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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Indigenous Canada by University of Alberta

23,011 ratings

About the Course

Indigenous Canada is a 12-lesson Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Faculty of Native Studies that explores the different histories and contemporary perspectives of Indigenous peoples living in Canada. From an Indigenous perspective, this course explores complex experiences Indigenous peoples face today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations. Topics for the 12 lessons include the fur trade and other exchange relationships, land claims and environmental impacts, legal systems and rights, political conflicts and alliances, Indigenous political activism, and contemporary Indigenous life, art and its expressions....

Top reviews


Aug 1, 2022

This is an excellent course that I would recommend to everyone in Canada. I learnde a lot about the history or colonization and gained a good understanding of Indigenous issues in contemporary Canada.


Jan 22, 2018

Excellent course that provides a great foundation for learning about Indigenous cultures and worldviews. Provides thoughtful topics to explore and insightful knowledge. I highly recommend this course!

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1201 - 1225 of 7,900 Reviews for Indigenous Canada

By Sherri B


May 27, 2020

What a wonderful course. So thoughtfully put together. I can't believe the tremendous amount of work that was put into this course. It was so appreciated and really broadened my knowledge of many Indigenous subjects relevant to our country and the history of Canada. It has inspired me to further learn. Again my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all who were involved.

By Lindsay H


Oct 18, 2023

I completed a BA with a major in Native American Studies 20 years ago. I had heard what a great course there was and decided to take it. I loved the videos, the different speakers within the videos and the information shared. Some of course I new, but other things I did not know much about. Great course with both video and notes for you to go through. Highly recommend!

By Edith M


Apr 2, 2023

It was an enlightening course that gives a different perspective to what one may know or think he/she knows about Indigenous history, culture, life, etc. Material was interesting, not overwhelming yet informative. I hope many more people take this course. I know I have referred it to a number of individuals and hope to continue my education on Indigenous topics. Thank you.

By Sarah M


Aug 3, 2022

This course was very informative. I appreciated the various perspectives and stories and I really appreciated the interactive art by Leah Dorion. I actually think that the interactive paintings would be a valuable resource for elementary and secondary school teachers in a variety of contexts.

Thank you for offering this course - it is one more step in my journey of learning.

By Sandra N


Dec 21, 2020

As a member of a settler society it is extremely difficult to know "what you don't know" until taking a course like this. I am now reading Canadian history with a very different lens. I now want to go further and learn more about Indigenous experience and to re-examine with new eyes (taht are still forming) the history that was given to me through the public school system.

By Ian G


Dec 4, 2020

This course was very informative and presented in a factual non-biased way. It was very enlightening, disturbing at points re how Indigenous people were treated, and gave me deeper insights re the 'why' of current day indigenous efforts to achieve territorial rights and recognition. I am more informed, empathic, and engaged than I was prior to taking this course. Thank you.

By Jennifer M


Nov 15, 2020

Thank you for this well laid out course! I found it extremely easy to follow along and learn about our history; something all Canadians should have been taught all along. This course discussed the topics in a way that i felt excited to learn/understand more and not shamed for being non indigenous and ignorant. I look forward to learning more and contributing where I can.

By Yilma K


Oct 5, 2020

This course has open my eyes and changed the way I , an immigrant, see Canada and its history. For some reason, I have always, without knowing the history of indigenous people, sympathized and supported indigenous rights. Indigenous history needs to reclaim its right place in the History of Canada. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn about Indigenous Canada.

By Keith G Y


Oct 6, 2021

Excellent course and one that should be mandatory in our schools. Terrific perspective without bias and a wonderfully done introduction of the Canadian relationships and treaty processes.

I'd recommend this course for everyone.

The video learning format is very convenient and accessible and makes it easier to do when you have time if you're on a demanding work schedule.

By Faye P


Sep 7, 2021

Great course the covered a lot in just 12 weeks. More than I was ever taught in school. Fascinating and infuriating all at once. I will continue to learn more and have taken a lot from this course to look into further. Highly recommend and hope this becomes part of the Canadian school curriculum and that future generations are not hidden from the truth anymore. Thank you!

By Chris S


Jan 3, 2021

The course sent me off to do other readings and I learned a great deal about the actual history and the indigenous perspective on that history. Clearly for the well being of both groups there is a need to find a mutually respectful way to coexist that does not involve assimilation, but does give both groups access to each others' best practices. Thank you for doing this.

By Elba M


Nov 10, 2020

Great course, it was interesting and informative. I am a proud descendant of the Mexican Wixárika or Huichol. It is sad to know our Ancestors shared a similar past and how we still have to fight to be treated as citizens.

The music and art pieces were perfect. The speakers were clear and likable. I will continue to learn about indigenous history.

Thank you for this course.

By Melanie W


Mar 13, 2022

I have learned so much in this deeply educational, engaging, and creative course. All Canadians should take this course; each week I learned so much I never knew about. It opened up my eyes to a lot I never even considered which inspired me to read more on my own. I have also discovered some amazing music, art, and developed an even deeper respect for Indigenous Peoples.

By Janice


Nov 9, 2020

Very well presented, however needs some updating with current progress in reconcilliation. Noticed that students have pointed out errors in the course notes (spelling, missed words) in the discussion chats and they were years old. So perhaps it is time to update.

Otherwise I was delighted to have the opportunity to get true history of Canada taught by those who lived it.

By Danielle C


Sep 15, 2020

I have learned so much, at times my heart ached for all the hurt and devastation, and other times I was furious that anyone, at any time trought history, could ever view these cultures as anything but inspiring and beautiful. Thank you to University of Alberta Faculty of Native Studies for providing this course to the world. I truly think every person should take this.

By Cassandra O


Feb 20, 2021

Being from African decent, I have always been interested in learning historical accounts of various cultures and peoples; this course was an excellent, summary yet detailed look into the Indigenous people of Canada in understanding their history and modern struggles and fight to retain and take control, and importance of their sense of SELF.


By Ellyn L


Feb 14, 2021

I am thrilled at how comprehensive and introduction this course was to the depth and complexity of Indigenous cultures across Canada. I learned more in this course about Indigenous Peoples and the history of the Canadian colonial government in these twelve weeks than I did in my entire Canadian public school education. This should be mandatory learning for all Canadians.

By Michelle A P


Nov 13, 2020

Thoroughly and accurately details the history, policy, social, economic and artistic experiences of Indigenous people of Canada. Professional, Well-presented and entertaining through and through. Easy to navigate course online, flexibility of schedule and the opportunity to engage in convo's via forum. Highly recommend for ALL non-Indigenous and Indigenous people alike!

By Lisa O


Nov 12, 2020

I would welcome participating in subsequent courses to enhance my learning and awareness that would dive deeper into causes, the arts, and introduce us settlers to a greater number of key influencers from the Indigenous community. This was extremely well done, professional and worthy of accolades for the methods used to relay what is clearly difficult historical content.

By Catherine L


Oct 5, 2020

This course was absolutely incredible and so very important. I'm so glad I took this course and was able to learn so much about Indigenous cultures and ways of life that I would not have known before. I feel truly that everyone should take this course and learn all that they can from it. Such an amazing and incredibly important course. Thanks to all that put it together.

By Fiona T


Mar 10, 2023

This was an exceptional course. It kept me interested all the way. A well thought out course in what was discussed.

Cons: the irony is that there were times in answering a quiz that I understood what was being asked and the subject matter and yet had to think about which English language answer best answered the question i.e. the answer choice could have been clearer.

By Brian M


Apr 28, 2022

This was excellent in both the content and how it was set up. I loved being able to have the readings and the transcripts to follow along with the videos. Also really appreciated the final message of the instructors. I have learned so much and I am committed to learning more - seeing the costs in relationships to both people and all of creation from my "white ways."

By Willette R


Dec 2, 2021

I have a clear understanding of how treaties with European settlers have affected the modern non aboriginal view that aboriginal peoples of Canada just want a hand out. This course covers the proper history of our country that should have been taught to me in school. Its all about the perception that education is presented. Thank you for enlightening me to the truth.

By Jana E


Oct 14, 2020

Informative, thought-provoking and a lot less accusatory than I was expecting, than it had a right to be. The course is paced very well for engagement, the information broken up into neatly digestible videos and readings. I was left feeling like I had learned a lot while also being aware of just how much more I could learn. So glad Dan Levy brought this to my attention!