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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Fundamentals of Immunology: Complement, MHC I and II, T Cells, and Cytokines by Rice University

488 ratings

About the Course

Course 2 is a four-course specialization called Fundamentals of Immunology. Each course in the specialization presents material that builds on the previous course's material. This is the second half of the journey through the defenses your body uses to keep you healthy. In the first part we learned about innate immunity and B cell function. The second part covers T cell function and coordination of the immune response. Fundamentals of Immunology: Complement, MHC I and II, T Cells, and Cytokines builds on the first course to describe the functions of Complement, MHC presentation to T cells, T cell development and signaling. The early lectures survey cells, tissues and organs using metaphors, cartoons and models to improve understanding and retention. This course includes the structure of both MHC proteins and T cell receptors and the sources of variation. The course provides animations of gene rearrangement, developmental processes and signal cascades. Testing employs multiple choice questions testing facts, concepts, and application of principles. Questions may refer to diagrams, drawing and photographs used in lecture and reproduced in the outline. What You’ll Learn: How complement uses adaptive and innate triggers to target pathogens. The detailed structure and coding of MHC proteins and both alpha-beta and gamma delta receptors and how these proteins interact to initiate an adaptive immune response. The basics of signaling, and the varieties of external receipt and internal activation pathways. We bine the process of putting together how signals and crosstalk control the activity of the immune system....

Top reviews


Mar 5, 2020

Amazing lecturer! I will be keep on coming back to the material! very challenging exams and a lot to learn! Absolutely turned on my curiosity mood! Deeply thankful for the course!


Mar 28, 2020

Module 2 out of 3. It was a great experience, once again, done by an excellent teacher! Thank you for offering this specialization course, can't wait to start module 3!

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51 - 75 of 75 Reviews for Fundamentals of Immunology: Complement, MHC I and II, T Cells, and Cytokines

By Simran S


Feb 18, 2022

Amazing course!



Apr 8, 2021


By Marcio S L


Oct 31, 2021


By Bui b n


Nov 2, 2021

very helpfull

By Timur D


Oct 18, 2020

great course



Mar 11, 2019

Very nice <3

By Cena S


Feb 25, 2025

Very good

By Carlos D J M T


Oct 8, 2020


By Ahmed A E A


Mar 9, 2019


By Neivy L P E


Oct 22, 2020

Loved it



Jul 2, 2020


By M.C.S. E A R ( E


Sep 3, 2022




Oct 9, 2020


By Jonathan D


Dec 2, 2021

+++++ The course and lectures were great!

++ The English wording of questions and answers in the quizzes and final could be re-edited (they are in some cases very incorrect, or commonly missing words like "not" despite it being implied). As a result, this course is less polished than the B-cell course, but still one I would recommend.

By Janaina d S V


Nov 19, 2020

I think the model of quiz from the first course was better, as we could see the alternative we chose in the questions (clicked wrong in some questions and took me a lot of time trying to understand an error that was just typo) and the explanation about the questions were also very helpul. But in general the course was amazing!

By Ari T


Apr 22, 2020

Great and very useful course for someone with not a lot of previous immunology knowledge! The organization of the lectures was a little bit more clunky than on the first part of the course, but I would still highly recommend it.

By Ana C M D


Apr 21, 2020

The lecturer is amazing, but I have to admit that it is a bit childish. It has great content, but I think some content went too far and others were very superficial... I definitely learned a lot but expected a little bit more.

By Zahra S


Dec 10, 2020

Im immunologist , Thank you for providing me with all the knowledge and moral support I need to be able to face my future. i really appreciated this course .

By William L F


Jul 10, 2022

Not all the learning points are clear. It seems impossible to know the study points completely.

By Adekunle A A


Jun 25, 2020

This course is good and it has built my interest in immunology.

By Miguel F P


Feb 23, 2020

Although it could be dense, it is a very interesting course.

By Anuradha k


Oct 21, 2020

Its good course full packet of knowledge.


By Gregory M


Jun 12, 2021

The professor and her team clearly worked very hard to put this course together. It's impressive as a draft. That said, this course really needs a lot of improvement. I have a B.S. in biotech and I am going for my master's right now. I've taken a lot of courses in the life sciences. The content was very boring and confusing. That is probably in large part because immunology has very confusing terminology compared to something like biochemistry. I would suggest working with people who are experts at visual presentation of information. People who make science documentaries, and people who can put together some inexpensive but visually appealing animations that make sense. At the end of the day, it's not enough for professors to understand immunology. That information has to be conveyed to students in a way that is readily understandable.

By Jay P


Aug 17, 2020

A lot of material being thrown and sometimes there is a lack of coherence in transition between topics. Quite tricky to absorb all this.

By ramesh s


Jul 27, 2020

Pace at which some lectures were delivered seemed inappropriate to the complexity of material - sometimes too slow, and often too fast

Material in the videos not easy to map to the study guides

Would be helpful to have finished with a summary of all of Part 2 - so we can continue to maintain an overview of the whole immune system - esp when some lectures go into so much detail (one cant remember where one is in the big picture)

For this part I had to look up a lot of other sources of material on the web - whose explanations, animations and overall presentations were significantly clearer, simpler than these Rice lectures