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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Job Success: Get Hired or Promoted in 3 Steps by The State University of New York

658 ratings

About the Course

This course, Job Success: Get Hired or Promoted in Three Steps, will prepare you to stand out in a crowded applicant pool so that you can get hired or promoted. In three steps you will leave this course with 1. An upgraded social media presence (one that you can be proud of) 2. A visual, infographic resume that will get you noticed 3. A professional pitch that highlights your strengths and skills When creating this course, we listened to potential employers, took the advice of recruiters, conducted informal research on best practices and we drew from our own experiences as professionals who have sought out and hired quality candidates....

Top reviews


Apr 26, 2020

I have learned a few good tips about making an inforgraphic resume. Most of the info and comon sense but thet way it is presented is nice and there are still something new to learn from this course


Nov 8, 2022

Great course, very insightful and helpful. I would encourage anyone seeking to get promoted to take this course. The course may be completed in approximately 5hrs or less if you dedicate the time.

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1 - 25 of 187 Reviews for Job Success: Get Hired or Promoted in 3 Steps

By Haroldo L ( L


Jan 17, 2018

This was um first attempt to study online and I chose Cursera for the range of courses offered. I decided to take a simple course on something that I knew about and see how I would perform and test the platform. I was impressed and positively surprised with how many new things I learned and how challenging the course was with the final exam. I am very happy with the overall experience and now I embark in some new challenges with other courses.

I do thank the instructors from this program and Cursera for the excellent content and course.

By Akram T B


Apr 26, 2020

I have learned a few good tips about making an inforgraphic resume. Most of the info and comon sense but thet way it is presented is nice and there are still something new to learn from this course

By sankara b


Apr 21, 2018

Thanks to the professors, university staff who put this course. This has changed my entire thinking of how to convert not simply a resume but any report into a pleasant finish

By Melvin M


Mar 7, 2017

I have honestly learned a lot from this course and will most definitely use the information in my entire career. Thank You very much for making this course available to us.

By anitha


Feb 24, 2020

It was an eye opener course to the subject job. many of use social media for just fun but it is usefull beyond that. It was a great learning experience.

By Stefeena D


Jan 30, 2021

Very helpful course but sadly I completed it, passed and didn't receive the certificate ☹

By Mrs. H


Jul 28, 2022

Pros: The Job Success course material was helpful with emphasizing the importance of your overall social presence on varying social media platoforms. It also provided insight on how employers view you based on your personal or professional profiles. An added bonus was the insight provided regarding digital marketing and how it relates to effective ways to promote your brand or "sell yourself".

Cons: 1. There were SEVERAL links to important files that DID NOT WORK and no one helped nor responded maing them accessible to students.

2. Paying for the certificate yet having to WAIT for someone else to review your assignment in order to reeive your certificate REGARDLESS of your hard work or payment to receive certificate. Peer-reviewd assignments are an insult when there are no other srudents taking the course or finising the course. SO your finished work can just sit there until someeone else comes along to releaase your certificate.

3. No one available to respond to your concerns or questions.

***Overall, this course would have been GREAT if:

- all the links worked,

-it wsn't peer-reviewed

-if there was someone occasionally monitirng the course for replies.

By Valerie S K


Mar 19, 2021

I think the course was very good and challenging. If you are looking for a job or new career or maybe have been away from professional career for some time, this is a great course to get informed about what employers are looking for and where employers might look to find information (good or bad) about you online. Step 1 was how to update social media and maximize your value on social media. I got some great tips from this step. Step 2 was resumes and what types of resumes there are and when one may be better than another. The resume step was interesting and used some types of resumes that were new to me. Step 3 was the professional pitch! I loved this exercise! I would like to state at first I thought how am I gong to write this? I am currently unemployed. I had to get creative. I feel that I will definitely be using my pitch soon. This course is what you make of it - if you work on it hopefully, you and I will all get a job or promotion we want. Thank you!

By Zahedul I


Jun 15, 2020

This was um first attempt to study online and I chose Cursera for the range of courses offered. I decided to take a simple course on something that I knew about and see how I would perform and test the platform. I was impressed and positively surprised with how many new things I learned and how challenging the course was with the final exam. I am very happy with the overall experience and now I embark in some new challenges with other courses.

I do thank the instructors from this program and Cursera for the excellent content and course.

By Sathishkumar K


May 20, 2020

Thanks to the professors, university staff who put this course. This has changed my entire thinking of how to convert not simply a resume but any report into a pleasant finish.

This is a very recommendable course: content is relevant, very useful with real examples and templates to use right away. It shows the professionalism of its creators who know how to effectively communicate in an online course. Go for it!

By Khandaker M A


Jul 28, 2020

I liked the course very much for it's career-related tips. I will suggest everyone to do the course if they want to build up a strong career. This course really pleased me. Thank you.

By Lucia G


Jan 30, 2025

This course needs updating. The resume advice (using graphics) does not play well with current automatic screening programs. Many of the external readings are over a decade old and life has updated since then. Module 3, the elevator pitch, has a good framework for learning how to condense your current title into an easily digestible sound bite.

By Simone P


Jun 28, 2017

Nicely illustrated course, but the title is way misleading.

By Mohammed M


Apr 14, 2020

The course was not up to the expectations. Most of the information are repeated and not new. I expected to get something unique and valuable practical information that I can jump on it to start but that did not happen. I appreciate the facts , numbers and percentages mentioned but its not enough. I've passed the course successfully and got few info to be honest but when I started I was expecting much much more. Thanks to the crew and to university for their effort.

By Anastasiia P


Mar 23, 2020

Good course with useful information, I have made it just for fun, but it turned out to be really helpful. I have updated my social media accounts, learned to make nice resume and speak in a right way about my talents and skills. I would definitely advise to complete this course for people, who are seeking for another job, or if you are looking for a first job right after the studies, or even just for fun to know how to present yourself.

By Deleted A


Oct 2, 2023

This is the correct course/class to take for anybody that is trying to understand how to have a better understanding of having away of doing resumes so that they can get the job that they are trying to achieve in life at any time in life going through life a they find the career that they are looking for or until they can find the career of their dreams or just the goal they are looking for,. thank you.

By Heather L


Jul 16, 2017

This course was very thorough in teaching me how to look professional online, in person, and by resume! I think now with a bit of practice and using these guidelines I will be able come across as holistically professional as I want to. Much of the information regarding the professional online persona and professional pitch I had no clue about, so I definitely recommend this to everyone!

By Manindra S


Oct 15, 2017

Really helpful, beginner-level course about how to build an effective social media profile and elevator pitch. Also, I really like the concept of an info-graphic resume and I am definitely going to use this in my next job interview.

I highly recommend this course to college students who are currently not looking for jobs but wish to get insights into preparing early on for the process.

By Mohammed A S


Oct 3, 2017

This is a great course , it really helped me alot to have a good presence online through editing , customizing and fixing my social media profiles , Specially LinkedIn .

The content is so nice , the way the instructors delivered the course is more than professional , the tips they mentioned are all really important ones .

I forsure recommend this course to every one .

Thank you

By Neeraj K J


Dec 11, 2017

Excellent course for personal presentation, in regard to, tips for update social media profile, knowledge about info graphic resume, and elevator pitch. This course is must for beginners who are looking for job. The speed is high of first two week lecture. However, subtitle is displaying, which is helping to understand pronunciation. But overall excellent course.

By 20-180 I H


Jun 13, 2022

I was impressed and positively surprised with how many new things I learned and how challenging the course was with the final exam. I am very happy with the overall experience and now I embark in some new challenges with other courses. I do thank the instructors from this program and Cursera for the excellent content and course.

By Eduardo J V C


Oct 17, 2022

Most people tend to underestimate these courses, but the material provided was very helpful. I didn't consider the course at first, but after researching some stats, everyone who wants to move up in their careers should know a few tricks to stay ahead of the rest of their job competition.

By Arman H S


Jul 26, 2020

Excellent ! I have learn how to highlight and promote my self during job interview and any situation with my professional pitch. ho to draw attention with 3 different types of resumes and active and engage social media channels for professional goals. Thank Coursers and trainers.

By Mai K


Mar 19, 2022

I love this course, Get hired or promoted in 3steps, although I worked in Human Resources, this course has added value to my knowledge, specially with the infographic resume. Thank you so much for providing this course. It's a well-structured course and has clear goals.

By Keli J


Jun 11, 2017

I thought I'd enroll just in case there were tips I hadn't already thought of in prepping my resume...I not only perfected my resume, i learned so much more that i think will serve me well should i ever seek a promotion or apply for another job in my industry.