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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Interactive Computer Graphics by The University of Tokyo

304 ratings

About the Course

Computer graphics can be a powerful tool for supporting visual problem solving, and interactivity plays a central role in harnessing the users' creativity. This course will introduce various interactive tools developed in computer graphics research field with their design rationales and algorithms. Examples include enhancements to graphical user interfaces, authoring tools for 2D drawings and 3D animations, and interactive computer-aided design systems. Rich live demonstrations and course assignments will give you insights and skills to design and implement such tools for your own problems....

Top reviews


Dec 4, 2015

A pesar de que parece ser un curso muy simple , esta muy bien hecho , hay mucho material de lectura.Y requiere un gran tiempo ... pero creo que toma un tema que cada vez es mas relevante.


Sep 10, 2020

It was really good.Though it quite tough but it give opportunity to try more and more time.

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1 - 25 of 80 Reviews for Interactive Computer Graphics

By Muhammad R

Mar 20, 2021

First and last of all, I personally puzzled by the course title using the word, graphics. I'm passionate about design and design concepts, not computer programming. Sorry, to enroll here when it is basically for the intermediate level of coders.

By Dren K

Oct 11, 2016

First of all, the course itself being from Japan is more than enough to prove it's awesomeness.

That aside, the course is great and it teaches you better ways of solving certain CG problems and also it helps you think out of the box for other CG problems.

My suggestion before taking this course:

Advanced math


Linear algebra

Beginner/Intermediate Physics

Advanced programming (c, c++, java) Experience

Computer Graphics Experience

There might be chances that you'd learn them all on the way as well, but it'll probably be pretty hard for you.

By angelita v

Jun 30, 2017

I like the applications and tools presented in the lecture.

However, I hardly don`t understand how the lecture is related to the graded quiz. It is so difficult to connect the lecture to written exams because the quiz was not even demonstrated during the lecture but only mentioned and displayed. Some answers I thought and looking for were not indicated in the choices, though I guess I am demanded to read the whole textbook in order to find the answer, so I wonder if the video lecture is just an introduction or an advertisement to showcase their researches and applications developed. Also, I was not informed that a rich knowledge in coding and programming is needed and not only a basic mathematical skills. This may not be ideal for a basic computer programming, yet i appreciate it. Thus, i get disheartened and disappointed in my first week class because of lapses I encountered, I am not sure if I am determined to continue until its last week.

By Keng-Hui W

Jun 6, 2016

So far, this course is the hardest one I‘ve took in Coursera, you definitely need some prerequisites to feel comfortable.

Every lecture includes several papers.

The course info says you only have to spend 1-3 hours per week.

That is IMPOSSIBLE for 90%+ students.(Glad this course is self-paced)

By Kathawach

Apr 28, 2018

Very nice course to open my mind for howto Human-Computer Interaction. So amazing.

By Zhaoqi Z

Aug 21, 2019

Very good. Learnt a lot of algorithms of computer designment,

By Volodymyr D

Jul 15, 2020

Tests here aren't connected to lectures or presented papers. You need to know a lot of further math and able to google many problems. This cursed course almost ruined my practice for uni, because it can't describe itself properly and also trap with tests.

Lecture material is interesting but goddamn why do you made this quizes

By Tayis K

Oct 20, 2022

It is so outdated.

By Nayan K R

Aug 26, 2020

Very tough to cope with assignments. It took a huge amount of time to solve them whether the Instructor didn't provide any practical knowledge or tricks to solve the hard questions, just provided his thesis papers. It was very unpleasant and I am not satisfied with it at all. And I want to say that the course and course assignment should be modified and obviously it's my personal opinion. Anyway, happy learning!

By Payel S

Sep 10, 2020

It was really good.Though it quite tough but it give opportunity to try more and more time.

By Đỗ Đ Q

Sep 9, 2022

Heads up, I had read the reviews before taking the course, and all of them are true. I agree with all the opinions that the tests are challenging and not related to the material covered in the lecture. They are based more on one's background knowledge in programming, mathematics (particularly linear algebra), and physics. Therefore, the tests require numerous efforts (and sometimes brainless guesses) to finish. The course's moderators also do not give out correct answers or how to do them. I was disappointed with the tests since I barely learned a thing from them. Oppositely, the materials are well-suited and motivating. Totally encourage people to take this course.

With the minus of the test, I give this course 4 out of 5.

By Wilson S

Apr 19, 2016

The lectures were good but when it came to quizzes and assignments, we do not know what to do? The questions were very complicated and not stated in the Lectures

By Oh N S

Jul 11, 2022

This is 100% impossible. The worst part is you cannot quit.

By Igor M

Jun 10, 2016

There is lack of understanding how you actually build shown systems and software was presented in lectures if we deal with actual code.. but I gave 5 stars for creative and useful content provide the direction to go father in computer graphics field. I strongly recommend this course to students who starts developing digital content or/and programmers who want inspiration for their own projects. If there is a specialization on the topic, but with deep view on actual code samples, I would have bought one.

By Iván

Jan 12, 2016

Absolute genial curse, really interesting for adquire new conceps and probably new ideas from this course... The teacher is really kindly and explain the things very very good, very friendly and easy to learn... Another important point is the data the techer leave at finish of each class, very interesting papers for read and learn... I liked a lot and I hope this techer and University will do another training similar to this... Thanks to all team for this impressive and interesting training... Thanks.

By Paula N

May 19, 2017

Concise videos with a light workload which is compatible with a full-time job. Conveys only the concepts as a baseline, but provides links to papers for deeper learning on your own time and interest.

The quizzes vary widely in difficulty, depending primarily on how much linear algebra or physics knowledge the questions happen to require (and, I suppose, how much linear algebra/physics the student happens to recall).

By jvf890

Dec 4, 2015

A pesar de que parece ser un curso muy simple , esta muy bien hecho , hay mucho material de lectura.Y requiere un gran tiempo ... pero creo que toma un tema que cada vez es mas relevante.

By Anupama K I

May 17, 2019

It was useful to understand the basic for my research work

By Jason A

Jun 9, 2017

This course is a great introduction into all of the possibilities available within Interactive Computer Graphics. This course is not meant to make you an expert in any given field, but rather makes you aware of many of the applications out there and the basics of how they work. I thoroughly enjoyed the lectures, as they showed how these systems work in real time. Many of the questions on the tests were impossible to answer if all you know on the subject is what is presented in the videos, especially when it pertains to computer programming. I believe that it would be extremely beneficial for the students of this course if there were optional videos available dedicated to the computer programming aspects, or at least have a couple of pdf documents that go into these topics in more detail.

By Doubao

May 13, 2021

This is too hard, and I hope that students who want to study this course afterwards will see it here. There is absolutely no deep teaching going on inside the course, but the homework questions are exceptionally difficult. It is recommended that students with a basic math, programming, and physics foundation at an advanced level try this course. But definitely do not use this course as an introduction or upgrade to graphics, it is really too difficult.

By Zhou M

Jan 6, 2023



By Nikolaj L

May 2, 2016

The algorithms presented in this course are interesting. However, the quizzes contain some questions that have no apparent relation to the content of the lectures, and some questions about details of the presented algorithms which are explained in neither the lectures, nor in the papers from which the lectures are derived. Also, most of the sample implementations will not run on a modern computer. They only work on Windows with Java 6 installed.

By Sergio E

Aug 7, 2017

The lectures are very quick and does not offer examples to work on, then on the graded quiz they use complex questions about material that was barely viewed.

The community seems to be as confused as myself, they have asked for help and help never arrived.

I had high hopes for this course but it was nothing to what I thought it would be.

By Капуш М В

Mar 1, 2017

Отвратительный курс, ничего не понятно! Самая бесполезная информация за все мое обучение в жизни!

By Donna K

Feb 4, 2022