 2023
please review this assignment https://discountnewyear.top/learn/interface-with-arduino/peer/JSrjc/peer-assignment-wifi-shield/review/EiLxihqAEe68Xg6MoC8A1Q
By yuvaharsha p
•Aug 9, 2020
Online learning is much improved by this coursera
My knowledge on this topic was purely experimentally and naturally improved a lot thank q for this
By Sucheta G
•May 3, 2021
The course was very useful and helpful in learning about the arduino. The course taught me how to use various libraries and to code very easily.
By sajad g
•Aug 14, 2021
This course is awesome for beginners because they will learn new and useful concepts for their future.
Thanks professor Ian Harris and coursera.
By 121710501004 G S V
•Oct 9, 2020
It gave a good introduction to the subject. I felt it should also concentrate more on hands-on experience by giving good assignments on arduino
By Mandar K
•Sep 22, 2020
Best course ever. You get all the information and knowledge you need. I recommend everyone to do these type of courses for career development.
By Parthiban
•Apr 10, 2020
The course was fantastic, learnt the method of coding and the use of Tinkercad . Thanks to Mr. Harris course faculty, the lectures were great.
By Joao A P
•Oct 9, 2018
That was a good experience, for me with the desire to upgrade the knowledge of arduino in order to pass this experience to students beginners.
By Rafael M D C
•Dec 28, 2020
Thank you so much! I've learned a lot from this course and now , I am applying all the knowledge that I gained! two thumbs up! Thank you UCI!
•May 17, 2021
For begineers very good course. I learned arduino programming and wiFi shield projects from this course. Thank you very much Coursera Team
•Jun 4, 2020
feeling good for completing this course. had a great experience of completing this course. one of the best course i have done on coursera.
By Budhaditya D
•Mar 31, 2020
The course was really nice and hoping that we will learn more from these courses that will aid us in our projects and future employement.
•Nov 26, 2019
This platform is most important for students to gain more knowledge in there intrest. Thank u for providing as such a wonderful platform.
By Saravanakumar R
•Jul 3, 2016
Neatly explained. Easy to learn and must for beginners. Thank you University of California and Coursera. Best IoT course on the Internet
•Apr 2, 2021
It is my honour that i have successfully completed my work . it was very interested . i have learned many new things from here.
•Nov 25, 2023
the course is good but our institution NIET greater noida is just forcing it's student to complete it anyway without understanding it.
By Naveen J S
•Feb 19, 2019
I found this very informative & I have learnt the Interfacing techniques & so got a good skill on the interfacing & usage of Arduino.
By Tharaka K H
•Jun 8, 2020
very useful for learn arduino , sensors , electronic components ,wiring etc. Highly recommand for who like to learn arduino basics.
•May 27, 2020
It was very helpful learning how to control home appliances through IOT and assignments were very helpful for practical knowledge.
By Ivan
•Nov 1, 2017
Good course but eeprom homework is really bad described so be prepared for it.
Good if you want to start learning about arduino.