Dec 28, 2019
I actually learnt lot of good stuff regarding GCP and ML on cloud. This is the beginner course for anyone who wants to start off their career in GCP and ML. Thanks coursera and GCP for this course
Nov 2, 2018
Interesting and engaging content of ML. The course is structured well and emphasizes important aspects of ML which tend to be overlooked by many. Just hope some exercises could be further refined.
By Alireza " S
•Nov 23, 2022
It's a great course to catch up to all the latest technologies and assets of Google in AI field as well as providing very useful insights about how to ML.
By edoardo b
•Jul 26, 2018
It is an interesting course for everyone that want to start studing and understanding the world of AI, deciselly on the path of the Democratization of AI
By Joel M
•Nov 16, 2018
Great introduction, and easy-to-follow, thorough instructions. Balanced and nuanced view of the role and practical applications of ML in the real world.
By Thales G
•May 13, 2022
Good content. The beggining seems to be very basic but further it gets to the point. The labs are really good to start train and predict in Vertex AI.
•May 29, 2020
Change my view on ML and how i approach ML.. This is a very good course and I feel every programmer jumping into the field ML should start with this..
By Abhijit T
•Apr 9, 2020
I always wondered, how exactly machine learning models work. This courses give a basic overview of how things happen in real life software development
By Attila T
•Apr 18, 2019
Very good content on how to approach strategically ML and AI as capabilities and functions of business delivery. Many thanks for creating this course!
By Shubham D
•Apr 3, 2019
It was nice and short course to begin with Machine Learning, it provides us the understanding of of machine learning and use of Google Cloud Platform.
By Dilip T R
•Apr 26, 2020
I learned lot through this course. Five star to all tutors. Very practical course on ML. I recommend for every beginner.
Thank you Cousera and Google.
By Muhammad I K
•Nov 27, 2018
Cloud services by GCP is a must have skill for a data scientist career now, this course definitely gives hands on experience with the google services
By Cihat A
•Jun 7, 2021
It was great course thank you for this opportunity. I note down every key points and I will build my machine learning skills on those key points.
By Aditya S
•May 24, 2020
It was not only an informative session but also very interesting to know hoe google uses ML module wise to crack difficult problems in easy ways.
By Iman R
•May 30, 2020
This course is great to gain insight for practical ML, how you do it, what is purpose, what must be avoided and other tips regarding ML practical
By Peter “ O
•Aug 5, 2018
This course was presented in a basic fashion that made it quite easy to follow and understand without being bored off by technical terminologies.
By Adrián M
•Apr 3, 2018
After some Kaggle competitions this course opened my eyes on how to do real ML on production. Great insights. Looking forward to the next course.
By Antony J
•Oct 18, 2020
Nice introduction. This is the first time that I've realized that Cloud Shell is a micro machine, so it's not always necessary to spin up a VM.
By sujith
•Nov 28, 2018
Wonderful course for diving into production level Machine Learning. Good to learn the best ML/AI company in the world's philosophy on doing ML.
By 戚守為
•Sep 15, 2019
Specify the path to Machine Learning for a company, and with practical practice on Google Cloud Platform. It's easy to start with GCP ML APIs.
By Abhijeet A
•Dec 1, 2018
I love this course, This course tells about the fundamental of machine learning and what is important when we consider about machine learning.
By K R S V V P P N R
•Oct 13, 2018
This course has covered the most of the practical problems in different stages of ML Models. It's worth spending time on this specialization.
By Pratik T
•Sep 7, 2019
An amazing insight for someone who wants to start Machine Learning with Google Cloud and also helps to understand and breakdown a ML problem
By Carlos F M
•Nov 17, 2018
Very informative introduction to end-to-end machine learning with GCP. Definitely recommended for business looking to start implementing ML
By Ruoqi Z
•Mar 26, 2019
Great courses using simple way to introduce the Google's technology. The assignments are simple and practical with detailed instructions.
By Kiran M
•Dec 20, 2018
Gives an excellent overview of how to leverage machine learning techniques to identify automation & prediction candidates in your domain.
By Adarsh K N
•Sep 21, 2020
Very good course!! Gives you basic insights on how ML is incorporated in Google and how we can use the various APIs offered by the GCP!!