Dec 28, 2019
I actually learnt lot of good stuff regarding GCP and ML on cloud. This is the beginner course for anyone who wants to start off their career in GCP and ML. Thanks coursera and GCP for this course
Nov 2, 2018
Interesting and engaging content of ML. The course is structured well and emphasizes important aspects of ML which tend to be overlooked by many. Just hope some exercises could be further refined.
By Vimit D
•Apr 17, 2018
Its very good course which gives you deep insight in ML at scalable level
By Akash K
•Jan 11, 2020
Google has built a standard way of looking in to the Data Science Ocean.
By Mengyuan Z
•Aug 13, 2018
Enjoy taking this course. It is practical and the labs are very helpful.
By Dipanjan “ S
•May 12, 2019
A very good intro course, thanks to Google and the great instructors :)
By Diego A B M
•Dec 29, 2020
This first course is a very good introduction for all Google tecnology
By Pablo A
•Dec 23, 2020
Excellent Intro Course into GCP. Looking forward to doing the other 4.
By Graciano P
•Jun 3, 2020
Great introduction into the topic of how Google does machine learning.
By Pooja K
•Jun 23, 2018
Great Opportunity to learn something new about the upcoming technology
By Vaibhav D
•May 8, 2020
Insightful introduction to google cloud platform for machine learning
By Akib I
•Apr 17, 2020
It was an interesting experience since the content is easy to digest.
By Sachin J
•Feb 6, 2019
Good course with clear explanation of Machine Learning basics on GCP.
By Ravishankar B
•Dec 2, 2018
Very good insight into ML. Had a very good start. Thank you so much.
By Bruno F
•Jun 10, 2018
Great introduction to some GCP tools. Thanks Lak and the whole team !
By Marwan K
•Nov 29, 2021
Thank you Coursera.
Thank you Google.
Thank you to all instructors.
By Manikant K
•Jan 12, 2020
This was a wonderful experience to get started with how google do ML
By Saif A
•Sep 15, 2019
Awesome!!, All the questions are well set and not so tough to answer
By Alejandro O
•Nov 5, 2018
Great introduction for beginners, nice overview for people returning
By Arturo Q
•Jun 3, 2018
Superb introductory course! It helps you build up good ML intuition.
By Joel J G A
•Sep 27, 2020
Excelente curso, siento que aclaré muchas cosas de machine learning
•Jun 4, 2020
Easily understood the concepts told in machine learning. Thank you.
By Juan P D P
•May 14, 2018
Nice, clear explanation about the google tools and ML fundamentals.
By Hsin-Jo T
•Sep 28, 2019
Very useful to understand how powerful Google in machine learning.
•Sep 8, 2019
Very helpful to understand GCP and ML develop workflow fundamental
By Emily T
•Jul 5, 2019
Excellent Course for people who dont know anything about ML or TF.