Aug 1, 2022
This is an excellent course that I would recommend to everyone in Canada. I learnde a lot about the history or colonization and gained a good understanding of Indigenous issues in contemporary Canada.
Oct 14, 2021
This was one of the best online courses I have taken. It was well written, great material related to my own personal development and gave me a better understanding of the Indigenous Peoples in Canada.
By Ena C
•Aug 11, 2021
Essential knowledge for the world. The word Canada in the title is important but there's such wealth in this for the whole world. Thank you. Merci.
By Stephanie M
•Mar 13, 2021
Thank you for offering this course. As a teacher, I now have more knowledge to share with my students when we are discussing our country's history.
By amanda c
•Jan 11, 2021
Such an amazing way to begin my journey in understanding the plight of Canada’s original peoples. I look onward to continuing my studies. Thank you!
By Jane K
•Dec 22, 2020
A wonderful overview! Thank you! I believe all Canadians and those beyond borders would greatly benefit from this beautiful, educational experience!
By Perry M
•Nov 16, 2020
Eye opening. Thank you so much for your wonderful presenters and their informative, well presented material. I will recommend this course to others!
By Jennifer G
•Nov 2, 2020
I would highly recommend this course to everyone. I was unaware of so much of this information, thank you for putting this together and teaching us.
By Beverly A D
•Oct 6, 2020
I really enjoyed taking this course !
The course material was nicely presented, by your excellent
Presenters ! Thank-you for all your wonderful work !
By Tracy M R
•Sep 16, 2022
Tracy Bear is a dynamic teacher and the course was stimulating. I liked the format, and variety of modes as well as the method of review/ testing.
By Janice M
•Jun 30, 2022
Exceptional coverage of many years of history bringing these important historical issues to the forefront to support our journey to reconciliation.
By Joan d
•Dec 26, 2021
Excellent course. I enjoyed learning and I was surprised at how little I knew about my own culture. I definitely recommend this course to everyone.
By Scott C
•Oct 28, 2021
this was an amazing, informative learning exercise that allowed me to see issues face by the Indigenous People of Canada in an unbiased atmosphere.
By Kathleen K
•Jul 2, 2021
I would recommend everyone of every age take this course. It was very informative and delivered in a way to make me think about other perspectives.
By Richard F
•Feb 24, 2021
J'ai adorer apprendre d'avantage sur la culture Amérindienne, Métis et Innu. De voir comment ils se sont fait avoir par le gouvernement me répugne.
By Kim K
•Jan 23, 2021
I found this course very informative and creative. I like the broad topics that were covered, which I found helped my gain a variety of knowledge.
By Kiya G
•Jan 22, 2021
Super informative and descriptive. I liked that the videos had the notes to follow along. The interactive paintings were fun to learn from as well.
By Lisa A
•Nov 19, 2020
Exceptional and so educational for my perspective as a Canadian. Thank you for the course and thank you Dan Levy for the call to action to do this.
By Sydney B
•Sep 21, 2020
Very informative. Appalling that the Canadian Government has hidden the real history of so called CANADA. I think everyone should take this course.
By Byrne R
•Sep 16, 2020
This medium and style of teaching is what is needed to allow many people to explore their quest for relevant knowledge.
Congatulations and Thank You
By Debbie L
•Sep 2, 2020
Very Informative. As non indigenous person, I am appalled and shocked. I knew only some of what went on this course has opened my eyes- thank you.
By Jamie M
•Jan 16, 2023
This was a fantastic course and I learned so much from it. I have and will continue to strongly recommend this course to everyone. Very well done.
By Jacqueline M
•Dec 8, 2021
I loved this course - great introduction to how and why reconciliation is needed. Thank you to the Faculty, presenters, artists, and contributors.
By Joanne S
•Aug 16, 2021
Extremely informative and eye-opening!! So happy to have learned about my ancestry and my hope is all Canadians will take the time to learn also.
By Douglas B
•Apr 27, 2021
Very insightful look into indigenous peoples of Canada, their history, culture, colonisation and struggles to preserve their culture and identity.
By Kim B
•Dec 27, 2020
Very important course that should be taught in schools all around Canada. I learned so much about Indigenous Culture and traditions. It is a must.