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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Indigenous Canada by University of Alberta

23,017 ratings

About the Course

Indigenous Canada is a 12-lesson Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Faculty of Native Studies that explores the different histories and contemporary perspectives of Indigenous peoples living in Canada. From an Indigenous perspective, this course explores complex experiences Indigenous peoples face today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations. Topics for the 12 lessons include the fur trade and other exchange relationships, land claims and environmental impacts, legal systems and rights, political conflicts and alliances, Indigenous political activism, and contemporary Indigenous life, art and its expressions....

Top reviews


Aug 1, 2022

This is an excellent course that I would recommend to everyone in Canada. I learnde a lot about the history or colonization and gained a good understanding of Indigenous issues in contemporary Canada.


Oct 14, 2021

This was one of the best online courses I have taken. It was well written, great material related to my own personal development and gave me a better understanding of the Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

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2826 - 2850 of 7,901 Reviews for Indigenous Canada

By Lyndon S


Mar 12, 2021

I thought it was very informative, especially as a Metis citizen who did not know a whole lot about my heritage. I am proud to be Metis and hope to contribute to the community moving forward.

By Charlene G


Jan 6, 2021

I thought it was well put together. It held my interest and gave me a better understanding of Indigenous peoples in my country. \i am going to recommend this to my friends! Thank you so much!

By Heather R


Dec 2, 2020

This was very thought provoking and opened my eyes to many things that I never knew or had forgotten. I think every Canadian should take this course. Thank you Dr. Tracy Bear and your team.

By Rachel M


Nov 16, 2020

This course was so well designed and so informative! Thank you so much for further educating me and giving me another layer of perspective! This should be a required course for all canadians!

By Heather T


Nov 15, 2020

I really found this course so informative advancing my knowledge on indigenous studies. I believe that every Canadian should study this to understand such an important society in our country.

By Laurel R


Nov 13, 2020

Easy to follow and understand. Very educational and informative. I am sorry to not have learned this part of our history sooner in my life.

This course should be mandatory for all Canadians.

By Darla K H


Nov 7, 2020

I enjoyed learning more about our countries history, I believe it is important to learn the good history as well as the bad. I look forward to learning more and from other perspectives also.

By Meg P


Apr 16, 2020

I learned a lot. I definitely will be coming back here for refreshers. This is something I have wanted to learn about for a long. long time, and was sorely lacking in my education growing up.

By Isabelle L


Mar 5, 2024

It is a great eye opener !!! Lot`s topic covered, could be a bit overwelming at times specially the political aspect of it ! Only problem is that I want to know more now !!! Job well done !

By Cassidy L


Aug 17, 2022

The course is absolutely fantastic. The way it was delivered was smooth, as well as the interviews, stories and artwork that was included throughout was a nice way to keep myself interested.

By Amanda S J


Apr 15, 2022

I found this couse to be extremely fulfilling. I learned a lot about things I often wondered about and was further educated on things that I was aware of but needed more in depth knowledge.

By Deborah R D


Feb 15, 2022

A very interesting and thought provoking way of looking at Canadian history. I highly recommend this course for all Canadians in order to better understand and learn from our past mistakes.

By Marjorie A A


Jul 22, 2021

This was a great course - filled with information, people being interviewed and sharing their stories. I learned a great deal. Thank you. I have encouraged others to sign up for this course.

By Jean-Christophe G


Mar 24, 2021

Great course! Covered a wide range of aspects associated with Indigenous Canada. Various presenters, numerous sources and references helped me gain a modern perspective on Indigenous Canada.

By Joy R


Mar 18, 2021

Great course - provided a variety of information in different areas (history, contemporary struggles, art, etc) and covered a range of Indigenous communities, acknowledging their uniqueness.

By Joseph Y


Mar 2, 2021

I really enjoyed this course. I was not sure what to expect but thought the course did a great job of staying focused on the Indigenous perspective rather than getting caught up in a debate.

By Sean B B


Mar 1, 2021

Such a great thing that this course has been offered for free, allowing people to learn more about Indigenous culture past and present, and Canada’s involvement in oppressing it. Thank you.

By Christie E


Jan 4, 2021

Extremely educational and informative. I enjoyed this course from start to finish. I have learned so much and think this course should be taught at the high school level!

Thank you very much!

By Lori H


Nov 19, 2020

I am so grateful for this course, as Dan says it is truly transformative. I have learned so much- most of all that I have a lot more to learn! Thank you for this eye and mind opening course.

By Matthew S


Nov 17, 2020

I learned as much about myself as I did about indigenous Canadian history, issues, tragedies and injustices. Very worthwhile. As I have said many times, ‘I wish I knew then what I know now.’

By Shane M M


Nov 13, 2020

This should be essential learning for all Canadians! I am really glad to have found this course, and will look into taking more courses in First Nations Studies at the University of Alberta.

By Karen S


Nov 1, 2020

I am thoroughly pleased with each and every module put together.

Absolutely a curriculum that must be transcribed for all levels of education within all public and private schools in Canada.

By Toby P


Oct 24, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed this course. I thought it was well organized and engaging. I learned so much history and current information of indigenous culture. I am glad that I took this course.

By Katie H


Oct 23, 2020

A fantastic overview of Indigenous peoples in Canada. This is information that was mostly entirely new to me (with the lack of perspective in Canadian education). I am eager to explore more.

By Carla J S


Aug 8, 2020

Very informational giving me a broader perspective. This will help me in my teaching practice. This series has opened my eyes and heart. Thank you for making this type of education possible.