Oct 7, 2024
The course content is very good. There was one exercise in OpenShift that I could not do in the Lab Environment. Luckily I had access to another environment where I could do it.
Oct 27, 2022
A good introduction to Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift. I really enjoyed the hand-on labs. They're an efficient way to understand how abstract concepts can be applied.
By Marco N
•Oct 29, 2021
Overall, the course itself was nice. The course videos and labs helped solidify my experience with Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift. However, the one thing that really killed this course was the final project. Other courses I've taken so far will tell you where to take screenshots, but this one did not. If that wasn't bad enough, you will need to delete something as instructed in the project guide and need to take screenshots of the state before the delete. I see in the discussion forums that a lot of people had to reset their projects due to not knowing about what screenshots to take until the very end. There are little to no threads discussing how to reset the final project.
By Mihai B
•Aug 28, 2024
I like that there are a some practical parts in this course, but I don't find helpful how they are represented (If I want to do everything on my own, I can't do it) . They already give you the code, with simple explanations. The course should have a homework part where you can create a dockerfile and .yml for yourself. Learn when to use each type of .yml . Also, Kubernetes has a dashboard, so it could be useful to learn how to use it too.
By Daniel W
•Aug 8, 2021
Good intentions to provide a controlled, simulated lab environment when the course matter consists of large systems. There was however quite some trouble with that lab environment. (Quick response and adjustments from the course responsibles though.) The theory was mostly an enumeration of facts about Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift. I missed descriptions of problems and system design reasoning.
By Allen C J
•Nov 4, 2023
Week 2 was extremely difficult because every word I hear in the video is a new term and the tutorial didnt take time for the important ones to seep in. Hope that can be improved, perhaps by splitting the week's content more evenly. The remaining weeks and the labs were very nice and helpful.
By Jie-Chau H
•Sep 27, 2021
the pear graded system (a student graded another student's work) is somehow not good. if one student didn't realize the grading standard well, or not understand the studying content so well, he would likely give wrong scores/comments to other's work.
By Enrico L
•Mar 30, 2024
Too much dense, terminology introduced without a real context, in particular in the module dedicated to OpenShift and Istio. Good the opportunity to try all the softwares directly in the browser.
By Joel J
•Jul 7, 2022
I feel that the information provided was too breif and not explained in enough detail to adquately prepare the student to complete the test and assignments required for this course.
By Martin H
•Apr 16, 2024
The topic is interesting and labs are good, but machine-recorded voice is of much lower value than a human trainer explaining concepts. I do prefer AWS tutors and training.
By Mahyar D
•Nov 23, 2023
In this course you will hear tons of concepts in just a few minutes. It's up to you to search and understand those, if you want to be able to use them.
By Gökberk Ö
•Oct 8, 2023
the slides are so monotone and full of text, and read by an AI voice, you hardly grasp the whole picture.
By Daniel F R M
•Feb 23, 2025
The content needs to be improved, there are a lot of new concepts and the explanations go way too fast.
By Joakim G
•Apr 20, 2022
Some problems in final exam, and instructions was not as clear as one gotten used to.
By Luca M
•May 28, 2021
Too many problems with the Labs, but if fixed the course is smooth and nice
By Sherrissa W H
•Feb 18, 2024
It was a bit confusing to understand and the lab environment was too slow.
By Dharay M
•Jan 29, 2024
lots of jargon, content explanation needs improvement
By Frank R
•May 19, 2021
Too much guided assignments
•Oct 17, 2023
Week 1 and Week 2 too long
By Sean M
•Mar 28, 2024
Was a lot of rote-stating definition with little context as to what these different functionalities are used for with examples. Instead they only provide context for what they do within Docker and Kubernetes. This is quite confusing as this course is supposedly aimed at people with no experience of either application. Also the final project is a joke and is pretty much a step by step follow along guide with little room for actual learning or attempting to make the student think at all. Half the steps are incomplete in their description causing you to "click to view hint" to see what they are even asking, which just spits out the example code that you can just copy and paste to get the right answer. For example, "autoscale the deployment" and the only way to find out how much the assignment creator wants you to autoscale the deployment by is to view the hint. How that is supposed to test anything, I don't know.
By Lars R
•Sep 22, 2024
Doesn't really seem to add anything you couldn't get from reading documentation. https://docs.docker.com/get-started/docker-overview/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/ https://docs.redhat.com/en/documentation/openshift_container_platform/4.16/html/getting_started/openshift-overview
By Tim R
•Aug 5, 2022
Basically well explained, but the course can not be completed, because div. problems arose. Authorization failed. Routing of the application not accessible. I have now spent 4h + to search forums and still it remains unsuccessful.
By Ionas V
•Oct 8, 2024
Not recommended. It's just generic information you can read anywhere online with a poorly done AI voiceover. Exhausting to watch, good thing I knew these things already because I wouldn't learn them this way.
By Chung, W
•Aug 20, 2023
It is always hard to understand the concepts via very vague slides. Not until later in the code labs can I start to understand few concepts, yet only a FEW.
By Marcos A P d C
•Jul 11, 2024
This should be divided in two Courses. Also there are a lot of dependencies from systems that could fail in important times like the last project.
By Skye F
•Aug 15, 2022
Final project connections were extremely unreliable and it was a struggle to wait for everything to work to finish the source.
By Motasim A
•Aug 27, 2022
LAb at week 4 don't workk, Openshift tab doesn't show up and the problem hasn't been addressed