Jan 19, 2021
It was an interesting and informative, at a basis level, course. The information is easy to understand and the new gained knowledges tend to remain in your memory, due to short and interactive videos.
Jun 22, 2021
The course outline were very informative and direct. I am now very aware on my daily eating habits and what to look out for when selecting a dish that will serve to be healthy in mind, soul and body.
By Haphsa S – ح ا
•Nov 16, 2022
•Nov 2, 2022
•Sep 7, 2021
By Arjun P
•Oct 22, 2024
By Yai A
•Oct 20, 2022
By Thashu
•Sep 5, 2022
By Sudha S
•Aug 8, 2022
By Zrinka M
•Jun 2, 2022
By Hassan m h a
•Aug 29, 2021
By Georgina d l P R L
•Aug 21, 2019
By waguma G
•Nov 30, 2018
By Adarsh M
•Aug 23, 2018
By Genise W
•Jul 24, 2017
By Wonmee K
•Mar 16, 2017
By Yves F W
•Apr 22, 2016
By Gearip B
•Mar 30, 2016
By Om-Organic M
•Sep 10, 2020
I enjoyed course but being one who studied unique nutrition levels and likes ayuveda and chinese herbalism too, I felt there needed more focus on cleansing toxins through alkaline lemon water, and more focus on periodic cleanses. I could give a course on it. I have studied with world known PhD and my clients include obese, fatty liver, cancer and even underweight issues. I have destroyed cancer tumor the size of a quarter of one rectal cancer client by specific greens, like bok choy, collards and other ginger and more in centrifugal slow juicing and having him do daily wheatgrass enemas in very low amounts. In 8 days the MD stated 99% of the tumor was gone! I would like to support your school with adding to future courses. I would love to be an intern for Dr, she had a very pleasant tone, and I used to manage top global Triathletes and give workshops for USTA and 75% had great need for food alchemy and nutritional suppprtive living enzyme education. I trained biking by their side as they ate hot dogs till I began to guide them how damaging it is to the joints and tendons, heart and muscles to overstress the body athletically without plant based living pure foods. I have a deep passion for this professional level. I would love to learn how to work supportive to Standford. My Russian grandfather used to live across the street on Willow Rd and as a teen he always loved to make fresh plant based foods. This is our website and thank you for course.
By Amy O
•Jun 8, 2020
I was disappointed by this course. I felt that it was really too too basic. The total time spent for me was under three hours, and I really learned so much more from the books written by Michael Pollan (the person the class professor interviewed). If I could do it again I won't NOT pay to have a certificate. I had really hoped that the course would dive more into understanding more complex components of nutrition, like detecting specific harmful subtsances in processed food and really reading labels and understanding them. How to determine an ideal weight, simple techniques for reaching and maintaining that weight and how other things like blood type, heritage, situational prompts, emotions and other factors affect nutrition. Basically this course just stated that processed food should be avoided, your diet should consist mostly of plants and some protein and carbs, and gave a few recipes at the end. I won't recommend this one to others since one or two books provide a more in deppth study.
By Mohit D
•Apr 8, 2020
The course explained how determining optimized food intake is a complex process and though nutritionists may figure the role of each micro nutrient, a healthy eating habit would require to consume a variety of natural food sources. Therefore, in quite basic terms the course offers generic advice in a series of short videos on balancing food varieties, avoiding processed foods, etc. The course therefore simply reaffirms what has been generally known to the population about good eating habits while making a strong case for avoiding processed foods and switching to home based cooking focused on quality and quantity. Personally, I would have liked more scientific data, regional eating habits and their relation to obesity,etc, problems of adulteration, choosing foods based on local climatic conditions, etc. Nonetheless, it was a good course and I had fun. Looking forward to more!
By Surraine B
•Jan 30, 2016
Overall, I found this course to be a good refresher given my prior knowledge / skill base. I could see this course being very good for absolute beginners with little to no knowledge of nutritional concepts or cooking. I personally was looking for more advanced / in-depth information about nutritional science in order to better equip me to be a knowledgeable resource for my clients (with whom I primarily work around health / wellness related issues). Additionally, the cooking ideas / concepts were all practices that I already utilize in my own kitchen / feeding my own family. One section that I did find incredibly helpful was the discussion about the different types of fats.
As it stands, I would definitely recommend this course to a client, friend, or family member starting out at a beginner's level (like my fiance) or anyone who needs a refresher.
By Samantha O
•Jun 30, 2017
The first two weeks contained very basic information about nutrition which was educational and presented in an organized and helpful way. The second two weeks focused on building a "healthy" meal. The final week is a cooking course with recipes and cooking demos. The information in the last three weeks was organized well but did not seem to be based on varied resources and scientific studies but rather on the information Michael Pollan presents in his books. The class would have greatly benefited from a nutrition or medical professional who could give scientific insight.
Overall this course would be helpful for people with little to no knowledge of food or nutrition but does not explore the vast amount of research the covers how our bodies process and react to foods and how those foods can impact our health and major chronic diseases.
By Herb C
•Oct 31, 2019
I heard a lot of "party line" statements and few truly scientific references. There was the dumming down comment about what "average people can pronounce". Well for of all "average people say "prah sessed" not "PRO sessed". Second that's just stupid. What other people can or cannot pronounce has nothing to do with health. In fact, learning how to pronounce the ingredients and looking up what they are is far more helpful. THAT would help people to learn what's in their food and how manufacturers hide things in the food. I was disappointed with the lack scientific reference and the arrogance of certainty presented. It really felt like a long commercial put on by the "vegetable lobby". There were some good tips but they were overshadowed by the emphasis on the non-scientific ones.
By Emilia T
•Apr 13, 2020
the course has a great start and gives you intro about proteins carbs and fat at the scientific level, so you can understand how does it really work in your body and how does affect you. also, the good intro about trans fat and explanation about them was very good. and about processed food. But in the 3rd week of the course, the learning about food and health becomes very shallow and purely, almost you can find better explanations and studies on youtube channels. this is course ONLY for people who don't have any knowledge about food and overall health. if you have any knowledge about nutrition, vitamins, minerals and how their intake affects you and your metabolism, then skip it and find something that gives you more information and knowledge about your health.
By Rita M
•Sep 16, 2024
Sound information, but I found nothing new here. Am very familiar with Michael Pollan's excellent work so no criticism here, but I suppose I expected a more in depth analysis of nutrition from Stanford Uni rather than a few recipes and basic information that can be found anywhere on the internet if you have the least interest in the health sciences. I recently completed the "Introductory Human Physiology" course on Coursera, which conversely was extremely technical and difficult for the unversed to understand easily. I am no longer sure what I am going to get when I see the words "Introduction to..." so maybe that needs a bit of consideration. The intended audience for this course seemed to me to be someone totally ignorant of the benefit of nutritious eating.
By Marcia P
•Jan 30, 2016
To me , you were preaching to the choir. I have been trying to follow Pollan's ideas for years. I was hoping for new information, but for me it was a rehash of stuff I have heard ad infinite. this did not seem like a class. This seemed more like an advertisement for healthy eating with it constant music and sparse content. Certainly it did not have the rigorous content that would have been required in a college level credited class. It was certainly not as interesting nor as informative as the Berkeley class "edible education 101"
Still as an advertisement for good eating it was well done. If you found an audience out there somewhere who had not heard these messages, then you have succeeded and I applaud you for that.